State of mind

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Jungkook arrived at the hotel to find his parents there with Jimin.
"Jungkook darling I'm glad you came," his mother said hugging him.
"Of course mum I'd never miss a free meal !"
Jimin watched the exchange, he missed his parents deeply and seeing this brought a sad look to his face.
Jungkook saw Jimins face and wondered at it, all he had seen so far was the self assured fiesty Jimin but now he looked sad.
"Come Jimin, Jungkook to the dining room,"
They went in to their table to see a waiter ready to guide them to their table.
"Ah here you madam sirs our menu..."
They sat around the table and ordered ,a waitress served them drinks then dinner,she served each individually from the array of food but Jungkook noticed Jimin only had small servings.
"Jimin is the food not to your liking?" His mother asked.
"Oh no it's delicious...., I am not a big eater ..., I don't want to put weight on."
"You don't still worry about that do you dear? It was puppyfat everyone could see you would grow out of it, your poor mother used to get so upset when you told her nobody liked you because you were fat, how could people do that?"
Jungkook fidgeted uncomfortably, his mother would hate him knowing he did that, it was a perfect opportunity for Jimin to get back at him.
"Thank you, but I can't blame them, I was chubby even I didn't like myself....., I'm getting better but still see the chubby boy when I look in the mirror."
He gave a self deprecating laugh.
Jungkook was surprised,Jimin hadn't outed him.
"I don't think you should worry about your weight as mum said you've grown into yourself, you should not care what childish fat shamers said." Jungkook said trying to let Jimin know he was sorry.
"Enough of that,Jimin did you look over those homes on the list?"
"Yes sir, I will go in the morning to look but don't worry I will stay late to make up for it."
"Jimin you don't have to do that your a boss now not a staff member."
"I know but I should not let my life intervene with work."
"Where are you looking to buy?" Mrs Jeon asked.
Jimin reeled of some addresses Mr Jeon senior had given him.
"Oh that one's near to Jungkook."
Jimin mentally crossed that address off in his mind, he didn't want the other thinking he was trying to get close again.
Jungkooks head shot up at that, No he didn't want him close!
"I'm sure Jungkook will see enough of me at work without banging into me in the neighbourhood "Jimin said with a smile.
"But it would be nice for you to have someone close!"
"Mum leave him be, he's only been back today let him look around."
The rest of the meal was spent with Mr Jeon regaling them of stories of the past.
After finishing their coffee jimin stood up.
"If you don't mind I will call it a day...,it's been a long day but I need to sleep." Jimin said
"Can I have a quiet word before we leave too,?"Jungkook murmured.
"You two chat we will be going don't be too long Jungkook ,Jimin is tired."
"No,goodnight mum, dad,"
"Goodnight sir, madam it was a lovely meal and company ...."
He followed Jungkook out to a lounge area and sat silently.
"So how will this work? I have a client list what are you bringing to the table?"
"I will build my own list, I know a few people who want to join ."
"Hmm, we will see....." Jungkook doubted."I don't want you stealing my clients..."
Jimin felt that long gone feeling of not being good enough,did Jungkook think he was incapable.
He was really tired and shaking which he concealed
It's a state of mind, he told himself, remember what your counsellor said don't let panic control you.
"I said see you tomorrow?"
"Oh right yes... "
He turned towards the lift then turned back
"Jungkook just so you know, I don't cheat or lie and work hard to get the things I need, I have no need to take your clients even if they are in reality our clients, I know you still see me as that stupid boy who got on your nerves, I learned my lesson, I don't rely on anyone but myself now,"
He got into the lift and pushed the button for the doors to close .
You did it, you faced your demon, he can't hurt you anymore, he thought to himself placing his shaking hands in his pockets.
Jungkook felt a bit disturbed by Jimins talk, it gave him more of an insight into the new Jimin.this Jimin was self reliant and wouldn't be easy to control as he'd first thought. Why then did he feel Jimin was hiding something too?
Jimin got to his room and went to the bathroom opening the container of anxiety medication, he swallowed it down and eventually felt himself relax. He washed up climbed into bed and fell into a deep heavy sleep.
The next day Jungkook turned up to work only to find Jimin had beaten him there.
Glancing into Jimins office he saw him with his computer and laptop on talking into a headset.
An hour later Jimin walked out of his office to see the houses on the list.
Jungkook called out to him.
"Who we're you talking to?"
"Huh?.....oh some one who wants to join here, they will be coming in this afternoon."
"We only take on the best not mediocre..."
"Well they fit that criteria..., sorry but I have to go..."
He walked away, Jungkook sighed then checked his emails, he had been contacting a famous Rapper but so far they hadn't taken the bait, but he would persevere.
Jimin looked around the houses they were all nice but he did like the one that was in Jungkooks area, he knew he couldn't take it, he had no wish to make more of an enemy than he already had.
He went back to the office and got stuck into his work.
Jungkook was walking back to his office after a meeting when the lift door opened, he looked up and his face lit up.
Yes, he had finally come to see him! Jungkook walked to the man.
"Suga, this is unexpected, we are glad to have you here!"
"Yer thanks er...?"
"Jeon Jungkook, come this way....."
"Oh is Jimins office down here, cool...."
"Yer, so he's here?"
Jungkook was pissed, Jimin had stolen Suga from him.
"This way..." he said his voice harsh.
They got to Jimins office, the small male looked up then smiled, Jungkook was momentarily blinded by how stunning he looked.
Jimin stood up as Suga entered then the pair totally flummoxed Jungkook as Suga held his arms wide and Jimin ran and jumped into them hooking his legs around Sugas waist.
"Hey chick, how are you?"
"All the better for seeing you!"
Jungkook stared," you two know each other?"
"This little chick started my career,"
"Oh Suga I didn't I just sent a recording of you from that club and my boss loved you ."
"Baby if you hadn't have been working part time at that club I wouldn't be where I am, I owe you."
"No you would always have made it,"
"Er....., are you here to sign with us er Suga?"
"Us, oh your that Jeon the one who's been pestering me to come here."
"J-Jungkook you were trying to scout Suga?"
"What does it matter who scouted me? I told you Jimin when you became the boss of a music industry I would follow you."
"Yes..., but why did you ignore Jungkook?"
"I don't know him," Suga said simply.
"But..., Suga this makes things hard,I promised Jungkook I wouldn't take someone he was after...., you should go with him."
Jungkook was surprised, he could see Jimin was sincere and that this genuinely worried him he was about to say something when Suga looked worried at Jimin.
"Jimin it's ok , don't panic..." he held Jimins suddenly shaking hands," deep breaths remember?"
Jungkook was confused at the interaction but could see that Jimin did indeed breathe more deeply and slightly nod at Suga.
He decided to say what had been on his mind,
"Jimin it's fine I know you weren't poaching him it seems like you've known him a lot longer than me it makes sense for you to take him on your friends."
Jimin nodded finally smiling again.
"Thank you Jungkook but would you mind sitting in I'm not fully understanding our recruitment policy yet so if you could explain it?"
"Sure, shall we sit down?"
For the next forty minutes Jungkook explained their policy fetching necessary documents and witnessing Suga and Jimins signature.
As they finished up Jimin spoke to his friend again,
"Is Hobi back or still on tour?"
"No he's home now, I'm glad we kept our place here while we were in America, did you find somewhere yet?"
"I've looked at some but there was only one I really liked but...." He stared at Jungkook then looked down," but it might not be convenient,"
"Ah Jimin I know you, once you see something you like it's hard to change your mind, go with your gut and buy it!"
"Hmmm.., I-I'll think about it, now let me show you around, we have good recording studios and our music editors are the best...."
"Did you know RM is thinking of coming back?"
"He is! Do you think he'd come here?"
"No harm asking,Jin misses you."
"I was so upset at leaving you all behind but now, I will call him, you three were my lifeline in America , I don't know if I could have got where I am without you."
"Friends care about each other..., once you opened up a bit and came out of your shell you were easily the kindest and hardest worker  and friend we had met, your parents treated us as family too, I miss their kindness."
Jimin gave a tearful smile then pulled Suga along with him to show him the company .
Jungkook stared after them, he didn't know why but he felt uncomfortable at the ease of the others friendship, Suga seemed to know him well, and what was with the shaking hands and deep breaths?
He went to his office and got on with his work, inside he was overjoyed at the signing but underneath all that he was wondering , did Jimin have a drug problem? It would explain the shaking and the high fiesty mood then the slightly low mood.
He decided he would confront the other soon , but he'd keep an eye on him, even as a co owner a drug addict was not suitable to run a firm who knows what he would do.....

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