chapter 10

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Helene POV

I woke up to hushed whispers coming from around me, making me whine and turn my head back into the soft pillow that was warm and comfy

"I'm sorry little butterfly did we wake you?" Mama whispered softly, I felt her hand rub my back gently

I opened my eyes slightly and looked around the room to find all three of my sisters standing around the bed and I was laying ON top of mama

My comfy pillows were mama's boobs, no wonder they felt so soft and warm and comfortable "noise" I whispered softly attempting to glare up at mama

"Oh sweetheart I know, I'm sorry, wanna sleep some more?" Mama cooed gently at me, patting my bottom as she finished her sentence and shushing me gently

"Hungy" I whispered softly, looking up with a pout, I was grumpy cause I woke up with the noises and not on my own

"It's almost lunch time bug, let's get that tummy filled up and you can nap again after that okay?" Even though my mind wanted to to protest to that, the yawn that came after my nod stated otherwise

It seemed that my body was somehow still tired and needed more rest "how are you feeling little sister?" Cassandra asked softly as mama moved me to hold me comfortably as she got up

"Me otay Cass" I smiled and nodded, she let out a small breath in relief I think and smiled back at me softly, her thumb coming up to rub against my cheek gently making me lean into her

"Mama" I looked up, poking my finger on her cheek softly giggling when mama pretended to bite my finger but her mouth didn't even come close to my hand! That's how fast I was

"Serve lunch a little early today" Mama stepped into the kitchen and told the maids making them snap their heads towards us for a brief second and nod and then rushing to get things set out on the table

Lady Dimitrescu POV

I watched in slight amusement as the maids rushed to put all the dishes on the right bowls and set them in front

"Mama why're they scared?" My little one asked with such a innocent look in her eyes, I didn't have the heart to tell her reality

"They find mama to be a little scary so they're scared" I cooed softly at her and nodded towards an old maid who set my baby's sippy cup in front of her with some juice

"Fanks!" Helene replied with a big smile reaching forward from my lap and grabbed her cup happily gulping it down

"What do you want to eat bug? We got potatoes and pasta" I asked looking down to her once I didn't hear her reply, I looked down to find her far too invested in the hem of my dress to look or listen to anything or anyone else

I patted her back gently, making her look up I point towards the food, I watched as she blushed softly but pointed towards the pasta

"Good choice little one" I cooed softly, letting her know I wasn't mad, she didn't ignore me on purpose, she was just too lost in her own thoughts

Once I had scooped a decent amount on her plate, I placed it in front of us with her grippy fork, I bought special cutlery for her so she can eat on her own if she wants

I pulled my plate closer to me and watched softy as she gripped the fork tightly in her hand and tried to eat as much as could

"Such a good girl" I praised her softly and rubbed my hand over her hair gently and continued to eat

"Madam there is a phone for you" A maid whispered into my ear, making me look at her with a semi frustrated glare "is it important?" I asked with slight annoyance

"It's from Mr.Heisenberg" She said making me sigh and nod, if that idiot is calling it means it's something important

After placing Helene on Cassandra's lap, since she started reaching for her as soon as I got up, I let her hold her

"Make sure your sister eats at least half of her plate alright? I should be back in a little bit" I spoke softly, kissing my little one on her head and and walking towards my study room

The phone was placed on the desk, open for me to talk, "hello?" I asked my tone filled with no emotion and mild annoyance

"I'll be coming to meet you in 3 days sister, I heard a new member has been added to the family, see you soon" Heisenberg's voice spoke, filled with far too much enthusiasm than I could manage

Before I could speak another word or even react to what he said, I heard the familiar beep of the call ending, causing me to let out a frustrated grunt and smash the phone in the wall, the next few days are gonna be amazing, I can already tell

There we have it! Next chapter will be Heisenberg visit and meeting little Helene

Any ideas regarding that, feel free to pop them in the comments

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