Part 28

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Worried about the mental state of the children, Petunia had organised for them to work with a child therapist. It was an appointment once a week where they would work with her to understand the trauma they felt during that fateful night, she was glad that she discovered there was a thriving wizarding community in their country. They knew what was occurring in England and the English Ministry had denied help from any other country, with their reasoning that they had everything under control. This allowed connection to the world her children belonged to which balanced out the world that Petunia belonged to, she was offered an invitation to enrol the children in an Australian Wizarding School.

A decision denied by the children, she had made it their decision. So there was an agreement they would attend private lessons with a witch that was becoming fast friends with Petunia, due to their interests in gardening. This was where progress was made in healing from their trauma, it was a new adventure they were partaking on. The younger Evans siblings were enrolled in local Muggle schools, with Harry agreeing to finish his education at the same high school that George attended.

This came with a discussion shared between Harry and Hermione when she visited her friend. She reminded Harry how important education was to get them further afield in their lives, the wizard had already received many opportunities for employment back in England. He didn't feel ready to return to the country, as he was making plans with his family as they worked together to move on. He kept in close communication with his important friends, yet kept his vision on healing himself from the many years of the trauma he had suffered with all he had to deal with while he attended Hogwarts. There had been many expectations for him to be labelled as the hero of the wizarding world, yet for a moment Harry wanted to focus on being a teenager for a change.

He was making an effort with his driving lessons and making amends with Dudley. That second one came awkward on both ends for the boy's relationship, starting small with a handshake in agreeing to forgive those nasty comments made in the past to an offer for Harry to join other young adults in a friendly football match or BBQ on the weekend when Dudley wasn't working. Harry was merely keeping himself busy to stop the nightmares from plaguing his mind, it allowed for moments of clarity for him to make the decision to return to England and perhaps take on the opportunity to work with the Ministry.

George had taken time adjusting to returning home, the nightmares plagued him almost as much as Harry. He would venture towards the kitchen for a glass of water, only to find the older boy there doing the same thing. The wizard felt like he had to have his wand on him at all times, preparing to protect himself in a moment of danger.

This unsettled feeling wouldn't last and George was able to adapt to his former way of life, by being a part of his high school's rugby team. This is how he would make new friends to distract from the haunting thoughts in his mind, being invited to parties after winning their games or just chilling with the team after school. This major recovery took on quickly while working with the child therapist, who still reminded the boy that no matter how long he pretended to forget the magical world, he still belonged to it. George still had respect for his magical education with the tutoring lessons once a fortnight, yet he lived in a world where he would be labelled a freak if his peers found out about his wizard status.

Beckham's adjustment was quicker than the rest of his siblings once he was placed back into an educational environment. The boy was kept busy with homework, magical lessons and his new set of friends who shared similar interests to his own. Beckham was able to balance the divide between worlds perfectly, even keeping in communication with his former housemates who had returned to different magical schools spread across Europe.

Millie was thankful to have returned to her home, being near her mother brought comfort. Yet what the young girl witnessed during the attack had stumped her recovery to move on from the trauma faced, she had seen a mass of dead bodies during that fateful night. It was an image seen awake and asleep in her cycle. Anything associated with the magical world was brought with a series of tears from her face, the girl was terrified she was in danger if she was even to use her wand.

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