The Crossroads of Destiny

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After informing Sokka about our vision of Katara, Sokka questions, "So, what kind of trouble is Katara in?"

"I don't know. In our vision, we just knew she needed help," Aang answered.

"It would be nice if both your Avatar powers could be just a little more specific from time to time," Sokka sighed, looking down from Appa and arching his brows. "What is that?" He points at something and I follow his gaze, seeing someone riding a mound of earth travelling at a breakneck pace.

Aang directs Appa lower to the level of the person riding the earth mound and to our surprise, we see Toph pretty much skating her way through the earthy terrain, it was as if the earth mounds were her skates and the ground her personal arena. 

"Need a ride?" I asked and her brief lapse in concentration causes the earth mounds she was riding on to disassemble, which in turn caused her to fall to the ground. We all cringed at this and I immediately leapt down from Appa with airbending, going over to Toph hastily.

"Sorry about that," I chuckled anxiously, helping her to her feet.

"Good to see you again, Zume," Toph mutters sarcastically, glaring at me. I smile sheepishly at her, helping her up onto Appa and leaping onto Appa's back shortly after. Appa continues along with his journey to the palace, giving us some time to catch up.

"So how did it go with the guru? Did you two master the Avatar State?" Toph asked.

"Uh..." Both of us paused, looking at each other. Aang's panicked voice flooded my mind. 'Just lie Suzume.'

Sokka glances back and forth between us. "Are you two okay?" 

"We're great!" I lied, wearing a broad grin. "It went great with the guru. We completely mastered the Avatar State. 

"Yeah," Aang laughed nervously. "Totally nailed it!" Sokka and Toph thankfully didn't seem to think much of it and we make it back to the palace in peace, where we dash into the throne room, confronting the Earth King and telling him about what we saw in our vision.

"Katara's fine. You have nothing to worry about," the king reassured.

"But, in our vision, we felt so sure she was in trouble," Aang probed.

"Well, she met with the Council of Generals to plan the invasion, and since then, she's been off with your friends, the Kyoshi Warriors," the king informed.

"See, Aang? She's with Suki. They're probably back at our apartment right now talking about make-up or something," Sokka shrugged.

Aang nodded slowly. "Okay. Maybe you're right."

"Believe me, if there was any danger at all, Bosco's animal instincts would sense it," the king reassured. 

'Aang, I don't believe him. We both saw the same vision, she's trapped, the Earth King's just hiding it.'

'There's no reason for him to hide something like that. We'll have to check our house again. Maybe she's there and our vision was wrong.' 

'I guess there's no harm checking.'

Aang leads us back to Appa, where we get on him again and Aang directs him back to our house. We dismount from him quickly and rush into the house, immediately greeted by a familiar face. "Momo!"

After looking around and darting in all areas of the house with the air at my feet, I conclude, "There's no one else here."

"Katara is in trouble!" Aang exclaimed.

"Oh no," Sokka frowned. 

"Wait! Someone's at the door," Toph points at the door and sure enough, a few moments later, we hear knocking at the door. "Actually, I know who it is. It's an old friend of mine." Toph walks over to the door, opening it to reveal an unexpected enemy of ours, General Iroh. "Glad to see you're okay."

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