Chapter Eight

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Yesterday had been rough but I understand why Elle would be mad at me for trying to stop her from dating Andrew, but it hurt me so bad seeing her with Andrew on a date, the jealousy that went through me was too much, andrew is a nice guy but Elle has always been mine and i cant let another man have her.

She took my heart from the moment i met her when i became friends with her Brother Luca but its not been easy just letting us be friends i have had girlfriends but its all been because i have always wanted to move on from her by getting on with other girls but i love this girl so much it hurts , she just thinks me her best friend and having to pretend to be just a best Friend is not enough ,
we are grown up now this is very childish, i am a man now i have everything i could want but one thing i need i don't have yet.

I love Her but i know she does not feel the same way about me, i even hide it from Luca i don't even know how he would feel about me having those kind of feelings for his Little sister.

So i planned to move on because its time for the next steps in my life, talking to Elena had been because i wanted someone to replace Elle in my heart, Elena is a good woman and if i could love her it would mean am capable of moving on from Elle.

I know she has been disappointed the last few months when i introduced Elena and her seeing that am not being her best friend made me feel bad but i have to see if i could work out with Elena and Love her.

But seeing her with Andrew made me realize i cant just move on and the last two months have been a waste because i do like Elena but i don't have that love for her and i need to talk to her soon before she gets hurt and can never forgive me.

Am going to swallow my pride and tell Elle how i feel but if she doesn't have it in her to like me back then that is going to destroy me, i also have to think about our friendship that could end too and Luca could hate me and also her family, so much to think about but i cant let Andrew take her from me.


Waking up after the drama between me and Jack i felt defeated, he did not want me like that but he does not also want me dating anyone, while he can get girlfriends when he wants to and his life goes on.

I get ready for work and when i get there I hope Andrew is busy today i really don't want to see him right away so when i learn that there is work to be done outside of town i volunteer to go so that i can get a breather.
They give me a driver so its me and another girl who works in my department who will go and represent on what we are trying to do.

We get ready and start off its a forty minute drive to get to the big city where we are supposed to have our meeting.

We arrive there and do what we are supposed to do during the whole day , its very crowdy in New york city i prefer our small town where its peaceful, We then get lunch after everything before starting our journey back.

Am sitting in the back of the car and going through the notes of what we talked about so that i will need to report to Luca tomorrow at work when all of a sudden our car is hit hard from the side and it all happens so fast the next minute i was fine then the next something hits us hard it knocks the breath out of me and everywhere feels so painful.

I feel myself about to black out and it's actually true your life actually does flash before your eyes when you feel like you are dying.

I see flashes of my whole life before my eyes in seconds it all hits me hard all at once, i never told Jack i loved him, will i go to heaven, my parents will hurt if i die, i never got married, i never had babies,i will never see my brother and best friend get married, i will die a virgin, will they cry for me and how long will it take them to move on after am gone and the last face i see in my head is Jack!
And the regret of everything i never got to do in my life. And then it felt like the end for me with that everything goes black.

 And then it felt like the end for me with that everything goes black

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