19: Dreamy

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"Here 'ye, Here 'ye!" Mark shook a scroll from his oddly round and puffy shirt sleeve, a round hat with a feather was perched on top his head.

His baseball cap was gone and the he wasn't lazing around on the Saiki's couch. Instead, he was atop a mighty horse in the center of an ancient looking town. The bricked roads were cracked and the small wooden cottages lined the sides of the streets. A bakery had smoke flying out the top of its three chimneys.

Just where exactly was he?

"It is by royal decree of the Crown Princess Blackfire, that amongst the common folk a competition will be held to decide the new champion of the New Tamaranean Empire! Alongside this great dignified honor of serving our future Queen, will the champion be given a single choice," Mark hopped off his horse and pulled a pan flute from his sleeve.

He played an eerie melody and danced across the top of a fountain. It was so revolting Kusuo didn't know if he felt bad for Mark for embarrassing himself or if he felt pity for the way Mark's fallen hat made a tidal wave that soaked him.

"Whatever," Kusuo shrugged. It wasn't his problem what happened to some weird feather hat or Mark in some crazy dream.

"Hey Messenger Boy! What's the prize!"

"The prize for the champion you ask?" Mark grimaced but then he replaced it with a false smirk, "Why it's marriage. To the crown princess' younger sister."

The entire town stopped moving. The young boys putting down bread baskets outside the shop, the boy's carrying wood and fabrics to their mother's homes, the girl spinning thread and weaving clothing. The woman selling flowers and her two sons piped down.

"Yes, good and true of heart pedestrians of The Empire. You heard me speak truth, her majesty has offered her own sister's hand in marriage. So, who will it be? Shall the dashing young lad in the far back win the championship? Or will it be..." Beast Boy's eyes scanned the crowd until he met Saiki's dull gaze.

"The promising young man with locks of pink?!" Mark exclaimed, "Sign up for the competition and claim your tickets now! Sales end on the morrow so do place your bets and signatures down within the hour! Tata now, flowers of Tamaran~" Beastie gave a tip of his feathered hat before Saiki heard his horse trot away.

He heard a familiar, sickeningly perverted laugh from his left side.

There was Toritsuka, In all of his nasty pervert glory. Blood dribbled down from his nose and drool pooled at the corners of his mouth as he gazed up at a poster of the young princess. It was hand drawn, Saiki realized, and absolutely beautiful.

"The princess... is dare I say ravishing! So gorgeous, so gorgeous!" Toritsuka giggled into his hands, more blood shot from his nose.

"Hey! How dare you insult such an illustrious beauty with your revolting choice of words! You taint her majestic image with your lack of respect and decorum! I, the Jet Black Wings, will not allow this tragedy to befall such a lady of nobility! Commoner! Next time I advise your ill choice of words to go unsaid!" Kaidou was infront if Saiki, a sword pointed to Toritsuka's neck, "or next time... we shall duel!"

"Oh Isn't Viscount Kaidou so dreamy?!" Chisato squealed, her pretty pink dress fabric swaying as she desperately tried to push through the crowd and get to Kaidou.

Saiki let out a groan. God his day couldn't get any worse.

"Ahaha!" Teruhashi's angelic laughter pierced Saiki's eardrums.

'Why does god hate me?' Saiki internally muttered, turning on his heel and trying to make a run for it.

"This is it! The day I make Grand Sage Saiki say oh, how fair! He'll be begging on his knees to go on an outing with me! But oh, poor Sage. I do not return your feelings, can we remain friends? Of course, anything for you my darling Teruhashi! Though I'll cling to my secret love for you, ah!" Teruhashi's hands clashed together, she snuggled into them as flowers floated around her and angels sang while she narrated both her and fake Saiki's words.

'Yeah right. I'd rather die, I'm out of here.'

"Oh, but Grand Sage Saiki! You dropped this!" Teruhashi's hand made contact with his sleeve and she stuffed a pink handkerchief into his balled up fist.

It was obviously not his.

"Heh, Grand Sage. What a suprise to see you here," A monotonous voice cut into the conversation, "A pleasant one. But, still a suprise none the less. Teruhashi, come. Her majesty will feel ill if she finds her handmaiden is sneaking out during her break."

Four hooded people circled around Saiki, two of them he recognized via posture. Robin and Y/n were beside one another, arms interlaced while the latter gripped a basket of pink roses and Lavender. The other was Raven, and the fourth was Teruhashi. Who'd slid the hood of her blue cape over her head.

"Please try to be more careful with your things Grand Sage," Y/n's voice was different now. Powerful and concise. Like a Queen's.

Saiki couldn't help but stammer, his lips moving on their own.

"Yes, o-of course, your esteemed grace."

Y/n gave a small smile and quick nod, her and her posse disappeared into the shadows seconds after.

What in the actual hell just happened? On top of waking up in a different reality, Kusuo had fucking talked! And he stuttered! In. Front. Of. Y/n.

There wasn't a bigger moment in his life that Saiki had wanted the earth to swallow him whole. That was embarrassing.

Saiki looked down at the frilly pink handkerchief, his pyrokenisis set it ablaze.

It was as Saiki thought, no one here minded if he used his abilities a bit. He was the Grand Sage now. A magical being in another world.

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