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Jimins head felt fuzzy and when had his pillow been so hard?
His hand went to plump the offending pillow up only to find his head was laying on someone's chest.
Confused he let out a yelp.
A light came on blinding him momentarily then...
"Jimin are you ok?"
His eyes suddenly focused on a naked muscled body and then upwards to a slightly dishevelled face.
His stomach suddenly rolled and he gagged, clamping a hand over his mouth he shoved the cover aside and stood up staring around the unfamiliar room.
Jungkook quickly got up and opened a door, Jimin ran wobbly to it throwing up as he went.
Most went down the toilet but some went on his shirt. He heaved until there was nothing left.
"Jimin take that top off I'll get you a t shirt,"
Jimin looked down at himself embarrassed he took off the top then realised he only had boxers on.
Jungkook came back holding a t shirt.
"Here wash up there's a spare toothbrush in the cabinet cone out when your ready."
"Why am I here, what did you do to me? Where's my clothes? Did we.....?"
Jungkook stood arms crossed over his chest.
"Does your ass hurt?"
"Well if we had done anything I can assure you it would, someone spiked your drink I bought you here because I didn't think you'd want me in your home, Hobi said this might happen so I thought you'd be safer here."
Instead of thanking him and apologising Jimin said the first thing that came into his head,
"Why would my ass hurt?"
Jungkook looked in surprise at the others question.
"Jimin your not a virgin are you?"
"No...., but I haven't done it many times either I don't know what the fuss is about......"
"Oh Jiminee," he came close," if I had fucked you I would have wrecked your ass, you wouldn't have needed to ask if we had done it!"
Jimin could feel the heat come to his face he lowered his eyes then clung to the sink as a wave of exhaustion swept over him.
Jungkook saw this and stepped back," wash up then come back"
He walked out closing the door giving Jimin some privacy. He quickly used the fascilities then washed himself down and cleaned his teeth, he put the t shirt on which hung down way past his boxers. His eyes felt like closing and he walked out.
"Where's your sofa I can sleep there?"
"Shut up and get in the bed your nearly falling over ."
"Jimin your the one that crawled over me in your sleep,I was on top of the bed, so don't worry I'll attack you, just go to sleep!"
Jimin crawled into the comfy bed curling up and drifting off.
Just as Jungkook thought he was asleep a mumbled,
"Why didnt my ass hurt before ?" Came to his ears then a sigh and then eventually a soft snore.
Jungkook was staring at his ceiling, Jimin obviously hadn't had great sexual experiences, it made him want to ask just how experienced he was, it also made him want to show this cute inexperienced guy how good it could be.
As his mind wandered over the next forty minutes his arousal grew until he knew he needed to do something, he went quietly into the bathroom and began stroking himself, he didn't realise the door wasn't shut or that a certain small male had woken up again hearing groans.
Was Jungkook ok? Was he ill? Jimin stood up and made his way to the bathroom pushing slightly on the door.
His eyes opened wide as he saw the sight of Jungkook pumping himself eyes closed and moaning in pleasure.
A gasp had Jungkook opening his eyes, he saw Jimin staring at him in a way that showed interest, Jimins eyes rose to Jungkooks face then down again, he bit his plump lip unconciously.
"Like what you see?"
"I er....,I ..."
Jungkook released his hand and walked towards Jimin,
"Touch me...."
Jimin stared down at the large protruding member, his hand hesitatingly wrapped around it feeling it's velvety strength. Jungkook hissed in pleasure.
"Fuck your making this hard, I'm sorry Jimin I shouldn't have said that,"
Instead of stopping Jimins hand pumped a few times hearing the others moan.
"Show me..." he said.
"Show me how you'd make my ass hurt,"
Jungkooks eyes blazed, he shimmied out off his pjs bottoms then picked Jimin up walking hurriedly to the bed.
He lay Jimin down and hovered over him,
"Your sure?"
Biting his lip Jimin nodded.
Jungkook drew the t shirt over Jimins head gazing at the body beneath.
Jimin tried to shyly cover himself.
"Oh no ....," Jungkook admonished as he held both Jimins hands in one of his and tweeted a nipple.
Jimin gasped and made a mewling sound.
" sensitive..." Jungkook commentated.
He lowered his lips to Jimins eager to taste him again. As their lips met it was like a bomb going off, Jimin let out an erotic moan as Jungkook kissed him deeply swirling his tongue inside. Both barely paused for breath, Jimin found himself wanting more .
"Touch...," he moaned out.
"Me or you?" Jungkook asked
Jungkook let Jimins hands free and the small boy wasted no time in caressing Jungkooks hard abs.
Jungkook delved lower palming Jimin who unconciously thrust his hips up at the others touch.
Jungkook pulled away staring at Jimin as he removed his boxers showing how aroused Jimin was.
He bent down taking Jimin into his mouth licking the pre cum.
"Oh god....what are you doing..." Jimin gasped.
Jungkook raised his head up...
"Jimin..., how much experience have you got?"
"I um er..., twice ok! It was not like this though they, well basically they um, sort of got so needy they just..., did it..."
"Well then I should show you how it's done properly..."
He opened a drawer taking out a tube of lube.
Jimin eyed it,will that make you come quicker? They put it on them and barely got in before they came..." he said in an embaressed voice.
"No this is to help pleasure you, prep you,"
He rubbed some on his fingers...
"Let's play baby...."
He kissed Jimin deeply eliciting the moans he lived to hear, while doing this he nudged Jimins legs apart and touched his puckered hole, Jimin tensed.
"Relax baby..." Jungkook kissed him again then gently pushed in a finger, Jimin gasped at the intrusion but soon had a different feeling running through him. He dug his heels into the bed bending his knees so Jungkook could go in deeper.
Jungkook trailed kisses down his neck then pushed a second finger in at the same time he sucked on Jimins collarbone.
"Ooooooh, K-Kookie ...."
Jungkook nibbled at Jimins ear.
"I'm gonna fuck you so hard you'll know it...."
Jimin felt goosebumps over him as Jungkook whispered dirty things into his ear.
His own arousal was hard and leaking and he knew Jungkook was aroused as he felt his length against him.
Jungkook ppushed a third finger in.
"God your so tight I can't wait to feel you taking my dick,"
He suddenly hooked his fingers as he pumped them inside Jimin and found what he'd been looking for, that sensitive bundle of nerves that would have Jimin screaming his name.
He pumped his fingers hitting Jimins sensitive nerves.
"Ah fuck what's that!" Jimin yelled.
"That's gonna make you come baby..." Jungkook said pumping harder.
"Oh fuck aaah Kookie it's so good..." Jimin moaned out
Jungkook kissed Jimins neck and ears as his hand pumped faster watching the different emotions in Jimins face.
"Oh god too much oh Kookie I....."
"Come for me baby..."
Jimin thrust up as an overwhelming feeling of release rushed through him costing his stomach with spurts of white.
Jimin was gasping he'd never felt this good.
Jungkook removed his fingers and hovered over Jimin,
"Now for the main event baby,"
Lubing himself he pushed into Jimin balls deep.
"Aaah Kookie,"
"Hush baby,fuck I can feel you clenching on me already,can I move?"
Jimin nodded, never had anyone made him feel like this.
Jungkook pulled back ,then thrust in deeply again. Jimin was still sensitive from his release but this feeling was new, nobody had ever fucked him deeply like this or cared to give him satisfaction first.
Jungkook oushed Jimins legs back this allowed him to go deeper
"Ah Jimin you feel so bloody good!"
Jimin started feverishly kiss the others neck and this caused Jungkook to thrust faster. He could feel Jimins new arousal and he fucked him deeply pushing against those sensitive nerves every time .
"Ah too much Kookie I'm gonna cum again....!"
Jungkook grunted in pleasure, " lefts cum together, hold on I'm nearly there."
Jimin held Jungkooks shoulders he couldn't wait any more, thrusting up he screamed Jungkooks name and came, a few seconds later and,
"Aaaaaarghhhhh! jimiiiiin!"
The pressure of his release and Jimin clenching on him had Jungkook groaning in overwhelming pleasure. He flopped down but then rolled to his side not wanting to squash Jimin.
He could hear Jimins little panting breaths, he turned to him,
"Jimin you ok?"
Jimin looked at the others worried gaze and smiled.
"Is that how it's supposed to be?"
"Depends, was it good or not?" The other asked frowning.
"Oh it was sooo good! Why has that never happened before?"
"Because you have had selfish lovers , there's so much more Jimin......"
"Gosh I don't think I could take much more!"
"Ok let's shower....."
"What together? Both of us?"
"Yes Jimin I think I've seen everything you've got don't be shy we are all sticky..."
Jimin giggled, such a sweet sound to Jungkooks ears, he got up followed by Jimin.
"Ow! My butt aches!"
"Told you it would! Shall I carry you?"
He lifted Jimin up easily walking to the bathroom stopping in surprise when Jimin asked,
"Is it true you can have sex in a shower?"
"Park Jimin ! You naughty boy....., yes you can...., shall we?"
Thirty minutes later Jimin was sitting on the bed grinning, wow who knew he thought going over what just happened in the shower.
Giggling a little he moved slowly to go downstairs wearing a t shirt of Jungkooks and his black jeans carrying his shoes he was going to the kitchen Jungkook had told him to meet him in.
The doorbell rang as he was at the top of the stairs Jungkook opened the door,
"Lisa why are you here?"
"Charming is that anyway to treat your girlfriend?"
Jimin froze in place, his girlfriend?
"I've told you....." Jungkook moved away the Lisa girl followed and Jimin could hear no more.
Jimin went and quietly picked his jacket up then crept down the stairs passing to the front door and slipping his shoes on then slipped out of the house walking over the road to his own home slumping down onto the sofa.
God what had he done! He'd pushed Jungkook into betraying his girlfriend he'd asked him to have sex with him ! He felt awful the only way he knew how to keep his mind busy was work, although it was the weekend the building was open for recording artists.
He changed into a sweatshirt and loose jeans and trainers leaving his house and hailing a taxi, looking like he had the world on his shoulders.

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