Meeting Matthew

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Chapter 2

Jasper POV

I walked slowly towards my car, my first day at Forks High School officially over. I was quite happy I had survived a whole day but I was also sad, I would have to wait until tomorrow to see Alice again. Alice was amazing. She sat with me in every class as she had promised me. I was really sad, hearing everyone laughing at her. I felt strangely protective of Alice and stuck up for her when people were being mean. At lunch she dragged me excitingly over to a table and shoved me to sit down. She sat beside me holding my hand tightly. It made me arm tingle. She introduced me to everyone, her adopted brother Edward sat with his girlfriend Bella. He was very handsome with tousled, bronze colored hair and piercing green eyes. I felt him scrutinize me, I felt awkward but I knew I would do the same for my sister. His girlfriend, who was named Isabella but told me to call her Bella, was beautiful. She was very pale, like Alice and her family, with long brown hair and chocolate brown eyes. She smiled reassuringly at me, obviously trying to make me feel less awkward under the glare of Edward. Alice's other brother, Emmett, whom I had already met, sat beside Rosalie. I was shocked to see his arm around Rosalie. I made a mental note to ask Rosalie what was going on after school,

"Jasper, where have you been?" I heard Rose shout as I arrived at the car. She was leaning impatiently against the car, tapping her foot on the ground,

"Sorry Rose, I was handing my forms into the office." I lied. I had actually been walking very slow and thinking about Alice,

"Hurry up Jasper! We have to find somewhere for us to buy him more beer!" Rose was hysterical now, visibly shaking at the mere thought of him,

"Sorry, come on we'll go now." I said as calmly as possible. I opened the car and jumped inside. Turning the engine on,

"Where will we go?" She asked, panic in her eyes. I hadn't thought about buying beer for him. It usually wasn't a problem we went to dodgy places and showed our fake IDs, but now we were in such a small town it would be difficult,

"I saw a dodgy looking place in town. Have you got you ID with you?" I asked driving fast. I didn't want to get home late and face his anger,

"Fuck!" she said, raking around her bag franticly, "I left it at home! What will we do we can't go home, he'll be mad!" she was in tears now,

"Calm down Rose! I have mine. Its fine, I will get the beer." She nodded, calming down slightly,

"Don't get glass bottles Jazz, he makes a mess."

"I won't. I will be right back, sit in the car." I said parking and getting out of the car. I closed my door and locked Rose inside, the area looked too dodgy for her to sit in the car alone with the doors unlocked. She nodded at me and I ran into the shop. It was clear that I would be able to buy beer without a fuss. I bought a 24 pack of Coors. The guy behind the desk didn't even ask for ID, I made a mental note to come here all the time. I ran over to the car and drove quickly back home.

I opened the door quietly and ushered Rosalie inside. I closed the door silently and locked it behind me. Rose had ran into the kitchen and I followed her, putting the beer inside the fridge,

"Jasper, Rosalie! Get in here NOW." I heard him scream. I looked over at Rose she was shaking. I gave her a quick hug, grabbed her hand and ran into the living room. He was sitting on the couch watching TV,

"Yes Matthew?" I asked him quietly, he turned around to face us,

"Where have you two been? School finished 15 minutes ago! I am starving!" He glared a Rosalie. I instinctively stood slightly in front of her,

"Sorry Matthew, it's my fault. I didn't buy enough beer yesterday and I had to go and get some more. Rose came in my car today so I had to take her with me." I said firmly. Rose squeezed my hand,

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