cold cold cold.

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"fuck." monji panted profusely as she tried to regain her composure.

haebom had ended up chasing her for a good thirty minutes straight before she managed to lose him after rounding a corner in the library and jumping out of a window.

"my poor lungs aren't built for this shit." she sighed and shrugged off the oversized hoodie from her shoulders while she dropped to the floor.

when the girl had initially jumped out of the library window, she was fortunate enough to have landed on top of the roof of a shed that was conveniently placed, allowing her to not break her ankles when she jumped out. she ended up at the back of the school near the parking lot and the field which were both pretty empty considering it was still pretty early in the morning.

she carelessly ruffled through the side pocket of the jacket she had previously worn until she finally felt the familiar rectangular box. she gratefully smiled as she opened the box to reveal three measly white sticks resting within the confines of the box, one of which she snatched up with a soft bite from her two front teeth.

"oh how i missed you my dear," she hummed in delight before slithering a hand down towards the back pocket of her jeans only to find that there was nothing there. the artist stood up in panic and started to frantically pat the back of her jeans, eventually moving onto the front pockets and finally her poor jacket that she left lying on the ground.

she finally let out a groan in defeat and sunk to the ground, "my poor lighter..."

it must have slipped out her back pocket at one point while she was running away from beom, "damn, grandma is going to kill me."

she sighed quietly before standing up to go bend down and grab her jacket to put on again.

"now where would i go if i was a lighter?"


"hyung, all i'm saying is that it's ok to not fold your socks! it's not like anyone is gonna care if they're all wrinkled!" a dark haired male whined in exasperation towards his equally exasperated boyfriend.

"well it's better than just throwing them under your bed after they're washed. i've never seen you wear the same pair of socks in the last five years." jimin laughed as he saw taehyung's pouting face.

"ok well it gives them personality." taehyung rolled his eyes at the male who could only smile adoringly back at him.

the pair continued walking together while keeping up their previous conversation until jimin placed his foot down to take another step and felt an uneven bump on the ground.

the male stopped in his tracks, causing taehyung to stop as well in curiosity at the sudden halt. the shorter of the two looked down to find out what it was that he managed to step on only finding a small metallic rectangle staring back at him.

"ooo, that's pretty." his boyfriend, now interested in the metal object, picked it up and examined it closely.

now that jimin cold get a closer look at the item, he could see the small white dove printed onto one of the corners that was in the middle of taking off. the two admired the image for a bit before they were interrupted by a feminine sounding voice cutting into both their trains of thought.

"sorry cutie, i think you have something of mine."

both males turned to look at the source of the voice to fine a petite female dressed in baggy clothing smiling sheepishly at them. the first thing that they noticed were the atrociously dark coloured eyebags that adorned the bottom of her eyes that in contrast had a bright spark to them at seemed to breath life into anyone who'd managed to get a good look into them.

she stared back at the two who still had not said a word, "um, mind if i have that back?"

taehyung spluttered to life at her words as he quickly handed over the small thing back to its rightful owner with a quick apology.

she smiled kindly at him and gratefully as he dropped the metallic object into her awaiting hand, "thanks cutie."

the fashion major could only blush a bright shade of red as he heard the endearing nickname leave her lips and the wink that she sent towards him.

they both watched as the female in front of them expertly cradled the metal box in one hand while another went up towards her hair to take the white stick that was nestled right above her ear. she easily flicked open the metal box to reveal an orange flame for all of them to see. she brought the white stick towards her mouth , lighting the other end with the lighter before snapping the lid shut and taking a puff of smoke from the cigarette.

"thanks by the way." she let out a sigh of relief as she puffed out the smoke into the air and safely slipped the lighter into her front pocket, "you saved me hours of searching, i was already dreading it."

the duo was about to respond but held back as they cringed in disgust once the scent of the cigarette finally hit their noses.

monji cursed out a string of apologies as she withdrew the cigarette as far back as she could away from the males, "sorry i should have asked first before lighting." she said swatting away at the air.

just when they were going to wave her off and tell her it was fine, a red flash appeared in between them.

monji stared in confusion at the sudden red, but suddenly paused when she saw that there were two red strings connecting her right index and pinky finger to the hands of the two opposite of her.

taehyung and jimin also looked back at her with shock as they saw the red strings. taehyung stared blankly at his own right index finger while jimin stared wide eyed at his right pinky.

the strings flashed again in a bright light before they disappeared again, going back to who knows where.

the three stood in silence as they all stared at their respective fingers, an awkward scene to anyone who walked past them.

"fuck me."

idk i think the story is pretty well written so far which is surprising considering who i am💀

but as usual i do not have a plan no sir i am a man with no plan hoping to make a miracle in creating a understandable storyline for this book.

hope ur enjoying it tho!

yours truly,


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