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Author's POV

Daciana couldn't believe her ears. She looked at Alex as if wanting confirmation of what Amina had said and he nodded smiling.

"We're both gonna be parents. Our little pup is already three weeks gone in your tummy." Alex said and rubbed her stomach.

Daciana felt tears stream down her face. She couldn't believe she was going to be a mother. She was going to bring a life to this world, have someone to devote her time to, someone to love and care for, someone to protect...

Alex hugged her and she stopped crying.

"Am so happy for you dearie. You'll be a wonderful mother and I know it." Amina said.

Everyone gave her their words of congratulations before Alex decided to take her home.

It was 7pm but Daciana wanted to go to bed already. She lay on her back scared of crushing her baby.

Alex lay beside her caressing her arms.

"What gender do you our baby to be?" He asked.

"The gender doesn't matter to me, I just want the baby to be healthy." Daciana replied running her hands down her stomach.

"We should call your mom." Alex said stroking her cheek.

"Yeah we should." Daciana replied and sat up. Alex also sat up. She reached for her phone on the bedside table and called her mom.

"Hi pumpkin." Maria said happy to be speaking with her daughter again.

"You know mom you can call me whenever." Daciana said.

"Am sorry pumpkin. Your Aunt Marceline always keeps me occupied. Can you believe am attending yoga classes now?" Maria said and laughed.

Daciana laughed along with her. She couldn't imagine a scene of her mom doing some yoga techniques. It was just hilarious.

"That's good for you mom. At least you'll be less busy and you'll be healthier." Daciana said.

"I know pumpkin. So is there an actual reason you called?"

"Yes mom, actually-"

"Hi Mom! It's your dear son!" Alex who had been listening to their conversation quietly suddenly chirped in and took the phone from Daciana.

"Alex, what are-"

"Oh hi Son. I've missed you." Maria said.

"Me too mom. So Mom I have a question for you."

"What's it?"

"Have you ever dreamed of having a grandchild?"

"What, yeah sometimes. Hold on. Is Daciana pregnant?!" Maria asked alarmed.

"Wow Mom, I was gonna surprise you but you beat me to it." Alex said chuckling.

"Oh my gosh! This is great news! My little baby is gonna have a baby of hers?! I can't believe this!" Maria said yelling.

She was jumping around where she was until she realized Marceline might hear her so she brought her voice down.

"Pumpkin, am so happy for you." She said. Daciana smiled.

"Thank you mom."

"I should be there when the baby's born don't you think?" Maria said. It was more of a statement than a question.

"But Mom, you'll only be around werewolves, wouldn't that be overwhelming for you?" Daciana asked.

"Oh please, I raised a werewolf myself so why would I be overwhelmed?" Amina asked.

"You should come mom, I'll pick you myself from the airport." Alex chirped in.

"Alright son." Maria said and they bid each other goodbye before ending the call.

"I can't wait for our baby to be born." Alex said smiling.

"Me too." Daciana replied.

The next three months went by smoothly. Daciana and Shirley decided to stop training until the baby was born.

Amina continued her teachings about the responsibilities of a Luna and also taught Daciana somethings about early motherhood.

Daciana learnt the childbirth of a werewolf was very different from that of a human. It took just five months for a pup to be born.

On several occasions, Brian and Shirley will stop by Alex's house to give Daciana baby gifts.

Daciana stayed in the house all day with Gina and Sarah keeping her company sometimes.

It was two months left for the baby to be born. Alex and Daciana decided to check the gender of the baby.

"Are you nervous?" Daciana asked Alex who looked nervous. They were in the ultrasound room. The female doctor was rubbing some liquid on Daciana's enlarged stomach.

"No." Alex denied. Daciana smiled at him and looked at the screen beside her.

"Can you see this?" The doctor asked pointing at the screen. "That's the baby right there." She said and smiled.

Daciana felt her heart warming at the sight of the baby who was all black and white.

"Is it a boy or girl?" Alex asked.

The doctor who was still examining the screen smiled and looked up at him.

"It's a girl. You're having a daughter, Alpha, Luna." She said looking at both of them.

Alex and Daciana looked at each other smiling.

"We're having a little princess." Alex said and hugged her.

They both went shopping for some baby things.

Alex had picked out all the baby clothes he found cute and he found them all cute so he picked them all. He picked a lot of toys which the baby won't be able to play with in months.

Daciana wanted to complain but she knew it was useless doing so, so she just let him do as he wished.

They paid for the things and went home. Alex got a phone call and insisted he had to go.

"But we just got back." Daciana complained not wanting him to go.

"I'll be back soon baby." Alex said and ran out. Daciana slumped onto the couch feeling annoyed.

She sure it wasn't her pregnancy hormones making her feel this way now. She didn't like how her mate had to leave her all the time for pack work.

She decided to go through the things they bought for their daughter and looking at all the cute things immediately lifted her mood.

She took the things to the nursery which only had a white crib and a baby wardrobe. She decided she was going to have this room painted pink.

She was placing the new clothes in the wardrobe when she heard the doorbell chime.

She strode towards the door expecting to see Brian and Shirley or Sarah and Gina but saw Alex standing outside with a smile.

"You're back." She said happy he was back early.

"Hmm, I brought someone too." Alex replied and Maria came out from her hiding giggling.


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