Part 6

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Things were different for Petunia. She had dreamed about a fairytale life with her former husband Vernon Dursley for so long. Where they had a big happy family and enjoyed many adventures together, picture-perfect to prove those wrong that had tried to defy her relationship in the beginning. But as the woman stood on the sideline of a football match where both Dudley and Harry were both playing defence against the opposing team, her pregnant stomach was more pronounced. There is a proud smile on her face as she was bundled with a thick jacket, another mother watching her own son play sharing an umbrella.

Now the woman was a solo mother caring for both her son and nephew in the former estate she had grown up herself. Immersing herself in the community more than a housewife remaining indoors to make sure there wasn't an inch of dust that would flare up Vernon's supposed allergies. Showing kindness to her family and neighbours who had offered their support once learning her story. Although Petunia was a proud woman and didn't accept their pity.

Her former husband agreed to their separation, even when he had attempted to rid of his criminal record and even get himself out of jail, due to the long sentence he was granted by the judge that had travelled to London for the case. There had been an anonymous call that there were bribes given to the local justice system to allow the man free. Petunia suspected it was the Wizarding community that had given the call, he had warned Vernon there would be consequences for the abuse given to a young boy that belonged to her community.

She knew as her nephew grew older he would present signs that he was magical. It came in the form of showing off to his cousin with different objects he could make disappear and reappear. So Petunia had to accept that he would be accepted into the same school that his parents had attended and no matter how far she ran from the magical community, it would come crawling back. As time passed she was able to search further into how she can prepare the boy to transition into another world rather than be thrown in without any background knowledge, as well as make her own son understand that Harry was different and would be going to school abroad.

Dudley himself would be granted visitation to his father along with his grandparents once Vernon was allowed out of prison. That would be another six years from now, this would even give the opportunity for Vernon to bond with the unborn child. That was to the digression for Petunia to decide, as her child may be confused as to who the stranger was and why he hadn't been present the first five years of her life. She had recently found out the gender of her child was male. That meant she needed to pick out a name and which surname would be appointed for her son.

Both Dudley and Harry had given suggestions for names, and both were excited to have a younger sibling to play with. Dudley suggested Victor and Harry suggested Jamie. She thought they weren't terrible names but didn't seem suited for the boy she would welcome into the world shortly.

In the middle of spring, Petunia would welcome a healthy boy into her family. He had whispy dark brown hair, almost appearing black with dark eyes already settled against his pale complexion. Harry and Dudley excitedly hold the newborn once Petunia had settled into the ward, after recovering from birth. It went much smoother than when she had brought Dudley into the world, she had been operated on to bring him into the world and had a long recovery. Although she had to continue the house duties with a newborn to care for too so Vernon could work the long hours needed. "What are you going to name him mummy?" A six-year-old Dudley asks.

Petunia gave a short smile before answering. "George Lucas Evans."

George was her late father's middle name and felt like it was fitting for her son, as well as taking the former surname she had recently used herself. The divorce was finally complete and she no longer saw the use for the last name Dursley. The name Lucas was one she had considered naming Dudley although Vernon eventually named him when he had signed the birth certificate, there wasn't a chance for her to defend the chosen name she wanted.

Once the medical staff were happy with the progress both mother and baby were making Petunia was finally allowed to venture home. With the help of her friend Greta, who had driven the boys to the medical clinic drove them back to the country house. George slept the whole drive home in the baby carrier.

At home, Petunia was able to let the boys play outside in the garden as it was a nice afternoon, while she focused on sorting out the newborn child that was now present in her home. She was proud that she was strong enough to raise another child as a single parent rather than going out and dating another man for him to provide for the family. The only costs that needed covering were the power and groceries, and other belongings the boys needed. This was covered by the funds she received from the Potter account and the required money that was transferred from Vernon's personal bank account run by his parent's accountant for the time being. They were comfortable with their lifestyle. She had a plan to put some of the money away for a vacation once George was slightly older so they can enjoy it as a family.

Petunia settled into a new routine with raising George, spending her days bonding with the newborn. More than she had been allowed in the past, her former husband always demanded more attention from him as he easily got jealous of any emotional attachment to their son. Only he could display more affection for his son than how he felt about his wife who had brought him into the world. The older boys were enjoying their schooling leaving Petunia to manage the household alone.

Just after midday, Petunia had taken George for a stroll down the long gravel driveway to where the mailbox lay. The baby coos as he enjoys the warm air around him as his mother fetches the letters. Looking through the different letters there is one addressed to her in Vernon's handwriting. The familiar writing made her nervous, usually, he only wrote letters to Dudley. His son was still unsure whether he should reply back to his father.

The woman hastily opens the letter reading the contents inside.


Well I've been stuck here, rotting in these concrete walls, you've been able to enjoy freedom. You are now raising my precious son along with that freak! Since when is that burden of a child suddenly loved by you? Didn't your sister get blown up due to that freak? You make me sick woman!

I've had time to think while I stare at the bars each day, by now that fetus of yours will be born. I'm undecided on how I feel about that, part of me wanted to congratulate you on brining another child into this world until Dudley informed me that 'George' was given your surname, not my own. I could've let it slide the rediculous name given to him, until I learned that fact. It makes me think that the child isn't my own You knew my strict rules on the names of our children and George was never on the list.

I am disgusted my son has to be in your care. Each day I am fighting for my parents to take him, it is only five and half years until I'm released and I will have Dudley in my care. He will be taught you are a traitor, so please do enjoy your time with your sick fantasies. You can keep the freak and your fetus. I don't want it even if the courts warrant it my respobality to pay for it's future.

Karma will come for you. I will have my revenge. You will pay for your mistakes!

Vernon Dursley.

Petunia's anxiety skyrockets as she stands there hyperventilating. The process making her fall to her knees, the sound freaking George out as he bursts out crying. Petunia desperately wanted to console the child but she was locked within the daze of fear. She was afraid of Vernon, something no woman she never admit. She had never admitted it even when she was bossed around of even physically absued by the man.

As quickly as the anxiety came, there is a sudden spell of calmness the surrounds her. Her breathing settles, her heartrate still pounds against her chest although she can feel it slow in pace. All she feels is cool air the surrounds her small frame as she focuses on the crying infant still in the stroller.

Her motherly instincts kick in as she lifts the child out, assuring him all would be fine. The moment of weakness didn't scare her, it was the rapid change in emotion that did.

Something wasn't adding up.

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