Chapter four

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I definitely felt my heart break in my chest and in the moment i have never felt such kind of Disappointment like i was feeling right then.

I should not be feeling this way its my own fault the guy does not even know of my feelings i cannot blame anyone but my self right now its me who had started liking him and with the way am feeling right now looks like i had actually fallen deep in love with him and that is why i was hurting this bad.

Its my own doing for putting my heart on the line when no one even asked that of me, he has never showed me he felt that kind of way for me so there is no one to blame but me.

The girl Elena is really beautiful and that does not help the matter at all, Claire who is standing next to me looks at me and she feels my sadness i almost felt like crying but i can't do it.

So i take a deep breath and smile a real genuine smile i should be happy for him its his life, he looks happy to be standing next to the girl and what is important is that my best-friend is happy, we are not getting any younger this should be the next steps in our lives its his birthday and he is getting older this might be what he needed, he almost already had everything i just wish it was me but i should be happy for him regardless.

" Am sorry babe, but You will be fine" Claire says to me and i just nod to her.

I look at him waiting for him to see me but he is avoiding me i guess he if feeling guilty for not telling me about her, but i am the host of the party so at-least he should introduce me to his girl friend after all am also his best friend.

Buy maybe he will find me later on and tell me about this girl or maybe not but he will have to talk to me either way so for now lets focus on the birthday celebration so people can be happy.

Even though am hurting i let everything go and i put on my fake smile and i get the party started.

So people welcome the girl and everybody is talking to Jack and some are talking to Elena as the night goes on, i get tired from talking to people so i go to sit on the sofa as i watch everything unfold, i see my brother Luca watching me as he is standing next to Jack i see his understanding eyes but i don't know what he know.

When the time to cut the cake comes i just look at everybody cause i really am not going to be the one to make this party continue on so Claire come to tell me to go bring the cake but all i feel right now is the need to go home so i can cry in my blankets in peace am not having it so i just sit there his girlfriend can do it.

So after the cake was presented and cut people get pieces and they all eat and drink and I realize if am careful no one will notice if i just go home,
i go in the kitchen to take my car keys and purse but because life has it bad for me i walk in a situation i did not really need to see tonight there in the kitchen is my best-friend Claire and my Brother Luca chest to chest kissing the life out of each other,

Am not really shocked because it was bound to happen they have had it for each other for so long it was even driving me crazy how they kept ignoring their love for each other, am happy for them it seems like everything is working out for everybody except me.

They stop when they hear somebody enter and Claire looks guilty but Luca has a smirk on his face as usual. So to make Claire's worries go away i match in and i hug her because am genuinely happy for her i even forget my own worries.

" Took you too long enough to get together", i say to them and smile.

" its all about patience dear sister", Luca says with his smug face on while Claire just keeps turning red.

" so i guess you will drop off my Claire here safely home?,
i am kind of running away right now unless you want to go with me Claire and leave your Prince Charming here alone"?
"She is staying", Luca answers.
" And i am sorry about Jack ," he says.
" i don't know what you are talking about," i lie to his face but i guess he knows something.

So i say goodbye to the two new love birds and i grab my stuff and leave through the back door i just need to get out of here.

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MY ONLY OTHER HALFTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon