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Potions is more awkward than I thought it would be.

But, thankfully Cedric is here... wait... I just realized that Cedric is a Hufflepuff and not Ravenclaw.

Then how the heck did he even sat at the Ravenclaw table and went in the common room. Did Professor Flitwick grant him permission?

"...tter. Potter"

I blinked and turned to look at Draco who was in front of me, waving his hands with face full of concern.

"Um...hi?" I said, titling my head a bit. Hey, gotta keep up the act.

"You alright Potter?" Professor Snape asked, face flashing to concern before going back to his usual.

"Yeah...why are you concern Professor?" I asked, feigning confusion.

Professor Snape held in a deep breath and cleared his throat. He snapped his wand to the board where the instructions for potions were.

"Everyone knows what to do as the ingredients and instructions are in your books. Make sure to double check with your partners to see if they make any mistakes"

Everyone nodded and immediately went to work. Unfortunately, Cedric was assisting another student across the room. Leaving me stuck with Draco as my partner.

"S-so...Potter. Would you like to visit my house on Yule?" Draco asked nervously. Way to be blunt godbrother.

"Why would you invite me Malfoy?" I said, looking at him up and down with confusion.

"I- j-just...please?" Draco was stuttered before having a pleading look on his face.

I sighed. It was better to do this soon than later. "Sure Malfoy"

That seemed to release a hidden burden on his shoulder as he heaved a heavy sigh. He looked at me with a smile before starting to work on the assignment.

It was hard and complicated, yet we managed to finish it. Thanks to Draco's knowledge on Potions and my skills on cutting and stirring, we passed with an O. Much to Ron's annoyance.

Now we have a second potion to make. This is why I hate having Double Potions. If I stay any longer in this freezing cold dungeon than I might have a few frostbite and hypothermia. Just imagine having Double Potions during October through December. I might already be affected by hypothermia the first week.

Thankfully, this potion was less complicated. It was simple. But simple things are always the harder things. Okay that just not make sense.

Again, me and Draco passed with an O. Ron and his partner, Dean Thomas, barely passed an A.

Now that just remind me of something. Even though I only knew Ron for a year and a half, he's always been the lazy kind. His grades are lower, he whines in every assignment, and he always seems to just not pay attention the minutes class started. I guess that's why he wanted to befriend Hermione. It was because she's smart and have Ravenclaw material. Which really confuses me on why she even chose Gryffindor.

"Class dismissed. Potter, please stay" Snape said, flicking his wrist to erase the writings on the board.

Ah shit.

September 2nd, 1994, Azkaban

Azalea has just received a mind message from her favorite human, Harry Potter. He told her that he got resorted into Ravenclaw.

So, during her shift on the top level of Azkaban. She drifted to the cells of Sirius Black, Bellatrix Lestrange, Rodolphus Lestrange, Rabastan Lestrange, and Barry Crouch Junior.

They all look up at the menacing Dementor that was towering over them. Without Harry, the coldness returned.

"Uhh...which one is she?" Sirius whispered to Barty Junior, who was in the cell next to him.

"You know that we can hear y'all whisper" Rabastan said, a brow raised.

Then, Azalea wrote something on the dusty ground with her bony finger. Harry taught a few Dementors how to write and read human languages.

"Ooo! She's going to tell us which House Hare-bear is in" Bellatrix said excitedly.

The writing was right next to Rabastan so he was the one that will declare who won.

The time she was finished, Rabastan smirked.

"Which House is our Harry in?" His brother asked. Rabastan smirked more.

"He is in..."

The rest waited in anticipation at Rabastan dramatic pause. He still smirked as he eyed the prisoners.

"RAVENCLAW!" Rabastan shouted dramatically, acting like the Sorting Hat.

Their was a chorus of no's from Sirius and Bellatrix and the rest of the Death Eaters that joined in the competition, but not the bet. While Barty Crouch Junior and a few other Death Eaters that thought Harry would be in Ravenclaw cheered.

Sirius and Bellatrix now owned Barty 200 Galleons each to him. Making it the total of 400 Galleons.

September 2nd, 1994, Dungeon: Potion Class

After everyone left, I was the only one at my desk. Staring. At. Snape.

Silence overtook the room as none of us spoke first. Snape looked nervous, which was weird to see on the Dungeon Bats face.

"Professor Snape, if there is nothing you wish to tell me than can I leave?" I asked. Man, thank god for my acting skills.

Snape cleared his throat. "There is something I wish to tell. It's about Draco. Did he inform about your invitation to the Malfoy Manor for Yule?"

I nodded my head suspiciously. Remember, I'm only acting.

"Why do you care Professor?"

Snape winced a little. He seemed to regret every life decision he made.

"N-nothing Potter. Here's a note" Professor Snape gave me a tardy pass. I did not know when or how but I'm thinking that he has a whole stack of them somewhere on his desk.

"Thank you...Professor" I reluctantly took the pass and looked up at him with more suspicion.

I already have everything packed anyways so it was quicker to leave. But before I even opened the door, Snape said something.

"And I'm sorry for the way I treated you in your first year"

I froze. I may be acting but this time I'm being legit. Freaking Snape, the man who despises my every existence, apologized.

I know he only apologized because of all the compulsions and stuff, but what!

I turned my head a bit and looked at Snape with wide eyes. "D-did you just- huh!?"

I stuttered my words. I did not know what to say when someone who hates you because of a dead man apologizes is just...I don't know.

"Aren't you supposed to go to Transfiguration Potter?" Snape asked and I almost swear I saw a faint smile.


"Uh...yeah. Bye Professor" and I exit the dungeon.

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