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namjoon's keychains jingled as he opened the door to his house.

"i'm back!" he called out into the house before bending down to untie his shoelaces.

"did you buy anything?" an excited taehyung came sliding into view as he glided down the hallway with his socks.

"technically?" the dark haired male held up a clear plastic big that had a medium sized box that could be seen within.

the younger of the two wasted no time in snatching up the bag from the other male's hand, giving his hasty gratitudes, before running off back into the expanse of their house.

the law major could do nothing but shake his head in exasperation as he neatly placed his shoes back into the shoe cupboard. he could hear the distant calls of 'namjoon bought food!' from taehyung echoing even before he could step foot into the living room.

"since when were you a croissant man, joonie?" hoseok's surprise was apparent as he saw the contents of the box displayed on the tame.

"actually, when did you become this nice? you usually don't bring food home unless we ask you to." a freshly awakened jungkook creeped up behind him and delivered a sloppy kiss on his cheek as he draped himself all over the taller man.

"hey, i do bring home food!" he protested in disbelief, "it's not from me anyway, it's from monji."

there was a visible pause in the air as soon as those words left his lips.

three pairs of eyes stared back at him in disbelief mouths open in shock, and for some in betrayal.

"what?" the tall male questioned staring back and forth between the other pairs glaring at him.


"WITHOUT ME???????"


insults came shooting at him left and right as a heated atmosphere entered their dinning room with namjoon at the center of it.

the poor male could do nothing but defend himself helplessly from the onslaught of words (and croissant, courtesy of jungkook) flying at him form three different males at the same time.

"i didn't do anything wrong??" he shouted as another pasty came flying at him.

"you cheated on us!" taehyung accused pointing dramatically at him.

"didn't you also go on a date with her even before you knew you were soulmates?" he scoffed in exasperation at the fashion major who only avoided eye contact with him.

"didn't you all go on a date with her? jungkook you even went out with her twice!"

it was dead silence in the room compared to before as the three males could only scratch the back of their heads and ignore the dark haired male standing infront of them.

"why are their CRUMBS all over my floor?" four heads snapped in the direction of the shrill voice sounding from the entrance.

jin's furrowed eyes brows emerged from the doorway, yoongi's raised eyebrow and jimin's amused smile following afterwards.

"namjoon's cheating on us." jungkook stated bluntly before walking away towards the kitchen.

"TWICE! YOU WENT OUT WITH HER TWICE!" came his defence as he shouted towards the retreating figure.

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