The Waterbending Scroll

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We were now flying above a mountain range and Aang was pacing around Appa's saddle, breathing heavily so Sokka had to assume Aang's usual place at Appa's perch. I also sense Aang's extreme anxiety, experiencing a scintilla of it myself but still able to maintain my equanimity.

"Would you sit down?" Sokka complained. "If we hit a bump, you'll go flying off. What's bugging you anyway?"

"Well, even if we hit a bump, you're forgetting that Aang is a master of airbending, he can just use his glider and glide his way back to us," I counter before diverting my attention back to Aang. "But seriously Aang, what is bothering you?"

"It's what Avatar Roku said. We're supposed to master all four elements before that comet arrives. Don't you feel scared too, Suzume?"

"Well, I kinda am, I just don't show it, Aang. I know we both feel scared and I'm pretty sure it's impossible to master all the elements in one summer but if we manage to learn the basics of all the elements by the end of the summer and if we combined our strengths, maybe, just maybe," I look down in uncertainty. "we'll have a chance at taking down the Fire Lord."

"But we haven't even started waterbending and we're still weeks away from the North Pole," Aang argued. "What are we gonna do, Suzume?"

"First of all, Aang," I grab him by the shoulders to stop him from pacing around any further. "I'll need you to calm down and sit."

Aang obeys, sitting down between Katara and me.

"Good, now I want you to relax. Don't think about bending too much, just take it easy for now. Try meditating." Aang still maintains an uneasy countenance and I sigh, shaking my head glumly.

"Well," Katara spoke up. "If you both want, I can try to teach you two some of the stuff I know."

My head perks up in interest. "Really?"

"You'd do that for us?" Aang begins smiling.

Katara lies down, peering over the rim of Appa's saddle. "We'll need to find a good source of water first."

"Maybe we can find a puddle for the three of you to splash in," Sokka commented sarcastically. 'He never fails to be sarcastic in every situation.'

Time Skip

We eventually find something even larger than the puddle Sokka mentioned. I catch sight of a waterfall, a cavalcade of white, frothy water from it spilling into the placid waters of the river beneath it.

"There!" I point to the waterfall and Sokka sighed in defeat, making Appa descend and land beside it. All of us dismount from Appa, making our way closer to the waterfall.

"Nice puddle," Sokka remarked sardonically while the other three of us gaze at the waterfall admiringly. Appa flies over the waterfall in excitement, crashing into the waterfall and creating a huge splash.

Aang sheds his robes almost immediately, running to the water. "Yeah! Don't start without me, boy!"

"Remember the reason we're here," Katara reminded and Aang halts in his tracks, chuckling embarrassedly and putting his airbender robes back on.

"Oh right. Time to practice waterbending."

"Great. So what am I supposed to do?" Sokka questioned.

"You could," Aang paused in contemplation. "clean the gunk out of Appa's toes."

Sokka frowned and crosses his arms. "So, while you guys are playing in the water, I'm supposed to be hard at work picking mud out of a giant bison's feet?"

"Mud and bugs!" Aang corrected happily, handing him a stray stick he picks off the ground.

"Okay," Sokka sighed, taking the stick and marching over to Appa. 'This is the first time I kinda feel a little sorry for Sokka.'

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