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Alana had spilled the food on her white dress and Daciana was completely oblivious as she was still eating in the kitchen.

When Alex, Drake and Brian came in, they gasped at how messed up Alana looked.

"The birthday girl seems nonchalant about her looks." Brian joked as he went towards Alana.

"Hi little miss sassy." Drake said poking her cheeks. Alana smiled to reveal her cute dimples.

"What happened here miss?" Alex asked glaring at Alana.

"No pawsta." She said making Drake and Brian laugh.

Daciana who had finished her food walked into the dinning room and her eyes widened at the sight of her daughter.

"Alana!" She groaned and glared at Alex.

"What? Am equally mad you know." Alex said.

"How could you leave a two year old to eat pasta on her own?" Daciana asked and sighed. Brian and Drake were in the living room watching TV. Daciana took Alana upstairs to get her a change of clothes.

Alex went to join his friends in the living room.

Daciana changed Alana into a pink top and blue jeans. She then wore her a black hoodie as it was getting cold.

Alana picked up a face cap and sunglasses which Daciana found fashionable so she let her wear it. She smiled contented with her new look.

They went downstairs and everyone awed at Alana's new look

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They went downstairs and everyone awed at Alana's new look. The doorbell rang and Alana rushed towards the door.

She was too short to reach the door knob which made her cry in frustration. Daciana smiled and went to open the door.

"Hi Mom, Dad." She greeted Alex's parents.

"Gwama! Bapa!"(Grandma! Grandpa!) Alana yelled. Luke carried her and she giggled.

Amina hugged Daciana and placed her hand on her small baby bump.

"How's this guy doing?" Amina asked.

"All good Mom." Daciana said and took the gift bags from Amina and Luke.

Everyone was now in the living room conversing with each other. The doorbell rang again and Drake went to get it.

"Hey Shirley, Hi Ceaser." Drake greeted.

Shirley had found her mate Ceaser a year ago and they lived in Ceaser's pack which was the neighbouring pack.

It was an amazing story how they found each other. Shirley went with her mom to visit a friend in the neighbouring pack and Shirley bumped into Ceaser.

Daciana missed her best friend who now lives faraway from her.

"Hi brother, are we late?" Shirley asked and rushed inside.

"No sis." Alex said smiling.

"Hi." Ceaser greeted. He was very nervous around Alex which was funny cos he was a Beta. Alex just made him very nervous.

"Welcome bro." Alex said casually and took the gift bag he brought.

The party started with music and dancing. As usual, Amina was cooking for everyone and Shirley and Daciana helped her.

Daciana had earlier baked a cute cake with 'Sofia the first' design over the cake.

When everyone was eating, drinking and chatting, the doorbell rang.

Daciana went to get the door and smiled.

"Hi Marco." She said and hugged the man who had become a father figure in her life.

"How are you?" Marco said and handed her his gift bag.

"You're late Marco." Daciana complained.

"Am sorry, where's the birthday princess?" He asked looking around. They saw Alana running around giggling as Shirley was chasing her.

"She sure is having fun." Marco said and went to the others.

Soon it was time to cut the cake and Alana to blow out the two lit candles.

She blew out one and was struggling with putting off the other. Alex leaned down and blew it out.

She cut the cake in the middle with Daciana assisting her.

They took pictures before everyone started leaving. Brian and Drake stayed back to help them clean up.

Daciana took Alana upstairs and bath her before changing her into her pyjamas.

"Momma, I mwant to yotch sangle."(Momma, I want to watch Tangled.) Alana said.

"Alright baby, but don't you want to open up your gifts first?" Daciana asked.

"No! Sangle! Sangle!" Alana yelled.

"Alright, Alana can watch Tangled, Momma will open up all Alana's gifts." Daciana said and Alana frowned.

"No! It is for Ayana not Momma!" Alana yelled again.

"Then let's go open it." Daciana said glad she was able to convince her adamant daughter on opening the gifts.

They went downstairs to see Brian, Drake and Alex watching a football match. They were already done cleaning.

Daciana took Alana to the games room where they kept all the gifts.

From Amina, she had gotten a doll house, from Luke a coloring book and Crayons.

From Shirley a tea party set. From Ceaser a Barbie doll. From Brian a blue dress and sandals.

From Drake a doctor play set. From Luke a stuffed panda.

From Alex an iPad and from Daciana a Kitchen play set.

"Momma I yuove em!" (Momma I love them!) Alana said picking up the stuffed Panda and Barbie doll.

"I guess you've got new toys to your collection." Daciana said and carried her. "Time for bed." She said.

"No! no! sangle!" Alana cried. Daciana groaned, she thought distracting Alana with checking out her gifts will make her forget about wanting to watch Tangled, but she was wrong.

Wolf memory was sometimes a bad thing. She thought.

"Okay how about we go to bed and Momma tells you a story?" Daciana asked.

"Okay!" Alana said and Daciana sighed, relieved.

She took her upstairs to the nursery. The guys were still in the living room yelling over the television. Boys, she thought.

She placed Alana in the crib and sat on the stool beside the crib.  She picked up a random fairytale book and started reading it to her.

She planned to make the reading really boring so Alana could fall asleep faster.

Her plan worked because after two minutes, Alana was already sleeping.

"You've got way too much energy for a two year old." Daciana muttered as she put the blanket to properly cover Alana. She kissed her forehead before leaving the room.

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