all good.

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"shut up. your gonna break my ear drums." monji mumbled with an embarrassed blush coating her cheeks as several other students stared at them after her friend's outburst.

"don't tell me to shut up!-" haebom cut himself off at the pointed glare that the girl direct towards him, "you found your soulmates for fucks sake, it's a big deal." he continued in a hushed tone.

she could not help but let out an exasperated huff of annoyance at him, before snatching up a random colour assortment of paint tubes and dashing back to her work station.

ever since the events that had transpired yesterday, monji has never felt so out of her element before.

yoongi had not said much about what was happening on his side. so far he had just sent her a good morning text when she woke up, but it was sent at 3 a.m.

initially it made her chuckle when she first saw the time it was sent, she found it kind of cute.

but that did not stop her from worrying about how the rest of his soulmates—or actually their soulmates reacted to the news about her. it has plagued her mind since she woke up.

of course she had immediately told haebom and taesung, who had been nice enough to pick her up from her apartment in his car that morning along with his short-tempered boyfriend. and haebom still has not gotten over the fact that his best friend had not only found her soulmates, but also had her first kiss all in one day!

"moon monji! this is a big fucking deal for you and for me!" her male friend whisper-shouted as he strutted up to her with an arm full of paints and dumped them onto her desk.

"can we just put this on hold for—wait why you?" she stared quizzically at him with her eyebrows furrowed.

"because i'm your best friend? the one who's seen your emo ass brooding about love all throughout middle school and high school." he said as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

"does this sound familiar ms 'love is a hoax and a sham created by humans in order to distract ourselves from our oh so miserable lives'." he dramatically placed the back of his hand on his forehead as he leaned back and batted his eyelashes at her.

"that was from middle school and i was going through something. how do you even remember that." she snarled at him before swatting him away from her desk, "go focus on your own shit, i'm done discussing this now."

the male rolled his eyes at her and picked up the paint tubes he had drop to the best of his ability, "this is not over, monji."

"bye, haebom." she quickly shooed him off back to his own desk which was just behind hers.

her hands were firmly placed on her table as they supported the weight of her body as she leaned her head down, her hair creating a dark curtain around her face.

she had to focus. there was no use in worrying so much now.

"i am artist." she mumbled to herself before picking her head up with a more determined look in her eyes.

"you look stupid." haebom chimed from behind her.

"shut up."


"oh my god i hate doing sceneries." monji groaned as she stretched her tired limbs.

her teacher had given her class a quick 30 minute break. most students used the time to either go to the nearby cafe or to continue sitting in class to finish their assignments.

haebom, having chosen the first option, left the dark haired girl in favour of getting a nice cold drink. this gave her the opportunity to sneak onto the roof and have a quick smoke while she could.

she took deep inhales of the cancerous stick as she leaned against the ledge of the roof. everyone looked like ants up there.

suddenly, her moment was interrupted by a violent vibration emiting from her pocket that nearly made her drop her cigarette out of shock.

"fucking hell." she snatched the phone out of her pocket, "how do you lower the vibration on this thing?"


mysterious man

are you still in class?


i'm on break rn

i'll be done in like an hour or so

mysterious man

do you wanna meet for lunch? i can introduce u to another one of our soulmates if u want


ooo that'd be nice !

mysterious man

we'll come pick u up then

just text me when ur done


okk see u soon  !

"ew, why is your face doing that."

the female shrieked and almost dropped her phone off of the ledge if it were not for her quick reflexes catching it in time.

"haebom you bitch!" she glared heatedly at the male as she squatted on the ground while cradling the device.

"i just got here?" he glared back just as intensely with a snarl on his face.

"i got you your depressing drink by the way since i'm such a bitch." he held up a clear cup of dark brew and waved it tauntingly at her.

"iced black coffee with 5 shots of espresso. the looks that the barista gave me made want to shrivel up in embarrassment. how the hell do you order this everyday?" he gave her a disgruntled look as he handed the cold drink to her.

"i dunno, i'm usually not in a state to process things when i go to the coffee shop." she said nonchalantly as she took a generous sip.

the male rolled his eyes down at her before reaching forward and swiftly plucking away the white stick from between her fingers.

"hey!" he ignored her protests as he threw the cigarette to the ground and smothered it with the bottom of his shoe, twisting his foot a few times for good measure.

"not cool man." the young female mourned the flattened stick once the male had lifted his shoe away from it, "that was my last one."

"i feel sorry for the state of your lungs." he critically spoke.

"but you should really start trying to quit though." his tone softened as he looked at her sincerely, "they don't know about this yet do they?"

monji huffed and looked away from him, "i haven't even met all of them."

"monji." he spoke sternly.

"fine, i'll try stopping! but i won't guarantee anything!" she finally gave in once she had enough of his stares.

"good." he gave her a pat on the head, "you smell terrible by the way. i'm pretty sure the smell absorbed itself into your skin this time." he covered his nose for added effect. his face was scrunched up for added effect.

"thanks haebom."

can u add espresso shots to an iced coffee? i was literally just making shit up tbh, i don't drink coffee lol

anyways hello lads another chapter is here ! i'm really proud of myself for being able to put these out on time and consistently

tysm for all the support and i hope you're  enjoying the chapters!

yours truly,


cigarette smoke and love.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt