The bad news

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"No,no,no dad, I'm not working with him, I run this place and I don't want him here!"
"Jungkook...son, I know I'm just a figurehead to you and you've had a lot of freedom, but you also knew I had a silent partner."
"So,what's that got to do with anything?"
"It was Jimins father....., his parents were such good people."
"The reason I took that trip a month ago was because Jimins parents died."
"Dad,I'm sorry I know you all were close, what happened?"
"Well you know they moved to America to be near Jimin...., lovely place they had..., anyway they were driving home and a drunk driver crashed into them killing them instantly.Jimin told me and I wanted to be there for him."
"Well I didn't know and I'm sorry but what had that to do with Jimin coming here?"
"Son,Jimin now owns half the company, "
"What! Dad no, what does he know about the music industry?"
"A lot, he's been working in an American company, he has a lot of knowledge."
"But I run this place,"
"I know, but Jimin now owns half and has decided to be fully involved."
"But that makes him my boss, no way dad...,"
"If you agree son I will sign over my share to you, then you'll be joint owners, I have plenty of other work."
"Really? Wow thanks dad! Maybe that little dweeb will let me buy him out!"
"Jungkook I never will understand what you have against Jimin...?"
"He was always a nuisance hanging around trying to be friends, he was the chubby kid who got on everyone's nerves."
"People change Jungkook, Jimin is a lovely boy."
"Who is now going to mess up my business,"
"Well let's get the lawyers to witness your take over but it's fifty fifty Jungkook, you can't block him out."
"Damn it why couldn't he have married some girl over there,"
His father coughed," Jimin is...., well he prefers men not girls."
Jungkook was surprised but then thinking of how he used to hang around him and his friends maybe it wasn't that surprising.....
"Maybe you'll fall for him...." His father sighed.
"Dad,I'm Bi and he's the last person I'd fall for,"
"Well, you can show some manners and pick him up from the airport at three."
" He's coming today?"
"Yes and I told him you'll meet him."
"No way, the less I have to do with him the better,"
"Well shall we forget about the lawyers then?" His father said raising his brow.
"Sheesh! Ok you got me. Let's get this done,"
An hour later and Jungkook officially owned half the business. He got back to his office suddenly noticing the caretakers putting a nameplate on the door opposite his, he read it.
Mr Park Jimin
Co manager
"Isn't there an empty office somewhere else?"
"I'm sorry sir, your father chose this and had it fitted out?"
He went into his office and picked up his phone.
"Hey Tae what you up to?"
"Not a lot I've just finished a shoot why?"
"You'll never guess what's happened.."
He explained what his father had said that morning.
"Hey congrats on becoming co owner!"
"Tae are you listening.., that dweeb owns the other half, now he'll be constantly in my space it was bad enough years ago thank god he left...."
"Er Kook it's a bit harsh of you isn't it, He was cute and lonely ."
"How do you know he kept bugging me not you?"
"I found him plenty of times sitting on his own at school after you'd been rude to him, he would be hugging his knees and crying, that's why he got bullied and left school."
"Jungkook he was a prime target, when the bullies saw you, Mr class favourite push him away he was fair game to them, his parents took him out and sent him to school abroad after one nasty incident ."
"Dad never said....."
"Did you ever ask?"
"Why did you never say anything to me? How do you know all this?"
"I told you I found him a few times, I'd take him somewhere to sit where the bullies wouldn't find him. I heard his dad talking to mine about how the bullies had threatened to rape him because they found out he was gay, they had cornered him in one of the bathrooms but someone ran and got a teacher."
Jungkook felt uneasy, he knew he hadn't been perfect but Jimin was small and probably would have been terrified.
"Tae come with me to the airport dad told me I have to pick him up......he will probably feel better if you are there?"
"Ok, swing by and pick me up,"
"Will do,"
The pair sat in the airport canteen drinking coffee.
"Shouldn't we go over to arrivals?"
"No, he will probably take ages getting through baggage and I'm not standing around like a lapdog for that dweeb."Jungkook said looking at Tae.
"I think he's trying to tell you the dweeeb is here, hello Tae, long time no see,.....Jungkook."he said nodding his head dismissively at the other.
To say Jungkook was shocked was putting it mildly, before him stood a slim, sexy total eye candy man.
"Gosh Jimin you look amazing!" Tae said shaking his hand.
"Thanks Tae,I finally grew into the body I should have once the puppyfat went."
"Didn't I tell you that you shouldn't worry about that?"
"You did unlike some people..."
He didn't need to say his name for Jungkook to know he was talking about him. He still couldn't get over this new Jimin.
"I'm sorry about your parents Jimin," he said.
Jimin just nodded then looked away.
"Shall we go I want to visit the company?"
"What today, can't I take you to a hotel or something?"
"No I'm meeting your father there,"
He strode to the exit, Tae being the one who helped him with his luggage.
Tae decided to sit with Jimin in the back of the car.
"So you've done this work before then?"
"Yes,I enjoy the music industry"
"I do modelling,"
"I know I went to one of your shows in Milan."
"You did? Awesome!"
Jimin let out a giggle, a sweet sound that had Jungkook staring at him in the rear view mirror.
"Tae, you haven't changed, awesome used to be said in every conversation!"
"I know I'm still kinda childish..."
"Oh sorry no, I didn't mean for it to be negative, I meant that you used to cheer me up saying it....Jimin the sun is shining isn't it awesome......jimin it's awesome that when you do smile your eyes close..."
"You remember that? Wow!"
"Of course I remember it, probably the only time I felt happy then..."
There was silence in the car with that remark then Jungkook spoke," my father made me co owner,"
"He did ? I was looking forward to working with him," Jimin said quietly.
To Jungkook it sounded like he inferred he wouldn't like working with him and it annoyed him.
"Yes we'll, I've been solely managing the place so I can show you the ropes and maybe you shouldn't make any big decisions before you go through me."
"Hmmm that's not going to work, when your father signed co owner over did he explain the legal codicil attached?"
"Well no, but I'm sure he will..."
"Oh I can tell you, it's that although things are fifty fifty the Park family has a controlling vote on issues there may be disagreements on."
Jungkook was fuming.
"That was when your father was alive I presume..., now though..."
"It stays exactly the same "Jimin said with a fake smile.
By this time they were at the building.
"Well boys I'll say cheerio here, Jimin I'll be in touch, lovely to see you again."
"The pleasures all mine Tae,"
Tae got out the car and gave a wave before sauntering away.
Jungkook slammed out the car and stomped inside, Jimin leisurely following.
In the lift Jungkook turned.caging Jimin in a corner.
"Don't think your going to mess up all the hard work I've put into the business, I don't want you hanging around me like a love sick puppy either!"
He stepped back smirking but was unprepared for a fiesty bundle shoving him back.
"And you..." Jimin said poking him hard in the chest," don't mistake me for the fool I once was, I hate your guts and have for years, you made me feel like something you'd trodden in when I just wanted friends, I used to think your parents had adopted you, how could such an uptight prick like you have such kind wonderful parents like you have?"
The lift door opened and Jimin stalked out leaving a dumbstruck Jungkook staring after him....., wow where had this fiesty little prick tease been years ago?
Mr Jeon senior came from Jungkooks office to greet him, hugging him ,
"Jimin...I'm so glad your here, how are you?"
"I'm well sir,did you get the package I sent over?Dad would have wanted you to have those ."
"I did Jimin, by the way I sent you an email with a list of homes in the area you wanted, the agents can take you around the sooner you are settled the better, it's not fun living in a hotel, I wish you would stay at my house."
"Thank you sir, I don't want to put anyone out but I hope we can visit and talk together more soon."
"Of course, you are like another son to me......., I hope Jungkook has been looking after you?"
"Oh...,yes,we had an interesting conversation ,"
Jungkook had been listening to all this, he saw his fathers genuine respect for the other male and how close they were.
"Dad,uh,Jimin was ...kindly telling me about the clause where he has final say so if we can't agree?"
"Yes,that's right, his dad and I did too which is just as well as our company wouldn't be as good as it is if he hadn't made some smart decisions that I overlooked, did you not see that when you signed this morning? You know you should read things properly before signing son!"
"Yes dad,your right....,I was probably .....eager to meet Jimin again....."
"Well, that's good,now Jimin I have arranged for us to eat at your hotel tonight, my wife is eager to see you so we three will be there at seven thirty won't we Jungkook?"
"I don't mind if Jungkook can't make it sir, you and your wife's company will be perfect."
To Jungkook this was more like saying, please don't come I don't want you there.
"Of course I'll come,wouldn't miss it for the world.."
The pair looked at each other both with fake smiles,then Jungkooks father ushered Jimin into his new office.
Damn,it,why did he feel like the other had one up on him??Jungkook thought.
As if he knew Jimin stared through his office glass wall at the other raising his brow and smiling knowingly at the other who stood in his own office with clenched fists.

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