good old-fashioned lover boy.

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"owww, be gentle!"

"maybe if you weren't such a dumbass then this wouldn't have happened."

taehyung could only whine louder as monji lightly dabbed a cotton bud on his scrapped palms.

"it's not my fault water is see through." the male retorted back at her, but immediately sucked in a breath of air through his teeth when the girl pressed a bit too hard on his palm.

the journey towards the vehicle was going alright and they were going to reach safely without injury, until taehyung and her separated to go to their respective sides of the car and the male stepped on a puddle, causing him to slip and fall face first onto the wet ground.

now the duo was sat comfortably in the girl's kitchen after they had made it to the car, monji having to hoist the male up, with a lot of difficulty, and managed to pull him towards the passengers side and shove him in before getting in the driver's seat herself, driving them both back to her place.

"ok, you should be good for now." monji stood up straight and threw away the cotton once she did a final once over of his injured palms and face.

"thank you nurse monji." he grinned brightly and started wiggling his fingers in freedom from the pain.

the female waved him off and quickly stalked off into the hallway after telling him to stay put of a bit.

taehyung sat quietly on the bar stood that he was first led onto when the girl had brought him into her house. from there, he had a pretty wide view of the majority of the apartment.

giant messy bookshelves with random figurines scattered about each row, brightly coloured easel splashed with paint with dozens of half done paintings laying against the wall next to it and a small cactus sitting idly on the window sill that was next to the couch.

her house was relatively tidy for the most part and her entire apartment smelled like a library on a rainy day with a subtle hint of peppermint sneaking it's way in.

taehyung couldn't help but savour every detail that he could see with his eyes. he wanted to know all her favourite, books, paints, hell even what brand of toothpaste she used, he just wanted to know her better and he was impatient to find out more.

"the shorts might be a little small for you but i think it'll be fine." the male was broken out of his trance when he felt a sudden weight thrown onto his lap.

gingerly, he picked up the two articles of clothing that she had given him, an oversized light blue sweater with outlines of cats on the front and plain black shorts.

"bathroom's in the second room on the left down the hall." he looked up to find she had already changed into a dry oversized hoodie that almost went down to her knees with a white fluffy towel wrapped around her shoulders.

"i left you a towel on the sink and uh you can take a shower if you want." she nodded awkwardly at him before ducking into the kitchen and opening one of the top cupboards near the sink.

taehyung hummed quietly while staring at her back for a few more moments before turning away and navigating his way down the hallway following her directions.

monji sighed, letting her shoulders sag tiredly while she braced herself on the counter after he had fully disappeared down the hall.

the girl was panicking.

the topic of soulmates both intimidated and worried her greatly ever since she first found out about them. It's not that she doesn't want to fall in love, but more that she was hesitant on bringing someone else , or in her case multiple someone's, into her life.

monji was self-sufficient. for as long as she's known she has taken care, entertained and dealt with herself by herself, of course with a little help from a certain short-tempered male. she was comfortable with the small bubble she had placed herself in, and the prospect of adding seven more people into this little bubble of hers made her uneasy.

"your ok, it's ok." she muttered repeatedly under her breath as she looked over the various boxes of tea placed over her counter.

her hand reached out and hovered over the bright coloured boxes before she finally settled on one of the red and white stripped box sat on top of the pile and ripped it open.

"soulmate, soulmate? oh god. soulmates." her heartbeat quickened as she remembered the fact that she had more than one soulmate that she was yet to meet.

"is this excitement or fear?" she gripped her heart through the fabric of her hoodie.

"where'd the relaxed monji go? what the fuck is happening to me?" the young artist started having a small crisis as she placed the kettle down to help ground herself in reality.

however, she was suddenly interrupted by a loud ringtone blasting throughout her kitchen, shocking her a bit.

taehyung's phone was left sat on her counter vibrating violently as the call continued to ring.

monji stared at it for awhile longer deciding if she should pick it up or not, but quickly decided against it as she did not want to invade the male's privacy

she let it ring as she continued to pour hot water into two cups she had pulled out for the both of them and added the tea bags to them.

the phone kept ringing, seeming to have increased in volume every time it had rung.

the female frowned at the loud sound and glared lightly at the device, before sighing and picking it up after the caller had called once again.

"do you want to die?"

a chapter mes amies!

i'm glad to see this book is getting more views! literally so exciting for me!!

i haven't gotten around to the spelling and grammar checks for this book yet i kinda forgot to last week hehe...

but that will have to wait for a bit cuz i'm starting midterms next week so ya girl gonna be missing for a while cuz i desperately need to study 🥲🥲

might be coming back around two weeks later? we'll see

anyways hope y'all enjoyed the chapter!

yours truly,

mororo-kun ~~~

cigarette smoke and love.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora