My desire

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"Come on Jimin,, you said you haven't been out since coming back, it's a new club , drinking listening to music......."
"Suga, I don't know....,"
"Who knows you may find someone you like.....,"
"I'm not looking for a boyfriend...."
"Hobi wants you to come,"
Jimin sighed,Hobi was his weak point, he'd been by Jimins side when he first sought counselling in the US, so he had a soft spot for him.
"Ok it is Friday so it won't hurt I suppose,send me the address and I'll meet you there at eight?"
"Eight thirty....., time for a nap before,"
Jimin chuckled,his friend liked his naps..., he was totally the opposite of his energetic boyfriend.
Hanging up the phone Jimin sat with his head in his hands,ever since their interaction two days ago he and Jungkook avoided each other,although Jimin would have said he was extremely busy and hadn't noticed! He got up walking down to the staff room nearly sent flying by a muscular body coming around the corner.
"Shit Jimin are you ok?"
"Er um yes thank you Jungkook."
"I er wasn't looking where I was going...."
"Well er enjoy your weekend......"
Jungkook dashed to his office picking up a couple of files and his laptop before leaving to meet with Tae.
Tae was in reception,others were admiring the good looking man who seemed unaware of the stares.
"Hey Tae come on, "
Tae carried a garment bag which he put in the back of Jungkooks car.
"So this club we are going to later, what's your connection?"
"Just doing a friend a favour,he's having a few celebs going just for tonight,hang out photo shots for the media...,your DJ Suga is doing the music."
"Well it's worth going just for that!"
"Hey you mean my company isn't enough...., I'm gutted," he said dramatically.
"You drama queen, who you really going there for, I know I'm just a sidekick?"
"Well there's a few cute models going...."
"Ah now the truth!"
"You could get laid ...."
"I sure as hell need to!" Jungkook mumbled.
"Hah, frustrated Jungkook haven't seen that in a while,"
"I've been busy..."
"Hmmm, how's it going with Jimin,"
"Jimin? How's what going?"
"Work of course....., unless something else is going on?" Tae said wiggling his eyebrows.
"With Jimin....., oh no never,not a chance."
"Well I know he has an admirer ..."
"What Jimin?"
"Don't say it like that, if I was that way inclined I'd go for it....., Taemin."
"I saw him yesterday, he went on and on about the cute fiesty bundle he'd seen the day before, gushed eloquently about how he wanted to get to know him better."
Jungkook frowned, he didn't like the sound of that, Jimin should be careful around him.
"Whatever..," he muttered pulling into his drive. He stared across the road at the house that was now Jimins.
"Your not still gutted about not getting that place are you it's been years!" Tae said.
"Jimins bought it...."
"Wow! What a coincidence that you two like the same place!"
Jungkook turned away sharply," come on I'll feed you then we can change and go, what time do they want you there?"
"Just before eight for ' the model brigade', Suga is a bit later."
They went in and Tae hung his stuff up in the spare room.
Soon the pair were eating in front of the tv watching a comedy, then they started preparing for the nights fun.
Jimin stared at his closet Suga had told him it was a celeb thing which meant they would be dressed up but comfortable for dancing.
He pulled out his favourite tight black jeans and paired it with a loose top Hobi had made him buy saying he looked sexy in it, he just thought it was a nice top not realising the sexiness came when he danced and the top rode up showing his body. He'd had his hair cut before coming home, instead of a tousled mess it was now a swept back shorter at the back style that showed his elegant neck.
After eating a light snack he showered then got ready. Staring at himself in the mirror he smiled, he didn't look too bad he supposed. He'd lightly smudged liner on his eyes giving him a sultry look, a dangling earring and matching chain added just the right touch, he collected a jacket and wallet then jumped into the taxi he'd called.
On arrival he gave his name and was ushered through, he went directly behind the stage where he found Hobi and Suga who was setting up .
"Jimin! Omg your so edible," Hobi screeched
"Er thanks, I think?"
"Suga isn't he edible?"
"Yes babe of course,hi Jimin got your dancing shoes on?"
"As long as Hobi has?"
"Pleeeeeeze, am I not the king of dance?"
Jimin and Suga laughed.
"Right go get yourselves a seat and don't drink too much, either of you!"
"We won't ," both said with fingers crossed behind their backs before giggling and going out to find a seat.
"Hey Jungkook isn't that Jimin?"
Jungkook turned his head from the slim girl seated next to him,
Yes, it was Jimin and boy did he look good.
Jimin looked around and saw Tae waving like a madman for him to come over.
"A friend?" Hobi asked.
"Yes come on I'll introduce you..."
They both walked up Jimin only realising who was with Tae when they got there.
"Er Hobi this is Tae and um Jungkook......"
"Jimin it's great your here..."
"Thanks Tae I'm here with Hobi and Suga,"
"You know Suga ?"one of the girls sitting at the table said," oh he's so cute and adorable I want to meet him!!!!"
Jimin tried not to laugh he could see Hobi's face,
"Er well miss maybe Hobi here could introduce you, after all it is his husband...."
"H-husband,oh er I expect he's busy tonight...."
"Very...!" Hobi said,"come on Jimin let's get a table"
"Oh you can sit with us?" Tae said looking at Jungkook who's gaze was on Jimin.
"No thanks," Hobi said looking at the girl who was thirsty for his husband," nice to meet you Tae and er Jungkook." He pulled Jimin to a table a few feet away then beckoned a waiter ordering drinks.
"So that's the Jungkook," Hobi said.
Jimin nodded.
"He's a handsome devil,"
Jimin gave a sideways glance seeing the girl next to Jungkook trailing her hand along his thigh. He clenched his hands feeling annoyed.
Suddenly lights flashed around the club and Suga was announced getting loud applause and whistles.
"Let's at it then!" Suga said blasting out a song .
Jimin and Hobi clinked glasses drinking down their beers and waving for another.
Jungkook seemed oblivious of the girl doing her best to get into his pants his eyes were glued on Jimin who was laughing at something Hobi said.
A man came up and stopped at their table leaning into Jimin saying something , Jimins face went rosy but he smiled and shook his head and the man left leaving Hobi nudging Jimin and giggling .
Suga put on a song he dedicated to his chick, of course Jungkook knew who that was now but he was surprised when Jimin got up dragging Hobi with him.
"Hey you wanna dance with me?"the girl next to him said seductively.
Jungkook sighed," I'm not great company tonight you should find someone else..."
The girl huffed and got up her friend going with her.
"Oh thanks Kook you cock blocker ,shit Jimins a good dancer!"Tae said surprised.
Both men stared at the small male dancing with Hobi, both were as good as each other , both had sexy moves and were thoroughly enjoying themselves..
Jungkook certainly noticed the way Jimins top rode up as he danced the same way others did.
"Oh hello sweetie ,nice to see you here," Tae said to a beauty who came over and sat on his lap.
"Taetae let's dance," she said, Tae got up winking at Jungkook," looks like I'll be sleeping elsewhere tonight!"
Jungkoook raised his brows and nodded then turned his attention back to the dance floor .Hobi made his way to his husband dancing with him on the stage Jimin stepped back to his table, grabbing his glass thirstily.
"Hey cutie I thought you said you didn't want to dance?"
Jimin gazed up to find the man who had stopped at his table earlier back.
"No as I said I'm with my friends I'll dance with them,"
"Aw come on don't play hard to get," the man said gripping Jimins wrist.
"Get your hands off him..." Jungkook stepped up to the man who at first tried to face off with him but then stepped back," sorry pal no harm done."
Jungkook sat down with Jimin who's hand shook as he lifted his glass.
"You ok?"
"Erm, yer thank you...."
"You dance well,"
"Hobi taught me,"
"You look good....,"
"Your not good at taking compliments are you..."
"It's weird coming from you,"
"What you think I can't see or something?"
"No it's just, it's nothing special just comfy jeans and top..."
"Did you really not look in the mirror when you dressed?"
"What?of course I did to make sure I was tidy........"
"Tidy?......Jimin your jeans hug every curve you have, your top when you dance shows off your body....."
"Shit does it?" Jimin tried to tug his top down .
"Jiminee!!! Oh hi Jungkook,Jimin Suga's set is nearly done,we are going on to another club you coming?"
""Er well...., Hobi does this top show off my body?"
"What? Of course it does that's why I made you get it! So are you coming?"
"No thanks I'll finish my drink and go tell Suga will you?"
"Sure thing love you babes!"
Jimin stared after his friend then sipped on his drink subconsciously pulling at his shirt.
"I can take you back...."
"What oh it's ok I'll get a taxi...."
"Don't be silly we live right opposite each other..."
"Oh, but what about Tae and your Erm friends?"
"Just people we met here, Tae has moved on and I'm ready to go home."
"Oh...well ok then, "he lifted his glass drinking down the rest, cringing it tasted funny.
"What's up?"
"It tasted funny maybe it just got too warm,"
Jimin stood up then suddenly swayed," ooops! I must be a lightweight....woah! I feel strange...."
Jungkook looked at him then his glass noticing undissolved granules in the glass at the bottom.
"Shit your drinks been spiked ."
Jimin suddenly giggled," spiky I've been spiky ....I ...."
Jimin suddenly fell forward.
"Fuck!" Jungkook caught him then called a waiter over ,
"Tell your boss they have someone in here spiking drinks ..., it's him...." He pointed out the man . He swept Jimin up in his arms walking out.
He turned to see Hobi racing out after him.
"What's happened to our chick?"
"Someone's spiked his drink I'm taking him home,"
"Oh shit, I'll come too....."
"It's ok I assure you I won't harm him just see he's ok,"
"Er....,we'll just be warned it's happened before,he will wake up confused then throw up."
"Does this kid carry a sign around or something saying easy game?" Jungkook said harshly.
"You tell me...., sorry low blow...., Jimin told me you two had talked, No it's just he forgets not everyone is as trustworthy as him, last time he got spiked at a works do by someone who wanted to be his boyfriend luckily Suga and I were there and stopped the man carting Jimin off, my Suga beat the shit out of him..."
A moan came from the small boy then Jimin curled himself against Jungkooks chest.
"I'll take him home now.."
Hobi helped get Jimin in the car covering him with his jacket.
Jungkook drove back instead of going to Jimins he took him to his house sure that Jimin wouldn't want him in his house uninvited.
He carried him to his room not wanting to put him in the spare in case Tae came back.
He lay Jimin down and gazed at him, he looked like anyone's wet dream, his jeans showed more than they hid ,his top had risen up showing a tiny waist his lips were asking to be kissed......
He took Jimins shoes and socks off then debating with himself gingerly undid his jeans tugging them down over his curvy butt and off. His eyes were drawn to Jimins covered assets and he felt himself react.
Not now , he told himself tempting as Jimin was he wouldn't take advantage.
He covered Jimin up then changed into pj bottoms he never wore a top. He lay on top of the bed with a light throw over him.
He stared at the boy whose head was now the only thing he could see.
"When did you stop being a nuisance and become my desire?" He muttered before switching the light off and falling asleep.

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