4: Dessert shop

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Today, Saiki's parents had forced the pinkette to take Y/n out somewhere so she could learn more about life on earth. Unfortunately, his favorite dessert shop was having a sweet sale at the very same time. The space girl held on tightly to his thin, light blue sweater. Doing her best to keep up with him, they speed walked across the street to the store. He did not have a good feeling about this at all, but he brought her inside regardless. He could not say no to anything sweet.

Y/n's eyes took in everything, her nose taking in every smell of the treats. Her face pressed up against the glass cases in awe of the amount of desserts lined up.

"Can we get two of everything. Sai-kun?" Y/n bounced up and down happily.

Both her and Saiki had been given an allowance to spend at the store, and with it combined they could surely get two of everything. After all, Kurumi had grown to adore Y/n as if she were her own child and the ravenette wanted to spoil Y/n senseless.

"Yeah, both of us will have to pitch in though. I'm sure we could do it," He answered monotonously.

Y/n's fist pumped into the air, evident joy decorating her features as she kindly asked the woman at the front for two of everything. Handing over all of her money and part of Kusuo's. Y/n caught sight of a pale girl with short purple hair and kind violet hair.

"Do you like sweets?" Y/n attempted conversation, her head tilted curiously.

The girl looked around, and then pointed at herself.


Y/n nodded.

"Uh, no. Not really, I'm here for a friend. What about you?" The girl tugged her navy blue hoodie sleeves over her wrists.

"Um, I like sweets and I'm here for a friend! You are very beautiful, what's your name?" Y/n inquires, tip-toeing closer to the pale female to which there noses almost touch.

The girl goes red, and retreats into her jacket's hood.

"It's Raven, y-your spacebuns are cute-"

"Good Grief, Y/n, quit harrassing people. We need to hurry home before that idiot Nendou or that pest Kaidou see us. Or worse, Teruhashi." Saiki interferes.

"But, Sai-kun. I was trying to make a new friend, and I don't know these people you talk about! Kaichou, or Nenwou, or Teruhanai. Maybe if you let me go to school with you, I wouldn't have to talk to random people for company?" Y/n latches back onto his shirt sleeve with puppy dog eyes, "Pleaseeeeeeeeee??"

"No. For the last time, you have to mental state of a child. Letting you go to school is basically waving a red flag in front of disaster's face. That's not happening, end of story. Y/n."

"But Saiki-"

"Koriand'r. No." Y/n quit talking after that, not even bothering to take the bag of food from Saiki's hand. Raven watched the girl leave with crest fallen features, contrary to the happy expression she wore when she walked inside. She decided to follow. Y/n had broken off from Saiki, completely sure he wouldn't even see her leave since he hadn't commented on her lack of touch.

As a Tamaranean, she was very emotional and she got offended easily. Saiki shooting her down, using her real name and then walking it off like nothing had happened really, really upset her. Raven watched the girl move into an alley way, then make sure no one was watching as she lit up her hand and floated between the buildings until she reached a tall skyscraper that was back in the open. She dashed upwards quickly, to assure that no one had seen her take flight. Raven followed, a wrapped crepe in her hand. One she had bought on a whim.

Normally, she wouldn't walk up to random strangers and want to be their friend. But, this girl was very different from everyong else. She could see that she desperately needed a friend, and Raven had a feeling she could fill that hole.

"Let's try this again," The girl spoke raspily, "My name is Raven and I'm half-demon. It's nice to meet you, Y/n. Crepe?"

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