Mad As A Hatter

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Chapter 14

Jasper P.O.V

The first thing I heard was an alarm clock beeping. Someone switched a light on, I closed my eyes tighter. I didn't want to get up, I didn't want this day to come. I wished it was a dream, that I was dreaming I was about to have to wake up. Today was sure to be the worst day of my life,

"Jasper?" Alice whispered, I felt her shake me, "Jazz, it's time to get up," she said it a bit louder now, the shaking was stronger. I sighed and opened my eyes. It was lovely to wake up to Alice every morning, no matter how early it was,

"Mornin'" I whispered, my accent stronger than usual, Alice smiled widely,

"Come on sleepy head, get dressed we need to leave in half an hour. I nodded and got out of the warm bed, I heard Alice get clothes out of her wardrobe and she ran past me to get to the bathroom. I smiled whilst I changed into my clothes, when Alice came back out I went in and brushed my teeth. My hair was a complete mess so I just left it,

"I love how curly your hair is," Alice said as she pulled her fingers through my mane, I chuckled,

"Thanks," I wrapped my arms around her and finally got the kiss I had missed out on yesterday. It was a soft warm kiss, it lasted a few seconds but it felt like hours. I noticed how our lips moulded together, like they were meant to go together, meant to be,

"Come on Ali, I am sure Esme has created something amazing for breakfast." I pulled her out of the bedroom and we walked hand in hand to breakfast. We feasted on scrambled eggs and toast, Esme had to go and make more because Emmett ate most of the first portion she left out. Rosalie looked pale and withdrawn today, she didn't meet my gaze, like she was avoiding me reading her expression properly. There was no time after breakfast to do anything, much to Emmett's upset. Thankfully Rosalie was riding with him and I wouldn't have to listen to him moaning about not getting to watch his programme. Alice rode with me in my car, the drive was silent. She looked at me the whole time and I kept glancing at her, she was concerned, I could feel it. Every now and then she would touch my hand on the gear stick, like she was comforting me. I couldn't help but think she was getting suspicious, and I couldn't blame her. Not only was I hiding my home life from her, I was also hiding the fact that I was going to find out what Jessica Stanley had attacked her. She would probably hate me when she found out I was doing all of this behind her back. I found myself hoping she would hate me, so that she would be safe, but I was too selfish to let it happen. I knew she would forgive me. When we arrived at school we met up with Emmett and Rose. They were holding hand, I felt sad, I had missed Rosalie and Emmett's relationship change because I was so wrapped up in myself,

"Aw look Jazz," Alice giggled, "Emmett and Rosie, sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G," she burst into fits of laugher, I chuckled along with her,

"You are such a child Alice," Emmett said, Alice shrugged,

"Well I am the youngest," She said through laughs, Rosalie smiled broadly, I was glad to finally see her happy,

"So I think I will drop Rosalie home," Emmett began, I cut him off,

"No Emmett I will drive Rose home, you take Alice." I looked him straight in the eye willing him to understand. It was too dangerous for Rosalie to go home without me, goodness knows what would happen. He seemed to understand because he nodded. Alice was about to complain when the bell rang. We ran to class.

Emmett text me first period, requesting a meeting. We agreed to get out of class second period to talk. I told Mr Powell halfway through English that I was going to the toilet. He nodded and I left, Alice was looking at me suspiciously as I left but I quickly avoided her gaze. Emmett was leaning against my locker when I rounded the corner. I nodded in acknowledgment at him, and walked to join him he immediately started talking,

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