Twenty Three

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Author's POV

Daciana listened to all what her parents told her and couldn't believe it. All these years she had thought they had just abandoned her because they didn't want her again.

Hearing all what they said made her feel sad, guilty and happy at the same time. Most of all she felt grateful that they didn't just abandon her, that they were only trying to protect her.

"Thank you." She said and Derrick smiled while Landa pulled her into a hug. She hugged her mother crying.

"Thank you Mum and Dad for protecting me. Am sorry I only hated you all this while when you were only protecting me." She said amidst tears.

"It's alright baby. You had all right to hate us back then." Landa said patting her back gently.

Derrick joined in the hug. Daciana stopped crying and they stayed in that position for a while before the door opened and Alex, Phil and Lucas came in.

"Did we interrupt something?" Phil said smiling as the trio disengaged from the hug.

Landa smiled and motioned for Lucas to come closer which he did. Alex was already by Daciana's side ensuring she was okay.

"Lucas remember your big sister, Daciana?" Landa asked Lucas who was now standing beside her.

"A little Mum." Lucas replied, embarrassed. He looked really shy and refused to look Daciana in the eye.

Phil who later remembered Daciana went to give her a hug which she returned happily.

An hour ago she wanted nothing to do with him or anyone from this pack but now she just wanted to hug everyone and make up for all the lost time.

They all went back to the party leaving Daciana and Landa in the room as Daciana still needed rest.

Landa asked Daciana about how she had been all this while and Daciana told her about Maria and how she knew about her secret but still took care of her.

She told her about how she met Brian and then her mate. By the end of her story, Landa was already in tears.

"Am sorry I was never there for you." She said and Daciana hugged her.

"What's more important is you're here now with me." She said.

They talked for some more time before everyone came in announcing the party was over.

Phil asked them to stay the night as it was getting really late.

Daciana was moved to her old room which was still the same. Nothing was changed, all her things from her childhood were still there.

Daciana felt her heart warming at the thought of her childhood memories from this place.

She slept there with Alex and Alana while Brian and Drake slept in a guest room.

The next morning they bid everyone goodbye, promising to visit sometime.

Landa was in tears as she hugged her daughter goodbye.

This time around Brian was driving with Drake on the passenger seat beside him.

Alex was at the back with Daciana and Alana.

The drive home was mostly quite. Drake was busy with his phone and headphones.

Daciana slept through the entire journey while Alex was babysitting Alana who was either crying for food or wanting to get down from the vehicle and if she wasn't doing any of that  she would be sleeping.

They reached their pack soon. Amina, Luke and Marco welcomed them and they all had lunch at the pack house.

Later Alex, Brian and Drake went out for a run. Marco and Luke were playing with Alana who made the old men chase her around the house.

Amina was giving Daciana a shoulder massage as she looked really pale. Daciana told her she met her parents and Amina was happy for her. She was happy for the fact that she forgave them.

Later Alex and the others returned. Daciana needed rest so they went home.

Alex led Daciana to their room and she slept off the minute she lay on the bed.

Alex went to give Alana a bath as she was sweaty from running around back at the pack house.

Time skip to one month later

Alana was running around the backyard with Shirley and Drake chasing after her. She wore only panties and no slippers on.

Shirley held a dress while Drake held a pair of white sandals.

"Alana! You're going to get late for your own baby brother's welcoming party!" Shirley yelled as she ran after Alana who was giggling.

"How is she so fast?" Drake who was behind her asked.

Meanwhile Alex and Daciana were inside the house talking to their guests. Their son had been born two days ago and they were throwing a welcoming party for him.

They invited Alex's parents and his sister and her mate. Maria also came, Marco and Brian were there too.

Sarah and Gina were invited and even Daciana's parents and brother were invited. Phil and his Luna were invited but couldn't make it because they had to watch over their baby who was ill.

Phil sent his first daughter Elizabeth and Angela to go in place of him. Brian was without a doubt happy to see his mate again.

He talked to her on the phone every day and Angela had started liking him. He couldn't wait to see the look of disbelief on her face when she finds out they are mates.

The large living room where the party was been held was full of life. Joy was evident in everyone's faces as they laughed and talked among themselves.

Alana ran into the living room with Shirley and Drake closely behind her. They had somehow managed to catch the kid and put her clothes and sandals on her.

Daciana and Alex had been busy with the baby and the preparations for the party so they had Shirley and Drake babysit Alana which obviously was a disaster as the guests had all arrived and Alana was still running around half naked.

The baby was named Aiden by Alana which Alex and Daciana found very cute.

After the party, Brian and Drake stayed behind to help clean as usual. Elizabeth, Angela and Daciana's parents, Maria and Lucas were given guest rooms to stay for the night. They'll be travelling back the next morning.

Daciana had put both her kids to sleep and went downstairs to get a glass of water.

Brian and Drake already went back to the pack house.

"Mum." Daciana said on seeing Landa at the kitchen table.

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