Chapter one

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I wake up in my bed just like every other day but today I felt extra happy because i had a birthday dinner to plan, tomorrow was my brother's guy friend's Birthday and he also happens to be my best friend.

I went downstairs after getting myself ready feeling all happy and excited, my family was all there. we were a very close family there was me the middle child then my older brother Luca, then i also had my younger Sister Sam.

We all loved each other, we did almost everything together and we all loved going to church because God was important in our lives.

I had so many things to do today, i Finished college a few months back and there are many things i am planning for my life, i am to join the Family business which my Dad and brother runs.

My mom had other things she did for work and my sister Sam was only still in high school but as for me am so ready to start working so i can start having money that i worked for my self, Cheers to being independent queens.

We live in a small beautiful town outside of new York and i love it here my brother has his house next to my parents and he is very much single but he is also always busy with running the family business. For his next birthday i have to remember to buy him a dog because he has a big house with just him living in it.

Which leaves me and Sam who are still living at home which will not be long for me since i plan on moving to my own apartment that i have found just around the corner , in about two days time i will be moving in, i feel like i am grown up now 23 years is old enough, living on my own is the next step to my independence.

While we are eating together the door opens and my best friend Claire walks in looking as beautiful as ever she is so beautiful and she has her signature smile on as always but i notice her looking straight at my brother Luca today, did something happen? I think to myself and he also seems to be looking at her and only her.

i have always noticed how my best friend and brother look at each other and how they interact with each other and even though Claire has told me she does not like him i know they feel something for each other,
Even though my brother has always had girlfriends Claire has never had an official boyfriend which is the same for me, But I would be so happy if they got together.

She walks over to the breakfast table and she greats everybody cheerfully except when she greats Luca she looks away shyly as usual then she sits and we all have breakfast together.

After our breakfast Claire and i go to the Mall she is helping me get the birthday presents and stuff needed for the big day.

My guy best-friend is Jack, Jack has been around my family for the whole of my life , he is also my brother's best-friend and he has always been around ever since we were kids, we never got along well when we were young but when we were growing older we had become unseperable from each other, he is Two years my senior and he has everything going well for him he has a company that he runs with his brother and they make lots of money, he owns a big home for himself, he has everything the way i see it.

He is always with me when he has time away from work but he is out of town today which gives me enough time to get him stuff for his birthday tomorrow, i am so excited for him to add one more year i would do anything for him he is the best thing in my life, he is the closest thing i have had to being close to any man in my life apart from my brothers he is everything to me.

I had realized when i was sixteen and he was 18 how he had always made me feel happy and i was always looking forward to seeing him every single day, always wanting to be around him so it hit me that i had a big crush on him, i started dreaming about him all of a sudden, how could i not when he was always around at our house with my brother as well as his whole family and mine went to the same church, his family was well known in town because his Dad had been the mayor for almost fifteen years. So his family hosted a-lot of gatherings at their home which meant we were always around each other and so i developed Feeling for him, he was my dream guy.

I have had a crush on him since forever, Claire knows but i would never tell him how i feel am very much afraid of him rejection me because obviously he does not feel that way about me am sure he looks at me as his friends little sister then his best friend, it would break my heart if after all this time he was no longer in my life because i complicated our relationship so i would rather not tell him so i can have him around and not disturb anything. Well until he gets into a Serious relationship and i end up getting my heart broken.

Me and claire arrive at the mall and we look around for some guy stuff to buy him and get gift wrappings, cards and a big cake and some decorations, to top it all off i would also have to cook him his favorite food for the birthday dinner.
we finish up and then i drop Claire at her house then i go back home to wrap everything in gift boxes.

I arrive home and am surprised to actually see Jack's car in my brother's driveway, i did not think he was going to be back in town so soon but am happy i get to see him so i take everything for his birthday out of the car very quickly and i hide them in my room then i run over to Luca's house and i open the door i know exactly which room they are in as i am about to knock on the door of where they are in i hear something thats sounds interesting so i stop by the door and eavesdrop for a sec.

"I like her, She is a good person,and We have been talking for three months now", i hear Jack say to my Brother Luca.
" If you say so ", Luca says back.

Who has Jack been talking to?, i question in my head.

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