lotus eater.

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taehyung and monji both had identical awkward smiles plaster to their faces.

"um, surprise?" taehyung sheepishly blurted out seeing as the older male in front of them has yet to speak a word in the last minute.

yoongi stared blankly at the both of them with his lips pressed into a thin line, hand still remaining outstretched.

"i have many words," the light haired male finally spoke which unconsciously made the younger two in the room perk up at the sound of his voice, "but i will not speak any of them for now."

taehyung let out an audible sound of relief , which monji heard as he had still refused to let her go up until now. she had secretly enjoyed it, so she did not protest too much.

"now, explain to me how this happened?" yoongi sighed as he stared pointedly at the two.

"how about we take this to the kitchen? it's gonna take awhile." monji suggested, in which the older male agreed and stepped aside to allow her to exit the room first. not before giving his boyfriend a pointed look to let her go.

taehyung grumbled out an inaudible reply as he slowly snaked his arms away from around the girl's waist.

monji glanced down at the sudden loss of heat and could not help but pout. it suddenly felt really cold to her.

however, she quickly shook off the feeling and lead the way out of her bedroom, "the tea should still be warm. do you want me to brew you some, yoongi?"



"yea, i'm not that surprised." yoongi shook his head in disappointment as he took a sip of his tea.

"what's that supposed to mean?" taehyung stared offensively at the older male.

"anyways," monji cut in before the dark haired male could speak anymore, "i brought him back to my place after that and you know the rest."

yoongi nodded at her as he focused on trying to form the next sentence that he was going to ask.

"so hyung," taehyung turned the barstool he was sat on to face the male, "can she move in with us?"

yoongi and monji simultaneously choked on their tea as they rapidly started coughing. taehyung stood up in a panic and quickly rushed behind the both of them and started patting their backs.

"you have got to stop doing that." the girl groan as she lightly rested her head on the counter with his large hand still soothing her back.

"this was only the second time, monmon." he shrugged innocently.

"taehyung, no she cannot move in with us." both of their heads shot up to stare wide eyed at the older male.

"but, hyung-" yoongi shot his a stern look that immediately shut him up.

'i knew it, i got too excited with meeting my soulmates that i overstepped again.' the girl unconsciously started nibbling on her lip as her fists slowly bunched up in nervousness.

'dumbass, you knew this would—'

"don't let yourself go there, sweetheart."

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