2: Mac & Cheese

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Y/n poked at her food, green beans of some sort and unfamiliar meat. The Saiki's passed the food around, Y/n stopping as she stared lovingly at the bowl of mac and cheese. Saiki's telekenisis powered spoon dipped her out a serving and then left the bowl at the end of the table. Y/n picked up her fork, sniffing the orangeish pasta before biting it. Y/n floated into the ceiling.

"THIS IS THE FOOD OF THE GODS!" She giggled, flying around in figure eights, "It's even better than Glorg!"

Kurumi was happy the girl was enjoying her food, "I'm so glad you like it, Y/n!"

"Mhm! How could I not? This must be earths finest delicacy~" She cheered.

"Ah, Kuu I can die in peace if you marry this girl." Kurumi swooned dramatically, cupping Y/n's face.

"I agree with your mother, she'd make the perfect wife for our little tsundere psychic!" Kuniharu did a full 180, clapping along with his wife.

"For the love of god, can't we just eat dinner like normal people for once?" Kusuo grumbled, finishing up his fried pork and lima beans.

Y/n gobbled up the rest of her dinner in seconds, holding out her bowl for more with a childish grin.

"Never have I ever been this grateful for having nine stomachs!" The girl muttered, completely devouring the rest of the macaroni.

"Wahhhhhhhhh, Nine Y/n-chan?!" Kurumi said with suprise.

"Do you humans not have that many?" The girl asked, dumbfounded.

"No. Just one." Kusuo answered for his father, who was on the ground in shock.

"Oh, I just remembered! I went out and got some coffee jelly before dinner as dessert. I got a whole bunch to celebrate Y/n's arrival into the house-hold. How does that sound Kuu?"

"Perfect, I'll get them." The boy was up in the span of mere milliseconds, Y/n following him with her eyes in curiousness.

"What's Coffee Jelly?"

"Kuu's favorite dessert ever! He loves it so much~" Kurumi replied.

Y/n nodded, levitating over to the pinkette who was frozen in place. A bug.

He was gone in the blink of an eye, Y/n squealing at his sudden disappearance.

"Oh no! This little thing killed Saiki!" Y/n growled at it, using her eye beams to destroy the little pest.

Kuniharu burst out into snickers, waving his hands frantically.

"No! No! Kuu's not dead, he teleported. It's one of his powers as psychic. He doesn't like bugs at all, they scare him a lot. So, he did that on accident. Whenever you see a bug- make sure you kill it. Just like that, m'kay?" Kurumi explained with pride, patting the floating girl's shoulder.

Y/n gave a salute, "Yes ma'am! I'll destroy the bugs!"

Kuniharu was giggling the entire time he tried to text Kusuo to return home. Y/n helped Kurumi put up the food and clean the dishes, with the ravenette woman's insight on how to properly wash the plates. She also helped set up the table for Kusuo's return, getting the job done quickly thanks to her abilities.
Y/n leaped back in suprise when Kusuo magically appeared beside her, but she soon relaxed and passed him one of the coffee jelly his mother had bought.

"I thought you should get the first one, don't worry about those little creatures anymore. I'll get rid of them all so you'll never be scared again!" Y/n declared, dipping her spoon into the surface of the sweet and then shoveling it into her mouth.

Saiki looked at the pinkette beside him, rolling his eyes as she stuffed her face with his favorite treat, "Hm, thanks."

Kuniharu and Kurumi interlocked hands, facing each other and screaming internally at the two's cuteness as they cooed about the pair. Luckily, Kurumi had bought enough to satisfy both Kusuo and Y/n's appetite, both teens going to town on the coffee jelly. The duo showing happiness in their own ways.

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