Chapter Nine

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The whole family is gathered in the hospital corridor, the Mother has been crying since the moment she got here and the Father looks broken but he is trying to be strong for his family.

The Brother is holding his girlfriend and Sister who also have been shedding tears non stop, then there is Jack's Family who are also here to support their close friends they understand the gravity of the situation and its very heartbreaking.

Then there is Jack who looks like he has lost his mind, his hair is in disarray from him touching it too much , his grey eyes have lost all its color and he looks like he has just lost his soul. He keeps staring at nothing , he hasn't said a word the whole time they have been here he is even trying to be strong but everybody looking at him can see he is broken.

All of the sudden the doors to the surgery room open and the Doctors come out and one of them comes to the Family.

" The Miller Family"?he asks looking at all of them. " We managed to do everything we could and we hoped to give you good news that she is stable but as of right now she has slipped into a Coma and we do not know when or if she will ever be able to wake up, Am so sorry, we are putting her in a room right now to observe her during this time if there are going to be any changes.

The faces around looked heartbreaking. " is there anything that can be done? Anything?" Jack asked the doctor in the most absolute heartbreaking voice ever.
" there is only so much that could have been Done and we did it all and now we wait and hope that she is a fighter". The doctor replies.

Jack went back to sitting and had his face in his hands. the mother and father held each others hands and you could see they were praying silently for their daughter.

" The nurses have set up her room and when we get her settled you can come see her and please try to be positive and you can even try to speak to her and it might be one way of bringing her back to consciousness.
It might take weeks, months, years or she might never .. umm, anyway we will put her in room 117."
The doctor explains then goes away.



I cannot handle this much pain, This cannot be happening. When i got the call from Luca to rush to the hospital because Elle had met with an accident the shock i felt was unreal, i prayed to God to please let her survive i would do anything.

If they need me to donate anything in my body, blood transfusion i am ready to do it all but please God let her live so i can tell her how much i have loved her, Am i too late,?

When we got to the hospital we got to learn that the driver hit his head and had a concussion but he would be fine and the girl who was with her was also lucky enough she did not get any bad injuries and could even be dismissed to go home, Only Elle had suffered a bad hit and she had lost a lot of blood and she had also hit her head and it had caused an injury to the brain which had led to her falling into a coma.

Could the Lord be punishing me for taking my time with her for granted, for being afraid and now he is taking her away from me ,? I need her to live i don't know what am going to do but i need her to be alive, i know she is strong and she will wake up there is just no other way.

After waiting for them to put her in a room we were allowed to go in but not all of us at once so her parents went in first they had to, mrs Miller has been crying for too long she needed to see her daughter.

Then group after group of people went in and i just sat there, i did not even notice how much time went by with me just being anxious and sitting there until Luca patted my shoulder and then i got up and went into the room.

And on that bed slept my Elle the only thing keeping her alive were the machines attached to her and it pained me to the bone to see her in that state i would rather it be me than her.

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