Not Letting Her Go

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Tristian walked side by side with his wife as she entered his room which was now theirs. He thought she would have wandered into her enclosure because they were still strangers to each other but she didn't do it. Tristian stared at the woman who was his wife as he strolled toward her while she veered around to look at him.

" I will just go ahead and take my bath first," Scarlett said to Tristian before vanishing into the bathroom and closing the door behind her. Tristian stared at the closed door of the bathroom with a slight sigh.

After having her bath she came to the room with a towel wrapped around her figure, Tristan who have been working on his laptop looked at the bathroom door when he heard it open and close. The first thing that met his eyes was her slender legs heeded by her slightly exposed thighs and finally her small face.

Scarlett walked into the closet under Tristian's intense gaze. Tristian stood up and walked into the bathroom with a helpless sigh. After he had his shower, he dressed up in his nightwear. When he walked out of the closet, he saw his wife sitting on the bed with her back against the headboard. He crawled onto the other side of the mattress and used the blanket to cover his legs.

" So wanna talk about it?" Tristian asked referring to what brought her to his company in the morning.

"He was at my workplace before I got there this morning," Scarlett spoke out to her husband sincerely. She didn't want to keep secrets in her marriage because it shows disloyalty.

"Did he give an account of why he was there?" Tristian asked his wife.

"He gave me an invitation card, he's inviting me to their baby shower," she replied with displeasure while Tristian's jaw clenched after listening to her answer.

"Come here," he said with a beckoning tone which made her brows shoot up as she looked at him. Scarlett scouted over to him but he wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her onto his lap causing her to gasp in surprise as he tightened his arms around her.

"Will you be attending his baby's shower," he asked with clear displeasure. Tristian didn't want her to attend that baby shower, he doesn't want other men to have their eyes on her because she was his and if possible he would keep her from every single man on this earth. Call it selfish but he doesn't care.

"I want to go but only if you come with me, if not I'm not going to attend it," she replied playing with his hair.

"You want me to come with you? but I thought you would want to keep this marriage a secret ?" Tristian asked in surprise.

"What?, that's nonsense, why would I want to keep my marriage a secret?" She asked and said with a scowl.

"Or do you want to keep it a secret?" She asked in a low voice which brought the man out of his shock. Tristian was truly shocked that she didn't want to keep the marriage a secret from anyone, if she doesn't want to keep it a secret then why would he want to keep it a secret..?

"No, I don't want to and besides your father would kill me even if I want to hide this marriage," he replied but muttered the last part to himself as she let out a chuckle.

"My father likes you but he's just arrogant to show it, he would warm up to you soon," she assured him which he hummed at.

Tristian looked into Scarlett's eyes as he pulled her closer than she already was, he couldn't deny the attraction he has towards the woman in his arms. They'd known each other for only two days now but he was attracted to her and he was losing his iron control.

"Let's rest, it's late," he whispered in her ear softly and as his breath fanned her ears she shivered, tightening her grip on his shirt while she proceed to leave a wet kiss on her exposed shoulder, this caused her to moan slightly, this ignites a fire in him causing his control to slip a bit as he crashed his lips on hers causing a pleasurable gasp to slip out of her mouth which was muffled due to the intense kiss. Tristian inserted his tongue into her mouth, tasting every nook of her mouth, she tastes beyond good.

Scarlett felt like she was melting, she didn't know a kiss could make her this weak in the knees. Truth is she has never allowed any man to kiss her like this before, not even a peck on the lips and she doesn't even know why she allowed her stranger husband to kiss her.

Tristian's hands run up and down her smooth thighs, as he turned her over so that he was on top of her, he supported his weight with one of his arms while her fingers ran down his spine through the fabric of his shirt unconsciously which made him groan in approval.

Tristian broke off the kiss as both of them panted and huff in the air at the same time, he was so turned on that he forgot that she needed air to survive, well which man wouldn't when she tasted this delicious.

He wondered if she was going to curse him for cutting her oxygen off for a long. Tristian's gaze at his wife who was out of breath, her lips were swollen and her hair was messy as she closed her eyes, taking in deep breaths to calm herself down. She is beautiful and was driving him insane, he has never felt anything like this before, not even for his ex-wife, this feeling was different, it is so overwhelming for him but Tristian still had in mind that he was just attracted to her and nothing else.

Would she leave him if he were not able to love her..? Would she be disheartened if and leave him for failing to love or would she overlook it and stay with him? If she was to leave him, his boys would be sad and that would be very bad for him. Not to forget that her father Cole would skin him alive for hurting his daughter. All these questions and thoughts made him sigh internally

He kissed her forehead and lay beside her, pulling her into his arms, he covered them with the blanket. " It's late, let's get some sleep. Good night," he whispered.

" Good night to you too," she whispered back as her arms encircled his waist he smiled at her touch before switching off the bedside lamp beside him while she did the same to the one beside her side of the bed.

"No matter what happens, I'm not letting you go, I will not permit you to leave me behind Scarlett. You're mine now and that's final. You can only belong to me and my boys, no one else, and even if leaveaves I will search the whole world for you," Tristian thought tightening his arms around her as they both drifted off to sleep.

Tristian couldn't accept the thought of her leaving him behind, somehow that thought alone made his chest uncomfortable, he couldn't understand why he has suddenly become so attached to a stranger.

The next day, Scarlett decided not to go to the office, instead she chose to drop her husband and the twins off to school and company before returning home to make certain preparations, she didn't want her mother-in-law to tire herself.

Scarlett woke up at five in the morning, she took a quick shower and went downstairs to the kitchen, and quickly made some breakfast for the family, she cleaned up the things she had used and made sure everything was clean before going back upstairs.

She went to the twin's room, ironed their uniforms, and run a bath for them, she walked back into the room and switched the main light on before drawing the curtains open.

Scarlett walked towards the bed with a smile, she sat down beside the boys and ran her fingers through their hair as they both snuggled into her touch with a purring sound,  she chuckled at their cuteness as she leaned over slightly, kissing their cheeks.

"Good morning, your majesties," she whispered which made their lashes twitch slightly, indicating that they were waking up. Both fellas fluttered their eyes open as she kept running her fingers through their soft hair.

"Good morning," the twins chorused with a yawn accompanied by a smile, their smiles were so contagious that she also smiled in return unconsciously.

" How are my big men doing this morning?" She asked as they sat up.

" We're fine," they chorused with a bright smile.

"That's good, now let's get you to the bathroom, to brush your teeth and take a bath, you have school today," she said pulling them up and guiding them into the bathroom to take their bath.

She could get used to this routine, she thought with a smile.

What do you think? Leave me a vote and comment with your thoughts on this chapter. Love you all 😘

I will also be changing the cover of this book as I saw that someone has used it for his book already and I don't want him to think I'm using any part of him book.

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