16: Not the Nicest Sister

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Y/n and Blackfire had their differences, but most were sure that Blackfire would be as sweet as Y/n. At least that was what Kaidou had thought when Y/n had invited him to hang out with her and her friends at the Saiki's residence. For the first two hours it was pretty fun, they watched movies, had pillow fights, and sang Karaoke.

Then Y/n's sister woke up and came down stairs, she was nice at first. But, Shun began to notice her making a fool out of Y/n on purposely and Y/n beign the sweetie she was she didn't notice that Blackfire was making fun of her at all.

It was when Blackfire had kicked Y/n off the couch (Literally) to drap herself over Saiki and steal Y/n's home-made cheesecake that Kaidou couldn't take it anymore, he didn't want to hit a girl. But, Blackfire was a special case.

"That's fucking it, I'm fighting this jackass. I can't hold it anymore," Shun got up and yanked Blackfire's hair, she fell off the couch and dropped her cake on her stomach.

Her piercing glare made Kaidou's confidence drop to zero, he reluctantly still held his ground as best he could.

"Apologize... apologize to Y/n, please.." He muttered, kicking at the ground.

"What was that?" Blackfire stared back up at him.

"A-apologize to Y/n.."

Blackfire's gaze hardened, "I'm so sorry-"

"I SAID APOLOGIZE TO MY FRIEND, DAMMIT ARE YOU DEAF BITCH?!" Shun burst, Mark raised his phone slowly to record it.

Blackfire was going to beat his ass.

"Bitch? I'm so sorry, I could've sworn you were talking to me. Surely you weren't saying such profane things to me," Blackfire stood up, walking closer and closer. She smeared the cake on her stomach onto her hand and slapped on Kaidou's face, "I know for damn sure you didn't disrespect me."

"Blackfire," Y/n called," It's alright. I'll clean up the mess-"

"Don't you think these human scum should be taught a lesson? We are the superior race, Tamaranean's are superior! Who am I to be treated like shoe scum by a damn human! It's incorrigible!" Blackfire's eyes sparked with purple light, her teeth grinding against each other.

"That 'damn human' is my friend, Blackfire! These humans have hosted us well, who are we to treat them with disrespect?" Y/n declared, "Don't be a fool, sister."

"Silence! You're just as bad as them! You're even worse! I'll kill that brat when I get my hands on him, just watch!" Blackfire screamed, charging towards the sivering Kaidou -who had all but passed out  at the sight of two angry alien warrior princesses.

Y/n caught her sister by the neck -her eyes cracking with energy similarly to her sisters, "You won't lay a hand on him or anyone else in this house."

"Oh yeah? Wanna test that, darling little sister?"

"FIght, Fight, Fight, Fight, Fight!" The titan's cheered.

"KICK HER ASS Y/N!" Raven jeered, throwing her popcorn into air when Y/n brought her sister's skull to her knee.

"You bitch!"

"Come at me, you ugly fucker." Y/n growled, "It's one thing to insult me, but it's completely different when you hurt my friend. I've dealt with your bullshit for long enough, and I'm tired of it."

"I'll strike you a deal sister, loser hauls their ass off of Earth and the winner can stay. The loser will turn themselves in to the Gordanians for thievery of their precious jewel," Blackfire pulled a necklace from her purple jacket, "Winner conquers Earth and can kill the Loser if they ever decide to come back to the planet. Deal?"


"Oh so confident are we, little Y/n?" Blackfire smirked.

Y/n snarled, "I won't be loosing."

"Oh, we'll see about that."

Kaidou had practically died, his soul hung over his body. He was slumped on the living room carpet, the titan's paid him no mind. They crowded around the sliding door that led to the back yard to watch the girl's fight above the back yard. Blackfire threw a right hook, knoking Y/n back a few feet.

Y/n was animalistic in her attacks, her nails took skin off of her sister's arms when she grappled her limbs and headbutted Blackfire. Mark sipped his soda as it progressed.

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