Part 29

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Petunia's household was busy for a period of time, while they recovered from the trauma associated with the attack that occurred at Hogwarts.

During this time they became regular students at Muggle schools in Australia, while also keeping up their practical magic skills with a tutor who had volunteered their time to help the family. This included the young teenager known as Harry Potter, who was labelled a war hero during the fight as he had defeated Voldemort and brought peace to the wizarding world. Although he was proud of his achievements in bringing down the man that murdered his parents, he never liked the attention of having his name blasted all over the media. Due to this, he was never able to have a typical school experience as he was too busy protecting the wizarding world from this dark wizard, so he was enjoying his stay in the warm Australian sun.

He had a brief time when Hermione had flown over to bring back the memories she had taken from her parents. She relayed information that she was returning to Hogwarts to finish her education and Ron Weasley had chosen to help his older brother George with his business in the city as he had lost his twin brother in the fight. Although the trio had agreed on an expedition to embark on some travel around Europe once things settled in the wizarding world and they had saved enough money to enjoy themselves. Harry was busy saving every penny he could with his part-time job to allow himself to enjoy more travel before he would meet up with his best friends back in Europe.

Petunia was surprised when one summer afternoon that Harry announced he was travelling to Bali, a small island nation with his older cousin Dudley. Dudley had gotten some time off before the summer school holidays to enjoy a much-needed vacation and spread the idea to Harry, as it was just a short flight away. This would be the perfect opportunity to introduce Harry to budget travel as everything was very cheap in Bali. "I can't let him get into trouble so soon." Dudley casually mentions while rubbing Harry's dark hair which had been trimmed.

Harry cringed at the notion of having his head rubbed. The boy had taken back to wearing contacts but kept his glasses close if he was feeling lazy. "I think I'll be the one babysitting you," Harry mentions, knowing how rowdy the older boy got after a night of drinking. Dudley had boasted how cheap alcohol was in Bali and now that Harry was legally old enough to drink, they could both enjoy the seaside bars together.

Petunia sighed. They were both old enough to make their own decisions, she just hoped the pair didn't find themselves locked up. "As long as I'm not getting any phone calls from a Bali prison."

During the two-week vacation in Bali, Petunia didn't receive any news that the boys had found themselves in trouble. Instead, they returned with various photographs about their travels from the stunning beaches to the important historic locations and a suntan which bordered closely to sunburn. They were adventurous young men who enjoyed motocross, hand-gliding and the nights spent in different bars. This trip brought them close together as they stayed in the same accommodation and figured out how they got to their next location. They were able to heal from their past and make plans for different travel plans as Harry was going to take the offer of working back in England after his travelling.

Back on home soil Petunia still had three younger children to care for.

Beckham and George kept themselves busy with their schoolwork and after-school activities, which involved various sports. They had adjusted quickly to their sudden education changes upon returning home, to only having one tutoring session a fortnight. One evening a fifteen-year-old George mentioned to his mother at the dinner table his previous conversation with the witch that was offering their tutoring sessions. "She was saying that I should be on track to finish my last year of education at the Australian wizarding school." Deep down the boy still had fear about returning to England and Hogwarts. Perhaps his nightmares would return.

"She did mention something about that last month." Petunia relayed. "McGonagall had the same thought." She had constant communication with the new headmistress of Hogwarts who had informed her that her children were always welcome back at Hogwarts if they decided to return.

George was quick to refuse that idea.

Beckham wasn't opposed to the chance to return to Hogwarts, he had immersed himself into a new world and had made plenty of friends. This was opposite to what his twin sister thought, she was currently in the lounge after the conversation was brought up at the dinner table. Although any major family decisions about their education could wait, Petunia had her own personal issues to deal with rather than deciding on sending the children abroad to boarding school again.

She had been plagued with constant sleepless nights due to nightmares and rather odd pain she felt throughout her body. She took painkillers and put it down to stress dealt towards her daughter who had been a constant headache for her, for a small girl she had a rather loud opinion when it came to getting her way. Millie believed being the only girl in the household meant she was able to get her own way, that's what her new friends at her Muggle primary school had informed her. They were spoiled young girls and were slowly trapping Millie down that path as she fought against her powers and presented herself in the Muggle world.

Petunia didn't have the energy to fight with her daughter most days, Millie was still working with her therapist in order to better herself from her own set of challenges. The mother felt like this was just a stage she was going through and she would be sure to bring it up at her next family appointment. "You know mum, she reminds me of the same attitude I used to get away with." Dudley would comment one evening he was visiting the family. Harry backed up the statement, stating it was true.

Petunia simply sighed before plastering a fake smile on her face. "She's suffering from trauma and acting out negatively in order to get her own way." The pair of young men had witnessed her outbursts when it came to going along for her tutoring lessons. "Her therapist mentioned to simply ignore it and not give in to her demands." No matter how much she argued, Millie was dragged inside only to sit in the corner of the room sulking while her brothers enjoy their lessons.

"You look unwell, Aunt Petunia," Harry mentioned, changing the course of the conversation.

The Muggle looked down at the causal outfit she had been wearing, consisting of white linen pants and a floral top. Her hair was clipped back from her face, yet smaller pieces blew around in the breeze that blew through the family home. Petunia was known for her perfect appearance, even if she was just completing errands in town or housework. She preferred patterned dresses rather than pants, paired with heels and not the pair of sneakers she wore on her feet as they ached at the end of the day.

However, the biggest giveaway was the lack of makeup on her pale face. Many imperfections she was afraid of showing to everyone, included the dark circles under her blue eyes that were drained of their usual vibrant colour. "I'm just tired, that's all." She was still running after three children to cater to their afterschool activities and the different outings they planned with their friends each weekend. She also still had a job on top of that to support the large family.

Harry was due to leave for America in less than a month, he was worried about leaving his aunt to care for his cousins. He knew Dudley would help out as much as he could outside of his own job and social life. Yet each day that passed Petunia looked more stressed and unable to cope towards the end of the evening. Harry had undertaken more chores that had gone undone at the end of the day just to see his aunt nap on the couch. That was unlike her.

"Maybe you should see a doctor, just to make sure," Dudley suggested. The topic had been brought up with the siblings outside of the home.

Petunia brushed the boys off as she continued to complete the dishes. She was finding it difficult to focus on the task with the television blaring in the background from the younger children engaging in a gameshow that was playing. It phased out the conversation held with the older children as it wasn't a topic they had an interest in as it didn't concern them.

But perhaps the boys were right.

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