10: A Robin-ritto

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Vic sat on the couch, legs swung over Beast Boy's lap as said boy shoveled popcorn into his mouth. Raven was leaned into Y/n's side, as Robin sat snuggled into his pink sweater and a fluffy blanket. His black hair not in it's usual spikey style, instead it hung down, barely grazing his shoulders. Y/n liked it better like that, the ravenette had learned. In a sense, his style and hair down had reminded her of Saiki. It was comforting in it's own way.

Her crown rested upon Robin's side, his arm slid around her neck loosely. The pinkette's gaze was glued to the screen before her, not unlike the many other's draped across Kusuo's sofa. Both Kuniharu and Kurumi joining the ranks in the middle of the movie, the parents watching with interest as they snacked on candies. But Richard instead gazed at her, every twist and turn of her lips, the way her eyes sparkled. Just being beside her felt like his worries were washed away, that he was in the presence of a pure sunbeam. One that would always keep him warm and cared for.

"Ayo, yo, yo, what's poppin' shawty?" Mark shot finger guns at Kusuo, who had finally emerged from his shell.

"Ayeeeee, It's my homeboy Kusuoooooooooooooooooo!" Victor stood up with a dopey grin a sKuniharu paused the movie.

Kusuo grumbled as his gaze caught Robin and Raven, who were cuddled into Y/n's form.

His large sky blue sweater swayed as he sat right on top of Grayson and then threw the ravenette's arm off.

"You're in my seat, dimwit."

"Jeez, man. No need to be rude," Robin rolled off the couch, and took his blanket with him.

He was all wrapped up, like a pouty Robin-ritto as Raven sat down beside him to ruffle his hair.

"Asshole.." The blue eyed boy mumbled with a huff.

"Aw, I'm sorry, Richard sweetie. Kusuo must be a bit grumpy because of his lack of sleep, please forgive him?"

"It's fine, Mrs. Saiki. Let's keep watching the movie."

Willy Wonka was like white noise to Y/n, her attention now fully on Saiki.

"You haven't been sleeping well, Sai-kun?"

"I'm fine, Y/n. Just focus on the movie."

"It's okay, we've already gotten to the Starshine part. Why didn't you tell me?"

"It's not significant. I was up a bit later, keeping that idiot Toritsuka out of mortal danger. He angered a spirit and they almost cursed the entire world with their physic ability. You don't loose them after death, apparently."

"Oh, I see. If you get tired, you can rest upon my shoulder. Only if you'd like, you should worry more about yourself though, Saik-kun. I've noticed, even if you don't act like it, you always put other's before yourself. You're much nicer than you let other's think."

Y/n did not recieve a response, instead fluffy pink locks tickled her jawline. A smile made it's way onto her face, her arm wrapping around Kusuo's waist to reach his hand. Intertwining his gloved hand with her own, she continued watching the movie as Robin rolled across the floor trying to escape his blanket death-trap while he struggled to breathe.

"Kusuo-kun looks so cute when he's sleeping."

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