Txt reaction to you falling asleep on another member

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- Honestly depends what his reaction is, i guess what the scenario is for him
- overall tries not to get jealous but fails
- Sees that you're so tired so he understands that you fell asleep on someone else
- But honestly still wishes you fell asleep on him instead LOL
- Will pick you up and take you to his room to sleep there
- Kisses your forehead before just letting you fall asleep on his bed


- Thinks it's cute tbh
- Isnt really jealous by it, he knows you love him  and you were tired that's all
- Def takes a picture of you sleeping 😭
- Asks the other member if it's okay where you're at, if not he'll pick you up and take you to his bed to sleep in
- Makes sure to get a blanket for you and the other member, and when he pulls it up he accidentally wakes you
- He feels so bad until he just sees your sleepy smile and you tell him that you guys should go back to his room


- Pouty face LOL
- Tries to not be offended by it but honestly who's shoulders are best to fall asleep on other than his??
- Just looking at the other guy like, "who do you think you are?" especially if it's yeonjun  LOL
- Makes the other guy get up and switch spots with him so it's you he is sleeping on 😭
- kisses your cheek and makes sure you're comfortable
- Snuggles into you and probably falls asleep too


- Thinks you look so cute xx
- If he sees you tired, he wouldn't really mind if you fell asleep on the other guys, unless one of them was flirting with you beforehand (then that's another story LOL)
- I think he would pick you up (with his strong muscles ofc) and would move you over to him
- Would kiss you and stroke your hair 🥹
- If you'd woke up from him picking you up he would kiss you back to sleep (Aahh)
- would take a photo of you while you're sleeping bc you just look so peaceful

Huening Kai

- Will ask the guy you're sleeping on if you're alright where you're at
- Is a little jealous you're sleeping on another guy but tries to dismiss it
- If he sees the other guy rubbing your hair or something he's probably gonna get a little upset
- will just sit with his arms crossed up and death stare to the guy (even if it's a cute death stare)
- After a while he'll try to come over there and wake you up, just so he can see if you want to go sleep in his bed instead
- He'll make sure to give you extra snuggles after it all though <333

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