A Secret Shared

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Chapter 9

Jasper POV

I sped along the road. So many thoughts running through my head, Where was she? Somewhere where there is trees and water. That was no help. Living in Forks, there is trees and water all around. I wasn't going to find her quickly. I needed to calm down before I caused an accident with my speeding. Getting a ticket would not help this situation. I slowed down and pulled over to the side of the road. Where are you Rose? I thought. I banged my fist angrily against the steering wheel. I should have known. I should have been there. I should have been able to help her. She must be so frightened. Poor Rosalie, she was only just starting to be happy. If she ever got out of this she would return to the empty shell she was, a fragile soul. Damn Matthew for ever harming her. If only mom was still alive, this would probably have never happened. I sighed loudly, how could I find her? I sat motionless in my car for a few seconds thinking. I could involve someone. Not Alice, no, I would never have her be any part of this. Edward? No Edward would insist on involving the authorities. Bella, well she is a terrible liar. She would probably end up being found out by Edward who would then involve the police. Who else could help? And then it clicked, almost like a light bulb above my head suddenly was turned on. Emmett. Yes, he would help. He loves Rosalie. He would do anything to make her happy and safe. And he wouldn't blab. I pulled my phone out of my pocket hastily and called him. After three rings he answered,

"Jazz any news?" Emmett's voice boomed,

"Em I need to talk to you," I said in a defeated tone,

"What's wrong Jazz? Is she okay?" He asked,

"Just meet me Emmett." I begged,


"The diner," I answered,

"Be there in a few." Emmett hung up. I suppose I thought I would feel like a weight had been lifted from my shoulders. But I didn't. It wasn't like they say in books and movies. Have I made a mistake in deciding to tell Emmett? I didn't have time to contemplate; I turned to engine on, did a u-turn and drove as quickly as I could, without speeding, to the diner.

"What do you want to tell me?" Emmett asked biting into a chocolate muffin,

"Listen Em, before I begin, I want you to promise me something. Promise me you won't tell anyone else what I tell you." I said seriously,

"I promise Jazz, just tell me." Emmett looked straight into my eyes. I know he was telling to truth,

"Okay well. I don't want to waste time, Rose is in danger." I began,

"Danger? From what?" Emmett asked angrily,

"Danger from. Danger from," I struggled to get it out, "Danger from...Matthew. Her dad, my step-dad," I said quietly,

"What do you mean?" Emmett's eyebrows creased in confusion,

"He beats us. He's done it for a long time." I said wearily. I didn't want to relive the past, but I knew I had to. Emmett had to understand,

"WHAT!" He shouted. People in the diner looked at him strangely. He turned around to look at them and they looked away. Emmett leaned in closer, "Why?" He asked in a softer tone,

"Well, two reasons. You see when Rose was one he walked out on my mom. And then she met my dad and then she got pregnant with me. My dad left and then Matthew came back. But when Rose was 10 and I was 9, my dad came back. He murdered my mom." I paused to take a breath. Talking about my mom was uncomfortable for me, "Matthew blames me for it. That's one reason. The other is because Rosalie and I resemble our mother so much, we remind him of her every time he looks at us." And then it happened. It felt like that awful weight above my shoulders, was lifted. Not entirely, but quite a bit. I looked at Emmett, nervous at his silence. I saw a tear run down his cheek,

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