Living the best life

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Six months had past since the two moved in together . It was a time of learning for both of them, small arguments that were quickly got over as they learned to talk before reacting.
Jungkook loved to see Jimin bloom into a more confident person happy with himself. He'd often just stare at the beautiful male who could make his heart flutter just by being there.
They had intergrated their friends often having nights out together, tonight was one of those.
"Do you think we have enough food?" Jimin asked
"Babe it's seven of us not seventy!"
"I know, I know I just want everything right."
Jungkook came and gave him a back hug.
"Don't worry so much it's our friends ok?"
Jimin turned round and kissed him, which soon turned into heavy petting until the doorbell went.
"Damn! Shall we pretend we are not here?"
Jimin slapped his shoulder," I'll answer the door you go sort yourself out," he said looking down at the obvious bulge.
"I can't help it if you effect me this much !"
Jimin answered the door to find all their five friends there.
"Come in, come in, go out to the garden it's barbecue and beers tonight.."
"Where's Jungkook?"
"Oh..., still faffing around..." Jimin lied
Tae raised an eyebrow and whispered to Jimin as he passed," we're you two doing the naughty?"
Jimin couldn't help the rosy blush even though he shook his head.
"It's ok the chef is here!" Jungkook said grabbing packs of meat and tongs.
The smell of cooked meat was in the air, glasses had beer and they were all lounging in comfy garden seats bar Jungkook and Jimin who were setting a table up with side dishes and dips and turning the meat.
"Ok guys first rounds up come and get it,"
They all came and filled their plates and Jimin fed Jungkook as he was still cooking.
Namjoon cleared his throat and looked at Jin who nodded.
"So Jungkook have you sold your place yet?"
"Well I've been a bit lazy about it, I've had it decorated just need to put it on the market, why you want it?" He joked.
"Yes," both Namjoon and Jin said.
The others conversations stopped.
"But your apartment is fantastic, right in the hub of things,I love it." Tae said
"Thing is guys...Namjoon and I want a home...., to bring a kid up in."
"Kid...., your adopting?" Jimin said excitedly
"Yes,you know Jimin how much we wanted this and behind the scenes we've been in touch with people for months but it seemed it wouldn't happen for ages, now ,a woman wants to give her child up she's expecting, she's Korean but doesn't want the baby, it's due in three months,a boy."
"I'm going to be an uncle !!" Jimin screamed excitedly.
Jungkook smiled at how big Jimins smile was.
"You like kids eh?" He said.
"Jimin like kids? Fellas how many times did he go to the shelters to hand out warm clothing and play with the young kids there just to let their parents have five minutes!" Suga asked.
Jin nodded, "you always wanted a big family didn't you?"
"Well...., I'll just have to borrow yours won't I ?" Jimin said, but Jungkook could see the wistful look on his face.
"So,if you want Jungkooks house can I buy your apartment?" Tae asked.
"Sure,I could roll out of bed, go to Jins coffee shop for breakfast and everything else I want is around me."
"Deal ," Jin and Namjoon said then looked hopefully at Jungkook.
"No problem let's get the ball rolling tomorrow you'll want to be settled before your kid arrives."
The rest of the evening passed with more drinking and laughter and when the others left Jungkook found Jimin cleaning up but with a ponderous look on his face.
"You ok Jimin?"
"What? Oh yer fine," he wiped the table down then started to carry a tray of dirty dishes inside.
Jungkook stopped him," wait, talk to me what's up?"
"Nothing really, I just, we'll I'm happy for Jin and Namjoon they're married and soon to have a family it's like a completion of a circle, they will be good parents."
"I didn't know you liked kids..."
"Probably my need to have someone who liked me for me, no siblings was lonely I found."
Jungkook hugged his lover ," you've got me now,"
"Yes,I have..., love you Kookie, now I'll just do these then go to bed, I feel tired...."
"You go up, I'll do them..."
Jimin nodded and turned going upstairs,Jungkook stared after him looking thoughtful.
The next few weeks flew by, Jin and Namjoon signed for Jungkooks house and moved in straight away.Tae moved into his new place which he adored as it was so him.
At work Jimin kept busy but a part of him felt like something was missing. Jungkook noticed but didn't call his lover out on it, instead he put into motion something he hoped would make the other happy.
It was a Saturday and Jin had asked Jimin if he could help set up the nursery as Namjoon and Jungkook had some business.
"Gosh why do they make these things so hard to put together ?" Jin asked looking at the crib instructions.
Jimin laughed," it's easy look set the bits out like the drawing make sure it's all here then we make it."
"Ok but it's your fault if it's wonky!"
Three quarters of an hour later and the crib was assembled.
"We did it!" Jin said
"We? You whined because you dropped a bit on your foot and left me to do it!"
"Whatever..., isn't it cute, it can go here against this wall, there the rooms done now."
They both looked around. Jin had chosen mint Green and white for the walls and white furniture. Clothes and nappies were stacked on the dresser cuddly toys sat on shelves.
Jimin sighed.
"Hey Jimin what's up?"
"I just....I'm so pleased for you both."
Jin gave the small boy a hug then picked up his phone when it pinged.
"Aha! Right let's shower and dress up,"
"Just do it, we have been invited to the Jeons house for a formal dinner, Joonie and Jungkook are already there."
"Formal? What shall I wear?"
"It's here Jungkook left it yesterday,"
"Why didn't he tell me?" Grumbled Jimin.
"Chop chop move it,"
Jimin used the spare bathroom while Jin used his.
Unzipping a garment bag Jimin found a white shirt and slacks with a pale pink shirt. He put it on it fit perfectly.
Jin stepped into the room wearing a baby pink suit and white shirt,
"Hey we match!" Jimin laughed.
"Ok let's go times flying!"
Jin drove them and they soon arrived finding quite a few cars there.
"Oh god I hope I haven't forgotten a special day of the Jeons, there seem to be lots of guests." Jimin said worriedly .
"Calm down Jimin...."
"I can't help it Jungkooks been quite busy with something so maybe he forgot to tell me?"
Jin just smiled," let's go in shall we?"
A maid opened the door smiling at them,
"This way sirs, just in time...."
Jimin was even more confused,
"In time for what Jin," he hissed.
They couldn't hear anyone but were led to the double doors of what Jimin knew to be a sitting room that led out into the garden.
The doors opened and beyond the sitting room Jimin could see the garden area had lots of seats people turned their way.
"Jin we must be late, everyone is staring?"
He turned to his friend who just stood there grinning,
"You can run right now or go forward," he said handing a post of pink roses to Jimin.
Jin nudged his head to the garden where suddenly Jungkook stood smiling at him past all the chairs.
"Is I ...."
"Getting married? Yer if you start walking....." Jin laughed," ready?"
Jimin nodded so Jin tucked Jimins arm in his and walked him down the makeshift aisle.
Jimins eyes were focused on the man waiting for him, all in white with a pink buttonhole.
Jin placed Jimins hand on Jungkooks then stepped back to stand with Namjoon and the Jeons.
Jungkook winked at the beautiful male in front of him, holding his shaking hand.
A man stepped forward and started the ceremony, a lot of it passed Jimin by he was so wrapped up in staring at his lover.
"I understand you have your own vows Jungkook?"
"Er yes,... I Jungkook take you Jimin, to be my husband, my best friend, my better half, the sharer of my troubles, the person who taught me how to love, the one I want with me til our days end, to cherish you, show you how important you are always and hopefully be a parent in the not too distant future with you, this I promise as a token of my love,"
Tae stepped forward and passed him a ring which he slid on Jimins hand.
"Now you Jimin?"
"Gosh, how do I follow that, I'm totally unprepared!"
Laughter was heard.
"Ok here goes, I Jimin promise to be your now and your forever. To shoulder all burdens, to make you smile when you are sad, to give you all the love I have inside me, I will always stand with you and support you, cherish you more than my own life and trust in our future together," he said tearfully.
Hobi stepped forward and passed Jimin a ring which he slid on Jungkooks finger.
"For the sake of the records which name would you like to take?"
Jungkook stared at Jimin when the minister said this and Jimin said loudly for all to hear," Jeon"
"Ladies and gentlemen may I present to you, Mr and Mr Jeon, you make kiss your partner .
Jungkook stepped forward hungrily, claiming Jimins lips passionately wiping his tears.
Loud hoots suddenly reminded them where they were and they pulled apart shyly.
"Oh Jimin we are so happy," Mrs Jeon said.
"Thank you Mrs J..., I mean mum," he hugged his mother in law.
Jimin looked around at all those gathered, there were clients, friends, co workers all smiling showing how pleased they were.
"Did I do good?" Jungkook whispered in his ear.
"More than good, I'm so happy Kookie, was this the job you were supposed to be doing?"
"Sure was, I know I've been busy but I'll sure make it up to you tonight," he smirked.
Jimin blushed, "stop it! You know how little control you have we are in public.." he giggled.
"Oh I have a gift for you, come with me,"
They left the guests chattering and Jungkook took Jimin into his fathers study.
"A gift but Kookie I haven't got you anything!" Jimin said troubled.
"Your my gift baby...., here open this,"
He handed Jimin an envelope, inside were forms for them to become prospective parents .
"Really? Your sure Kookie, your doing this for both of us right?"
"I want you to give some of your love to a child...or children, in here are forms for adopting, surrogacy two ways we can do it, it's up to you,"
Jimin was amazed, could he love this man anymore than he did?
He hugged him tight kissing him so passionately wanting more.
"Knock knock, leave it out boys you gotta be sociable with your guests, " a wry Suga said.
"Cockblocker," Jungkook whined.
"Whatever come on there's so much food and the cake and your photographers waiting, move it...."
"Later babe, " Jungkook whispered and the two walked out, hand in hand.
Two years later
"Ha-Rin,,Ji-Ho are you awake my babies"
Jimin walked into the nursery to find his daughter and son standing up in their cribs jibbering away to each other.
"Are you hungry shall we go eat?"
Little hands made grabby movements to him and he picked his daughter up then struggled to lift his son too.
"Let me babe, here's dada you gonna come with me little Ji?"
They each carried a child to the kitchen putting them in a high chair where they slapped their little hands on the trays.
"Oh shall we have some yummy food.... Jungkook can you keep them entertained while I make it?"
Jungkook had been surprised at how well he took to fatherhood, Jimin was a natural, he had been worried he wouldn't get it right but his children adored him, Jimin said it was because he was still a kid at heart.
Both sat feeding their children from small bowls cheering them as they ate hungrily.
Jimin had such a loving smile on his face for these two small mini Jeons.
They had gone down the surrogacy route, both had done their part and the surrogates fulfilled theirs. Jimins daughter was definitely a mini me and their son was Jungkooks double. They had got two babies in one week, their son first and their daughter four days later. They felt complete now, their life was full they had their friends around,Min Ho, Jin and Namjoons  son came around for play dates , they took it in turns to go into work but also worked from home.
Their friends loved being uncles,Tae was especially happy to dress Ha-Rin girly outfits saying he was going to show her good dress sense as she grew.
"Kookie, you haven't seen my favourite jumper have you? I seem to have misplaced it, maybe I'm just getting forgetful, I can't find some other clothes either...?" Jimin muttered.
"Ah about that baby...." The doorbell rang.
"Someone's early,I'll get it..." Jimin answered the door,
"Mum,dad.... Hi is everything ok?"
"Of course dear we are here as planned and don't worry about a thing we know how to look after children and Jungkook has written their routine."
"Er surprise....!" Jungkook said coming up to his husband.
Jimin kept a smile on his face as the grandparents dashed in to play with their grandchildren.
"Look I know it's short notice and I should have said, but I didn't want you to stress and they are just over a year old now , they're used to mum and dad and we never did have a honeymoon...."
"""Kookie are you saying we are going away without our babies?"
"Ok..., "
"Sure but I have to pack and check the list you wrote do the guest room bedroom, when we leaving?"
"In an hour... I've packed your stuff that's why you couldn't find it, the list is fine and the guest room is all done, the kitchen cupboards are full, mum has all our friends numbers, Jins just across the road, so go shower get ready."
Jimin was open mouthed," when did you do all this?!?!"
"I'm a man of many talents many of which I will show you tonight in a room on our own where no children can interrupt us."
"Kookie hush your parents might hear!"
"Ah sweetie you still blush so easily now hurry I want to get where I can hear you scream out my name as you come...."
Jimin turned smirking," will that be Mr Jeon, Kookie or ....Daddy??" He said without a blush.
"Ah Jiminshi ......, mum ,dad look after the kids I have to help Jimin with something..."
Jungkook grinned as Jimin suddenly rushed off trying to get away,realising that Jungkook wouldn't let that go so easily.......
"Jiminshi......I'm coming!!!!!"
The End

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