The Avatar State

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Settling down on my bed on the ship, I instantly fall asleep, grateful that I could finally get some well-deserved sleep. For a while, peace reigned supreme until I hear thunder crackling again and I see the tempestuous waves of the ocean. I'm in the ocean again, speeding off towards a drowning Aang, reaching out for him and seeing his eyes glowing once again, slamming his fists together and encasing us both in a gigantic ball of ice. Then everything suddenly changes again, I was now in an earthbending arena, seeing a furious version of myself, my eyes aglow as I leapt into the arena, splitting the arena in half and sending King Bumi into the walls of the arena with my airbending. She turns to look at me, glaring at me as she sends an air slash at me, sending me into yet another incident. This time, I was in Roku's temple and I see myself earthbending as my eyes were glowing again, splitting the temple in half. I scream as I feel myself freefalling, stopping when I was led to another vision. I was riding high on a vortex of water, glaring ahead at Fire Nation ships and making the ocean into a large whirlpool. She then turns to me, eyeing me furiously and slashes her arms out, the full might of the water from the ocean charging towards me rapidly.

I instantly awaken, feeling my breaths coming in quick succession. I glance over at Aang, who was also awoken and breathing heavily. I gaze at him for a moment before asking him something in his mind. 'You want to talk about it?'  

He nodded and both of us ascend a stairway to exit our room, going over to the ledge of the ship.

"I think we were both dreaming about the same thing right?" I inquired, and he nodded silently in response. "We were both in the Avatar State."

"It was scary, Suzume," Aang whispered. "I never knew we looked like that when we were in the Avatar State. I was so scary, Suzume, we were both so scary."

"Yeah," I look down sadly. "And the problem is, we can't control it. I've never really been able to control the Avatar State, I can't decide whether I want to activate or deactivate it. It's always just inside us sitting silently, stirring randomly and most of the time, I can't control what I do."

"Me neither," Aang nodded. "I've always felt scared whenever I go into the Avatar State because I never had control over my actions, I've only ever had control of my actions sometimes in the Avatar State. I'm scared that I might end up hurting people or even killing them."

"I know that you care about the lives of every creature that inhabits this world. The best thing we can do to prevent that from happening is by keeping each other in balance," I place a comforting hand on his shoulder. "Just like what we've been doing so far."

"Yeah, I guess so," Aang nods in agreement. "We should probably get some rest." With that, we headed back to the room, getting back onto our respective beds and trying to get some sleep, knowing full well that I wouldn't be able to as my mind was still occupied by those visions.

Daybreak eventually came and I find myself hopping down from my bed, joining the others as they exited the room, seeing that Aang was in a similar state as I was. Appa was already lying on the deck of the ship, ready to take off to our next destination.  

"Aang, Suzume, you two okay? Both of you look exhausted," Katara pointed out. 

"We're fine," I reassured, suppressing a yawn from coming to the surface. "Don't worry about us."

"Yeah, we're better than ever!" Aang shouted cheerfully, grinning broadly to throw off any suspicion of hers.

"Well," Katara eyes us both in concern. "Both of you can always talk to us anytime if there's anything troubling you two, we'll always be there for you both."

"Well, thanks, we appreciate it." We exchange smiles just as Master Pakku approaches us, holding a bag in his hand. 

"Katara, I want you to have this," Master Pakku reaches into the bag, grabbed a minute flask and handed it over to Katara. "This amulet contains water from the Spirit Oasis. The water has unique properties. Don't lose it."

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