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"Why didn't you tell me, Mom?" Daciana asked. They were both sitting in the living room. Alex was preparing drinks for them in the kitchen.

"If I did then it wouldn't be a surprise." Maria said and hugged her for the hundredth time since she arrived.

"You have no idea how much I've missed this." She said and Daciana chuckled. Maria was hugging her from the side because of her slightly huge baby bump. It was amazing how a three months old werewolf pregnancy looked like a seven months human pregnancy.

"Me too." She replied. Alex came in with their drinks.

The following days were wonderful. Alex's parents and sister met Maria and were really happy to have her.

Daciana wasn't bored with her mother around. She didn't mind Alex going out for pack business anymore.

Soon it was two weeks left for the baby to be born. It was June 3rd and the summer heat was just as Daciana loved it.

She was sitting in the garden with her mother. They were talking about random things. Maria went in to get them water as the heat was scorching.

Daciana felt a sharp pain shoot through her abdomen. She held her baby bump and winced slightly. She stood up with great difficulty and noticed her water broke.

"Oh my goodness pumpkin! Your water broke! I should call Alex." Maria who just returned with two bottles of water said and took out her phone to call Alex.

Alex arrived in a jiffy and they took Daciana to the hospital.

The others had also been informed and now they all swarmed outside the hospital room waiting eagerly.

Alex was inside holding Daciana's hand and assuring her she could do it.

After what felt like hours, the double doors opened and a few nurses walked out.

A nurse holding the baby who was wrapped in a white blanket walked out. Everyone rushed towards the baby and smile filled their faces.

The baby was really cute. She had Alex's hazel eyes and her parent's black hair. She was sleeping peacefully while everyone was cooing at her.

"We have to bathe her." The nurse announced and left much to everyone's demise.

Daciana was moved to a private room. She was tired after childbirth so she was sleeping peacefully.

Brian and Shirley went to buy food for everyone. Luke and Marco were outside settling the bills. Amina and Maria were watching over the baby who was sleeping in the hospital crib.

Alex was sitting beside Daciana's bed stroking her forehead while watching the women cooing at the sleeping baby.

Luke and Marco came in and announced they had to leave and Amina and Maria were coming with them.

They wanted to give the couple an alone time with their newborn.

Brian and Shirley came in with the food and were surprised that everyone was leaving now. They decided to eat the food at home.

After bidding Alex goodbye, they all left. Alex walked towards the crib and watched his daughter in admiration. She looked like her mother, as beautiful as her mother.

Daciana stirred in her sleep and slowly began to wake up. The baby had now started crying. Alex carried her and walked towards Daciana who sat up and smiled at the sight of her baby.

"Hi love." Alex said and kissed her forehead.

"Hi." Daciana greeted back smiling.

"Time to formally meet your daughter." He said and gave the baby to Daciana.

"She's so beautiful." Daciana said smiling down had the baby who had stopped crying and now looked at her curiously. "She's twice the size of a human newborn." Daciana added.

"Hmm. Our daughter still doesn't have a name yet." Alex said.

"How about Alana? It's a mixture of our name." Daciana said. Alex smiled.

"I love it. Hello there Alana." Alex said holding the baby's little fist.

Just then a nurse came in.

"Sorry to break the moment, Alpha, Luna, but I should prep the Luna on breastfeeding." The nurse said and they both nodded.

The nurse taught Daciana how to breastfeed and to burp the baby afterwards.

It was 2am and Alana started with her wailing fits. They had earlier gone back home as Daciana wasn't very comfortable in the hospital.

Daciana heard her baby's cry and stood up from the bed. They decided to have Alana's crib in their room till she was four months old.

"It's alright my Angel. Mommy's got you." Daciana said walking around the room. She was bottle feeding her.

Alex sat up on the bed watching them.

"You should take a break, I'll feed her." He said and walked towards her.

"It's alright. I can do it." Daciana insisted.

"Okay but when you get tired give her to me okay?" Alex said and Daciana nodded.

The next morning, Alex woke up first. He went down to the kitchen to prepare breakfast. Minutes later, Daciana came down with a sleeping Alana in her arms.

"Good morning love." She said and placed a kiss on his cheek.

"Morning baby. Hi there princess. How was your first night at home, hmm?" Alex said and kissed the sleeping baby.

"Our Moms are coming today. I don't think my Mom will be going to Paris anytime soon." Daciana said as she sat at the kitchen table.

Alex chuckled.

"I wonder what lie she told your aunt this time."

"My Aunt Marceline is a very easy person to fool and I feel bad we're lying to her." Daciana said sadly. Alana who had woken up seemed to notice her mom's expression cos she smiled at her.

"Awwn. This is the most beautiful sight. She has dimples, Hun!" Daciana said smiling and kissed Alana's cheek.

"Am proud she's our daughter. She's so beautiful." Alex said smiling. He was done cooking and was placing their food on the table.

He got the baby carrier and Daciana placed Alana in it so they could have their breakfast.

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