Sozin's Comet, Part 4: Avatar Aang and Avatar Suzume

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Our protective earth shield is blasted with massive streams of fire, the heat inside the rock already reaching the temperatures of that within a furnace. Both of us were sweating gallons as a result of it and still, Aang was straining hard to hold the rock shield in place, though I knew he couldn't hold it in place for much longer. 

"Come on out, Avatars! Both of you can't hide in there forever! Don't be cowards like your people were!" Ozai taunted.

I growled at this, closing my eyes and sensing vibrations from the ground, I identify where Ozai's feet were. I shift the ground beneath him, earthbending a rock pillar in front of him and knocking him back from us.

"Let's get out of here!" I knock the shield of rocks apart, bearing down on Ozai and shooting streams of fire at him with my hands while he was down. Aang joins in beside me, earthbending the rocks from our earth shield at Ozai. 

Ozai roars from the ground, breathing out fire so hot it disintegrated the rocks Aang flung at him and met the streams of fire from my hands equally. Aang assists me from behind, adding to the stream of fire with his palms as well. Our flames slowly begin to overpower his and realising this, Ozai roars even louder, this time using his palms to shoot out streams of fire, adding to the stream of fire he was already breathing out with his mouth.

I feel every sinew of my body straining to match Ozai's fire and unleashing a cry of rage, I breathe out flames with my mouth, Aang doing the same beside me. Our flames now matched Ozai's equally strength for strength, beginning to overpower it slightly until both of us began to tire, Ozai's flames slowly beginning to overpower ours. He smirks at us knowingly, increasing the strength of his flames. 

"No!" I quickly release the grip of my flames knowing that we were fighting a losing battle, creating an air shield to protect both of us from his flames. Aang stops with the firebending as well, adding more air to the air shield to repel his flames. 

Ozai slowly presses forward, forcing us all the way back to a rock pillar, his flames now getting dangerously close to us. 

"Nowhere to run now, little kids," Ozai laughed. "Say goodbye to the world forever!"

We were now backed up against the rock pillar behind us completely, Ozai's flames threatening to overrun our air shield now. Aang and I exchanged worried glances and out of the blue, we both felt a sharp pain in our backs. 

I saw myself on the purple path that led to my gigantic self again, stepping into it immediately and reconnecting with my Avatar Spirit once again. A familiar sense of ancient and immense power began surging and coursing through my veins again, my understanding of bending and its techniques complete again. All the memories of my past began flooding back into my mind, giving me a clear sense of identity and extinguishing the internal conflicts I've had over it. 'I am Suzume of the Water Tribe, the Air Nation, the Earth Nation and the Fire Nation. I belong to the world and just as I belong to the world, it is my duty, no, it is my destiny to restore balance. And this time, after everything I've been through in my past lives and my current life, I will not fail for I am balance and balance, is now me.' 

I open my eyes, beginning to feel them glow a vibrant glow and the rest of my body thrums in power. I glance beside me, seeing that Aang's eyes and tattoos were glowing as well. 

Seeing that we were now buried under rubble, both of us nod to one another, sensing Ozai's approaching footsteps.

"Come on out, little kids," Ozai taunted. "Both of you are about to be..." I emerge from the rubble, tugging on Ozai's goatee. Ozai looks surprised at first but glares at me, creating a firebending arc with one of his hands but Aang appears beside me, knocking his hand away. Releasing his goatee, I send a powerful blast of air at him, sending him crashing into a rock pillar behind him. 

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