The Wrath of Matthew

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Chapter 4

Jasper POV

I parked my car in the driveway and opened the trunk to my car. I lifted out one pack of beers and began walking slowly to the house. Part of me didn't want to go in, I wanted to run and hide but the other part of me knew that I wanted to stay and help Rosalie. I had to help her, and one day we would both be out of this hell. I pushed the handle down on the door, and to my surprise the door was locked. Instantly I felt worried, the only time the door is locked is when I lock it before bed. Something wasn't right. I tried the handle again, hoping that my imagination was playing tricks on me but it was, most definitely, locked. I heard screaming inside and I dropped the beer on the porch. I pulled my key out of my pocket and quickly unlocked the door. I ran inside,

"Rose? Rosalie! Where are you?" I shouted at the top of my voice, checking all the rooms downstairs,

"JASPER!" I heard Rosalie scream. She was upstairs. I ran as fast as I could, tripping over my own feet on the way,

"I am coming Rose!" I shouted as I ran to her room. I opened the door quickly and the sight of what I saw made me feel sick. Rosalie was lying on her bed, naked, with her wrists tied to the bed. Matthew was in his boxers scratching and slapping Rosalie everywhere. I suddenly felt anger course through my veins,

"WHAT. ARE. YOU. DOING. TO. MY SISTER." I said sternly through gritted teeth,

"Oh hello Jasper, why don't you come over here and help me teach Rose a lesson?" Matthew laughed vilely,

"Get away from her you pervert!" I yelled, Rosalie whimpered,

"What did you call me?" He asked me, he was obviously very annoyed now,

"You heard me, pervert." I spat. Anger flashed across his face as he slowly stood away from Rosalie and approached me,

"Go on Matthew, give me you're worst. Does it make you feel good? Hurting innocent children? You can't blame us forever." I tensed, ready to protect myself and Rose. I knew it wouldn't help, I was a useless fighter. But I had to try,

"Jasper, stop it! Run Jasper!" Rosalie begged me through sobs,

"I am sorry Rose, but I have had enough. I need to save you." I whispered to her. I desperately wanted to run over to her, untie her hands let her get changed and comfort her,

"Jasper please," She whispered back. I shook my head solemnly at her and looked at Matthew,

"Well Jazzy boy, show me what you got." He smirked. At that point I let all the anger locked inside me surge through my body. I thought back to the many times he hit me and Rosalie. Every little thing he did or said, all the trips to the hospital in the middle of the night, no more. I pounced on him furiously scratching and punching him as hard as I could. He fell back slightly but punched me in the stomach. I flew back into the wall in pain. He punched my bruise from the last time and it hurt terribly. I winced as I tried to stand up but he simply kicked me back down. He repeatedly punched and kicked me until I felt myself getting light-headed. He bent down to my level and I balled myself up into a ball,

"You are nothing Jasper Whitlock," He said to my name disgustedly and he spat in my face. I closed my eyes. I wished that I was stronger, faster so I could help Rose. So I could protect her the way I should but I knew I wasn't, "I am going away for a few days. One of the guys is having a bachelor party in Vegas and I am going there. You better get you're act together by the time I get back. I'll be back on Monday. No funny business." He laughed loudly as he turned to look at Rose. She whimpered as he walked over to her. He ran his hand up her body and then violently slapped her hard across the face. I balled my hands up into fists,

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