Part 1

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Petunia was bitter inside and out. She was never a beauty queen or a magical witch like her sister, growing up everyone had compared her to Lily. Her beauty, her intelligence and even her ease to form friendships. This made Petunia become a background character, she would witness the events that would unfold. It made her bitter that she was a plain Muggle, destined to become a woman who would live each day miserably. She grew up in a time when women didn't have freedoms like many would have in years to come.

She was jealous of her sister, that was the truth. She was about to immerse herself in a magical school to learn more about witchcraft while Petunia was stuck in their childhood home. She was graced with an education, but many asked where Lily had disappeared to. So the jealousy became hatred as Petunia grew. She would lash out at her sister and call her a freak, a sadistic way to make her feel better about her position as a Muggle.

Petunia became a bully towards her own sister and her friend she had made in the nearby village. The dark boy was a loner until Lily introduced herself. Since Petunia was unkind, the Snape boy hated her without getting to know the true teenager. To set their daughter straight, her mother would busy her with learning how to sew dresses and help her with the duties on their surrounding property. So while Lily got the freedom to run through the grasslands, Petunia was put to work. An unfair punishment for the girl, who raged because she wasn't special like Lily.

The first moment that Petunia was given she moved from her childhood home to the big city before her sister had finished her education at Hogwarts. She organised an administrative position in a London Dentistry office and a small shared flat with another girl from her village. They both had dreams of moving away from their small town for a new adventure.

This was bliss for Petunia, it was a fresh start for her. She had distance from her perfect sister, but she would still grace her presence for holiday periods. Her mother would refuse to stop calling if Petunia never came to visit. The young woman could be whatever she wanted, that's how she was introduced to Vernon Dursely.

The man had rudely come into her office demanding to see a dentist regarding pain in his back tooth. Although she was a flustered woman nagging to get the attention of a dentist before the young man could complain more, there was a moment of brief conversation while he waited to be seen. Vernon thought Petunia was pretty in a handmade dress she had made herself. He had even complimented the girl about the dress, causing her cheeks to flush. She had never been complimented before, it was strange to have male attention. Most conversations of the opposite sex came from boys wanting to know if Lily was single.

"Are you working Friday night?" The question was sudden from the young man wearing a suit. It usually impressed the ladies, it was having a good effect on Petunia.

She nods quickly. "I finish at five." She confirms.

"Meet me at Russo's Bar after six-thirty." He expected the demand to be met, at present he didn't have a mode of transport to drive the woman there. Although Petunia knew the bar, she had been there on a few occasions in the past. Vernon was called into the office, shortly after handing his number to the blonde woman.

One date at the bar led to another. Then another.

Vernon found the young woman's childhood tale upsetting. How dare her parents favour one child because she got accepted into a special school hidden in Scotland. She didn't expose the secret about her sister being a witch just yet. He also found Petunia not too annoying, she spoke when asked and didn't make a habit of interrupting his arguments about his perspective on the world. Usually, many women left him waiting while he ranted about the current state of the government or the economy.

The young couple would enjoy outings with each other. Both are comfortable with their company. Petunia found it nice to have some companionship, she had spent so long being alone.

It wasn't long until they officially announced they were dating, this meant they were introduced to their families. Vernon's family found Petunia to be a lovely company, she was a respective woman and often offered to help with meal prep. Vernon's father accepted the relationship, there were no indicators that she was after the family money, due to her employment status and made clear she liked having her own income.

When it came time to introduce Vernon to her family one-weekend trip south, she was surprised to see Lily was on her semester break and had brought home a young man himself. A freak like herself, a young boy named James Potter. Of course, she would choose a freak, she thought to herself when they were being introduced.

"This is my partner Vernon, a Drill Salesman." Petunia chimes with glee. "He works for his family's business."

Vernon clears his throat. "I will take over the successful business once my father takes it over." He explains.

It intrigued James Potter, he was a pure-blood and found it fascinating learning about the Muggle world. "What's your employment status?" Vernon asks the young boy.

James shakes his head while adjusting his glasses. "I'm still in school." He answers. "I too am in line to take over my father's business as well."

It was an acceptable answer for Vernon. Although he found it strange that the boy wasn't working through his school studies, that's why Vernon was on good wages. He had made a start just sweeping floors during the weekends for loose pocket change from his father. Although he was wealthy, his father expected him to work for his money.

Lily calls Petunia to help with making the tea in the kitchen. Their mother was on a small errand to pick up some extra vegetables for their supper. "Vernon is..." Lily mentions not sure what to make of the Muggle. There was something off-putting about him to her and she was worried about her sister.

"Wonderful and a successful businessman that makes me happy." Petunia fires back, crossing her arms in frustration. "Not all of us have boyfriends every five minutes, what happened to that greasy little boy that followed you like a lost puppy?"

That seemed to be a tough subject for her sister, who just burst into tears. Petunia didn't feel bad, she hated that people commented on the choices she had made in her lifetime, so why couldn't she question the choices of her sister?

The sound of Lily crying was enough to make James rush into the kitchen. Lily wipes her eyes. "Are you talking about Snape?" James wondered.

He was surprised that Snape knew the Muggle, he had recently made it clear he hated their kind. Whether that was to impress his housemates or make his girlfriend feel even worse, James was unsure. "What's it to you, James?" Petunia asks rudely. "Did he break your heart too?"

There is a glare sent in the direction of the Muggle, as he attempted to calm Lily. "He's a slimy git." That is all that was said. "Reminds me of your new partner, currently enjoying all the entrees."

Petunia rolled her eyes, the wizard was already getting on her nerves. Why did Lily have to bring a freak into their home?

Petunia would learn the whole truth about what happened between Lily and Severus, but it would be years later down the track. Once the woman married a Muggle man and conceived a child. She would hear through letter correspondence that her sister had given birth to her own child on the eve of their mother's death. Mrs Evans had passed away in a freak car accident, so there were no more excuses that Petunia needed to put effort into her strained relationship with her sister. The source of the story would shock everyone.

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