Evil has Returned

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Chapter 8

Jasper POV

I opened the door and silently entered the dimly lit house. It was quiet, too quiet. I didn't see Matthew's car outside. Perhaps he was late or had gone out? Something didn't feel quite right. Something was wrong, but what? I closed the door,

"Rose?" I called out. No reply. I walked swiftly into the kitchen, but she wasn't there. I checked the cloak room and then made my way upstairs,

"Rosalie!" I shouted louder this time, the panic evident in my voice. There was still no reply. I frantically checked her room. Her wardrobe and under her bed I looked in my room and Matthews. She wasn't anywhere. I looked in the bathroom but she wasn't there either. Where could she be? I stood in the hallway searching my thoughts, she didn't mention going anywhere. Her car was still in the driveway, unless she was collected. I ran back downstairs and smelt burning. Then I went to the kitchen and noticed some smoke coming out of the oven. I bent down and coughed at the black smoke rising to the air. I grabbed the oven gloves and pulled out what looked liked the charcoaled remains of a roast chicken. I shoved it in the sink and opened the windows wide to let some air in. Where was Rosalie? And why was Matthew not back yet? I sat down at the breakfast bar. Maybe Rosalie had gone out with Bella? I pulled my cell phone out of my pocket and quickly scrolled down my contacts list until I found Rosalie's number. I pressed call and listened to the ringing. After what seemed like forever the answer machine came on,

"Hello, this is Rosalie. I'm sorry I missed you're call but leave a message. If you're lucky I might call back." It said. I waited for the beep,

"Rose. It's Jazz. Where are you sis? I'm worried. Call back as soon as you can. Love you." I said gently. I flipped my phone shut and let out a long sigh. This was very unlike Rosalie. She didn't even leave a note. I decided to call Bella, maybe she knew where she was? I found Bella's number and pressed call. It rang three times before she picked up,

"Hello?" She said,

"Hi Bella its Jasper,"

Oh, hi Jasper. What's up?" she asked,

"I was just wondering if Rosalie was with you." I said in a hopeful tone,

"No she's not Jasper. Sorry. Did she not come home?" She asked, concern edging into her tone,

"Yes I think she did. But she's not here now."

"Oh well maybe she's out shopping with Alice?" She suggested,

"Yeh, maybe, I'll call Alice." I said quietly. I knew that this was practically impossible. I had dropped Alice off at home. She would have told me if she was meeting Rosalie and I would have gotten home before Alice would get here,

"Ok, if you need any help just ask." She offered,

"I will. Bye Bella."

"Bye Jasper." I hung up. I called Alice straight after,

"Hello?" Alice's high voice asked,

"Hey Alice, it's Jazz."

"Hey, what's up?" I smiled at her enthusiasm,

"I was wondering if Rosalie is with you." I asked hopefully,

"No she isn't." She said sadly,

"Oh that's ok. She's probably gone to get milk or something." I tried to lighten my tone. No point in worrying Alice,

"Yeh I'm sure she has. But call me if you can't find her."

"Don't worry, I will call you." I smiled,

"I better go, my mom's calling me." Alice sighed,

"Okay, bye Alice." I said sadly,

"Bye Jazz." She replied. I hung up. Think, Jasper Think, Rosalie is somewhere. Where could she be? I thought carefully, maybe she mentioned something this morning. I was coming up blank. I called Edward, but he didn't know where Rose was either. He suggested calling Emmett. So in a last ditch attempt I found his number and called,

"Jazz man, what can I do for you?" The ever cheerful voice of Emmett boomed now the phone,

"I was wondering if Rose is with you?" I asked in a monotone. I was losing all hope and beginning to think the worst,

"No, she's not. Is she okay? Did she not come home? Is her car missing?" Emmett asked frantically in a concerned tone,

"I don't know if she's okay. I think she came home, the dinner was in the oven and her car is still here. I'm sure she's maybe gone a walk or something and got distracted."
I'm coming over." Emmett said grittily,

"No Emmett. Stay. I think I know where she is, sometimes she goes to this lake we found to clear her head. I'll call you when I get her." I hung up before he cold even reply. I didn't really know where she is, and as for the lake I was referring to mine and Alice's favourite place. Rosalie was missing and I was clutching straws. I tried repeatedly to call her, but her answer machine kept coming on. I was getting freaked out. I didn't want to involve the police, for some strange reason I felt like they shouldn't be involved. And then I caved. I scrolled down my contacts list and pressed call,

"Hello?" I asked down the phone. A loud, evil laugh replied,

"Rosalie?" I shouted. I listened intently, straining my ears. I heard a muffled scream down the receiver, "Matthew? What are you doing with her?" I screamed,

"Don't worry Jasper. She's fine. I took her to see some friends, but they weren't pleased so now you're beloved sister and I are going for a drive." He laughed wickedly,

"Let me speak to her." I insisted,

"Okay." He sneered. I heard a rip and Rosalie scream,

"J-J-Jasper?" She stuttered,

"Rose! Are you okay? Where are you?"

"Help me Jazz, please!" She begged,

"Where are you?" I asked again, a tear escaping my eye,

"I don't know. There are trees, lots of trees. And, water, and..." she was cut off by Matthew cursing at her,

"Rose?" I asked,

"You can't protect her now." He said darkly and then he hung up. I sat shocked for a couple of seconds before grabbing my keys and heading to my car. I would always protect her.

A/N: Here's the update! A little short I know, but I wanted to get something out soon. I am so sorry for not updating in ages, I have been so busy! I hope to update like twice a week now and the chapters will be longer, I promise! So what did you think? What is Matthew up to? And where is he taking Rose? What is he going to do with her? And will Jasper save her? I admit this isn't one of my best chapters, sorry. Please review! Thanks to all my readers including LucyAlyce and Juniper294. Love you all! And questions, just pm me or ask in review!

Love, KatKalamity

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