Twenty Four

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"Hey dearie." Landa said smiling.

"What are you doing here? It's really late now." Daciana said.

"I couldn't sleep." Landa replied. Daciana went to get a glass of water and sat beside her. Landa held her hands.

"My baby's all grown up." She said smiling. Her eyes were a little bit sad. "You're a great mother Ana." She continued. Daciana smiled at her and hugged her.

"And you're the greatest Mom." She said.

*Time skip to three weeks later*

"Alana!" Daciana yelled from up the stairs. She was running after Alana who had ran to the living room.

"I don't mwant(want) to go!" Alana yelled.

Daciana sighed as she stood behind a couch in the living room. Alana was standing at the other side of the same couch, facing her.

Daciana folded her arms and glared at Alana. Alana did the same.

"I mwant to shtay home!" (I want to stay home)
Alana yelled.

"Alright, you do that. Aiden and I are going to the pack house. You can stay here all by yourself." Daciana said and walked upstairs.

She walked slowly knowing Alana would change her mind.

"Okay!" Alana huffed and Daciana smiled victoriously.

She dressed the kids and put them in the car. Alex taught her how to drive the year before so she drove to the pack house.

When they arrived, Amina was very happy to have them. Her mate went out with Marco earlier and Brian and Drake were in a meeting with Alex leaving her bored alone.

Having Daciana and her grandkids visiting her did more than brighten her day.

Later she was cooking and Daciana came to join her. Alana was playing outside and Aiden was asleep in Alex's old room.

Amina and Daciana were too busy cooking that they had no idea when Alana went outside of the compound. She was chasing a butterfly and followed it all the way to a forest. She kept chasing the butterfly and crossed their pack's border.

She lost the butterfly and then she realized she was in a wild forest.

"Momma?" She called. She heard a wolf's growl and got scared. Meanwhile some rogues were roaming the forest and smelled a pup.

They ran towards Alana who was calling for her Mom.

'What a little surprise we've got here.' The leader of the rogues said through their mind link.

'We should probably kill her as revenge on Alpha Alexander for exiling us.' Another rogue said.

Alana sensing she was in trouble started running away while yelling for her Mom to come save her.

The rogues however were faster and stronger than her. It didn't take long till they surrounded her.

Little Alana wept and yelled for someone to save her. The leader of the rogues attempted to bite her but was knocked down by someone much stronger.

"Dada!" Alana yelled on seeing her Dad's wolf attacking the rogues' leader.

Some other wolfs appeared from the bushes and a fight broke out. Alana sniffled and scooted behind a tree.

Alex Pov

I was in a meeting with Brian and Drake at the pack house when I heard a car pull into the driveway.

I knew at once it was Daciana because she told me earlier on that she'd be coming with the kids. I was so busy right then so I decided to go see them later.

After what felt like hours, we finally rounded up the meeting and I went downstairs to see Daciana and our kids.

When I got downstairs I saw Mom and Daciana panicking and looking around the house.

"What's it?" I asked.

"Al, we can't find Lana." Daciana said and I growled. I sent out the pack's guards to search around the pack for Alana. While Drake, Brian and I transformed into our wolves and went into the forest, crossing our pack's border.

I didn't really care at this moment if I'd stepped on into some other pack's land. All I wanted was to find my daughter.

Deep into the forest I smelt rogues and then the faintest smell of my daughter. If I wasn't an Alpha, I probably wouldn't have smelt it.

I followed the smells till I saw my precious baby surrounded by a pack of shitty rogues.

One if them was about to bite her but I jumped on him, digging my fangs dip into his skin until I felt blood.

I threw him aside after making sure he was injured badly. I was going to give him a painful, slow and torturous death. I ran towards my daughter who was crying behind a tree.

I knew this incident was bound to affect her for a long time. I felt bad that she had to witness all this but I was glad she was safe now.

I nudged her to climb on my back which she did and told Brian, Drake and some other of the pack warriors who had come with us, through our mind link to bring the rogues to the pack's dungeon alive.

They were on seven of them so I trusted them to do it with ease.

When I got to the pack house, Daciana and Mom rushed to me. Daciana took Alana and cried in relief. I went in to change and came to the living room where they were.

Alana was asleep now and Daciana was cradling Aiden who was awake.

I walked towards them and kisses Daciana on her cheek. She looked really sad.

"Am sorry, Al. It's all my fault. I should have been more watchful of her, am so sorry." She said and broke into tears.

I sat beside her hugging her from the side, assuring her that none of it was her fault.

Those rogues were going to pay. I told Mom to watch over them and went to the pack's dungeon with was an underground building near the pack house.

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