Part 40

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The next to receive a letter in the mail was George, his means of getting the letter in hand was his flatmate handing the unopened letter addressed to him after a day of lectures at university. It was a hot humid day, opposite to what his younger brother Beckham was experiencing at Hogwarts. George assumed it was communication from either his brother who now resided in the UK as it had stamps from England on it.

How wrong he was once opening the letter. He immediately recognized his mother's handwriting, meaning she had written this exact letter before she had died. A sense of dread filled him as he read through the letter. It was a letter that would change everything as he read through the words sprawled on the paper.

Dear George,
I do hope you have made the right choice to move forward in life, now that I am gone. I assure you I am proud no matter what you have decided, expect if you have gone off to join a cult that believes in the end of time. Then I will be plaguing your nightmares. However, enough of the jokes. This is a serious matter I must address with you, son.
Your lineage has been the biggest mystery compared to your siblings. Dudley knew of whom his father is, Harry too and you knew the twins shared a father. You always had a sense that you were different from the others like you didn't quite fit in. For the longest time in my own life, I felt the same. I had spent a period of my life being jealous of my sister who was a witch and now as I write this letter my days are numbered and it was such a petty thing to have done. So I must set some things correct, so you have the ability to understand where you come from.
At first, I thought Vernon was your father. That was shortly changed with Albus Dumbledore sent me a letter on a fateful day when you were two years old. He explained there had been an alert that you had magical blood origins and it finally clicked in my head that I had a one-night stand. Then I would receive further communication of the bloodlines that had been traced from the origins they had found in your records and from that information I was able to conclude who he was. He was a man close to you in your early childhood and it still shocks me to this day that it was your Uncle Sev. You adored the man and it made sense, he was your biological father.
You were old enough to know of the dangers when it came to war so I hope you can understand why this information was kept from you. But I also am truly sorry that I had kept it from you for so long, you always felt like you didn't belong but now I can reveal that you are one hundred percent related to Beckham and Millie, you share the same father. I hope this gives you some more closure in discovering where you come from.
I love you forever, my darling son.
I understand this will take you some time to process, along with my loss. But I couldn't keep this hidden any longer. The danger is gone and as far as I'm aware there are no ties that will threaten the lives of you and your siblings. As Snape is long dead.
Please be safe.
Love your mother.

George read the letter three times, thinking this was a joke from his siblings making up some lie. But he knew his mother wasn't a fan of that and this was in fact her handwriting. He could match it to the letters they had exchanged between the times they had communicated during his time at Hogwarts. Yet now he held the truth in his hand after his mother was long gone, he would never know the circumstances of why he didn't know Snape as his father. What had happened between his parents to let the truth be hidden for so long? They obviously had a long relationship as he remembered the wizard present a lot in his early childhood and he had younger siblings.

His flatmate and friend Ryan Fields noticed George appearing almost emotionless while holding a letter in hand. He assumed it was a letter from a trust fund his mother set up, he knew that she had passed. "You alright mate?" Ryan asked.

George was glad he had cut his hair shorter this year, as he was covered in sweat. "I need a fucken drink." He mentioned. He couldn't remember the last time he'd been this stressed out. He had just learned his origin story which was different to what he had been told, as some random guy who ran away from sleeping with his mother. Now the truth was that he had 100% related siblings and his father was Severus Snape.

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