Community Service

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    Elle was sitting next to Maya and Anna in home room talking about shit, I heard their conversation and was so grossed out. "Mr.O's underwear is sticking out" Why the fuck she lookin their in the first place? I snickered at it though, "Ew that's like so gross" Anna said "Yea that shit nasty as fuck", "I would put my head in the butt part and wear it on my face as a mask to fall asleep" I give her a disgusted look, "Maya that's so fucking gross what the hell" Getting a glare from Anna, "All right kids,settle down Brandt get off of Alex's lap" I giggled when I saw that he was on Alex's lap. "It's Monday and we have a lot to talk about" Bitch all we gotta talk about is your boxers were out. "But first and foremost is signing up for your mandatory community service poster" He said, then Brandt yelled. "More like community suck vice" Everyone in the class broke into laughter, "it's not even funny" I mumbled but Maya heard me and gave me a dirty glare for talking about her "man" "I doubt you will be laughing when you hear these extremely cool options" Cool options like what heather not only giving Brandt a handjob but Dustin also. Why the fuck am I thinking that?

    "Ok so, Sams dad is delivering meals to the homeless" Mr.O Read off the paper, "PB & J making at my house!" Sam yelled out hoping to get reactions like Brandt but it was dead silent, awkward.., "Ok then there's a river trash pickup that you can scrap gum off the bridge" "I am not fucking scraping gum off a bridge" I whispered to Anna and Maya which made them giggle, I smiled at them before looking back at the teacher. "And finally Heathers mom is hosting a fashion show at the nursing home" All the girls squealed at that, I just rolled my eyes. "Maya whispers to Anna "Go sign me and Elles name Na" Anna nods her head in response, Then the bell rang and everybody rushed out the door pushing through everybody to sign up, mostly the girls fighting to get to heathers sheet.

    I took my time getting my stuff when I see Maya trip, which I giggle at. I didn't realize that Alex was still in the room making a "Awe" sound when you see or hear something cute, he was in "Awe" at your laugh/giggle. "Bro Alex come on" Brandt says to Alex trying to snap him out of it, but Brandt sees Alex smiling at you. He smirks and drags Alex outside, quickly signing their names on whatever sheet Brandt signed. And took Alex to the bathroom, "Bro what the hell" Brandt smirked at Alex and just said "Do you like Elle?" Shit how did he know, "N-No I don't like Elle pfft that's crazyy" Brandt laughs at Alex, "Dude you totally like Elle why didn't you tell me" Alex blushed, "Idk what your talking about Brandt" Alex gave Brandt a sarcastic smile and left the bathroom.

    We were now sitting on bleachers, I Got chosen for Heathers which I didn't mind. We were listening to Heathers mom speak about the fashion show and the hats that she made we would show off with a woman at the nursing home, she pulled out a binder and showed us some examples and called it Debs Darling Designs. "The fashion show will be on Saturday" Then heather Interrupted her mom, "The first rehearsals tomorrow afternoon" heather said clapping her hands together, "Heather sweetie, don't talk over me" "Everyone bring a professional photo of yourself to rehearsal tomorrow" Heathers mom smiled before leaving, "Headshots at the mall after school!" Becca said to the girls and they all started to squeal. I just rolled my eyes, I Had taken a professional photo shoot not too long ago so she wouldn't need to go to a crappy place. "So where are you guys meeting, should we meet at Orange Julius?" Maya asked, Heather then said in the most sarcastic voice I have ever heard come out of that whores mouth, "We actually have registrations" Maya then replied, "Oh no that's ok" the bell then rang and I left as soon as possible.

It was now the next day, and after school we gave Heathers mom the photos of us as she begun to put them on the wall in front of us, All the girls were complimenting each other's photos. "Elle omg you look so pretty in that photo" said Connie, Connie was always nice to me so I never talked shit about her then the others, "Thanks Connie you look so pretty in your photo too!" We started giggling to each other when Heathers mom got to Anna's and Mayas photos, Elle made a weird look. "Anna I don't even know what you are doing here and what is that?" "It's a fan" Anna replied, "Ok you know normally if your any the kind of airbrush look, you have to keep the fan out of the frame" Heathers mom corrected Anna. "Thank you for the note" Heathers mom got to Maya, I'm not trying bad talk my friend, but she looks hideous in that photo. "I don't know what your doing here Maya, you almost look like your missing but your not because your right here, And Honestly I wouldn't put that on a milk carton" I held my laughter in when she said that, Maya replied the same as Anna "Thank you for the note" It was now terras turn and she looked like from the 1800's. I zoned out for the most part until Terra spoke "I found that dress in the river" I gave her a look.

We were now in a room trying on our outfits, She heard Maya and Anna gasping whispering too each other, Me being my nosy self I asked them what they were talking about. "Heathers wearing a thong" Elle pretended to be surprised, she had seen Heather bend down over before in the bathroom picking up her bag. Elle also had a secret, she also wore thongs but never told Maya and Anna because they would be little brats and complain to her too give them. We were now sitting down on a couch, And heather announced, "Do you guys want to see my grandmas room" All the girls said yes but Heather being heather made a lame excuse that the room was too "Small" too fit all of the girls inside until Becca made a "Idea" "Raise your hand if you had been to Heathers house that's who gets to see" everybody raised their hands exepct for Maya, Anna, And Elle. Elle was surprised that Terra got to even step a foot in Heathers house, while everybody left Elle announced that she too go to the bathroom, when she got back she saw Anna and Maya gone. So Elle took her shit and left the nursing home.

When Elle got too school the next day, Maya walked in ripping a poster that the
cheerleaders made, She walked up too us confident which rarely happens, "Do you guys notice anything different about me" Maya asked us turning around to show off her thong, Elle was shocked on how Maya had a thong she knew mayas mom would never allow her to wear it. "Maya where the hell did you get a thong?" Maya and Anna smiled at each other before turning back to me, "We stole Heathers thong" "Are you guys crazy what will happen when heather finds out!" They ignored Elle and continued to talk when maya reached for something in her bag and Elles lipgloss fell and went to pick it up, Then Alex and Brandt walk out of the class room right next to our lockers. Brandt then says to Alex, "Yoo Alex look" "Oh shit" they say checking out Elles thong, they walk past them but Alex being sneaky turns his head back too look at Elles thong again.

Anna thought they were talking about Maya, So they begin to argue and Elle happens to overhear their conversation, "Maya give me the thing" "Anna" Maya warns Anna. Then Anna gets pissed so she fucking hits the locker which pops open, "Give me the thing!" "Fine I'll give it too you after class" Elle gives them a disgusted look then walks away, thinking That's nasty that their switching the thong without washing it.....

I'm sorry but I'm soo fucking tired that I'm going to make a part 2 I hope you guys don't mind I'm just so exhausted, And this chapter is like hella long! So far this chapter has 1463 Words!

𝐏𝐑𝟑𝐓𝐓𝐘 𝐁𝟎𝐘✰ 𝐀𝐥𝐞𝐱 𝐍𝐨𝐥𝐚𝐧Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum