Monday, September 3, 2007

280 18 0


I've been cleaning for a long time and luckily I'm almost done. Only three more rooms to go. "What are you still doing here? ". I ask Valerie in surprise, when I enter her classroom. She's sitting at her desk, her feet are on top of it, and she looks like she's reading a book. " Is it already so late? ". she asks, a bit startled. "Yep, so what are you still doing here? Don't you have to pick up Rose yet? ". She shakes her head. "I was reading and completely lost track of time. Rose is with Sander this week. He had this week off and wanted to go on holiday with her for a week." I nod understandingly. I grab a chair and sit across from her. "How are you actually doing it with her? ". Valerie puts her book aside and now sits down normally. " Rose is with me for the most part. Sander has been able to arrange that he does not have to work every other weekend and then she is with him. We'll try this out for a while and see if it works for everyone." I look at Rose's photo on the desk. " I miss her ". A smile appears on Valerie's face. "Then you should come by quickly. She misses you too". I nod with a smile on my face and get up to finish my work.

" Lis? ". I turn to Valerie. She has her elbow on the desk and her chin rests on her palm. " Val? ". She continues to stare at me for a while. " What is it Valerie? ". She sighs. "Come live with Rose and me". I look at her with wide eyes. " What? ". I think I misunderstood her. "Come live with us". I shake my head. "I can't do that, Val. It's my problem, not yours". Valerie gets up with a sigh and walks over to me. "Please Lis. I have one bedroom left. I don't want you to go out on the street". I keep shaking my head and feel my tears coming. I don't want to bother her with my problems. I hate that I bother her often enough on the weekends. It doesn't seem very sensible to me. Especially not because I have feelings for her. "Then come at least temporarily. Until you find something else". She's right in front of me and I walk away. "I have to go on. Otherwise I will never get my work done". Before I can walk out of the classroom, Valerie grabs my hand. "Melissa please think about it". I nod and then quickly move on.

As soon as I walk out of the school, Valerie walks next to me. "Is Emma coming to pick you up?". I shake my head. "I'll take the bus". She looks at me with a smile. "I'll take you". I sigh. " Val that is really not necessary. I also have to make a stop at the cafeteria first". She puts an arm around me. " I haven't eaten yet either." I look at her for a moment. "Okay, but only if you let me pay and we don't talk about my accommodation." She sighs. I see her nod reluctantly. She also knows that there is no point in arguing against it. "How was the first day back at school?". she asks as soon as we're in the car. " Very good. I was able to catch up on enough sleep." Smiling, she shakes her head. "How do you always get it done?". I shrug. "I make sure my grades are good, but it was just a joke. I often lie with my eyes closed, but there are always those annoying teachers who keep me awake. I really don't understand why all teachers have to be such annoying people". Valerie gives me a little nudge on my shoulder. "Thanks for calling me annoying." I smile. "Oh, do you call yourself a teacher?". She looks at me quickly. "Um yes. What else would you call what kind of work I do?". I shrug. "Entertainer? I always have fun during your class". She shakes her head. I can see a smile on her face. "Yes, I noticed that again today". I feel my cheeks turning red. I know she means by that she caught me staring. "How was your first day again?". I'll quickly change the subject. " Exhausting. If you have hardly had anyone around you for a few weeks and then you suddenly have to entertain a bunch of teenagers every hour. But at the same time it is also wonderful that school has started again and to get a rhythm again". We continue to talk throughout the ride. In the meantime we get something to eat at the drive thru.

We are standing in front of Emma's house and we are both eating a burger. Please think about my proposal. I sigh and look at Valerie. "What did I just say". "Yes sorry, but all I ask is if you want to think about it". I nod. "Hey Vall you here too. Will you also come in to watch a movie?". I'm terrified. I hadn't seen Emma coming and she suddenly opens my door. Emma and Valerie can of course laugh about that. "She asks you not me." I say when Valerie looks at me questioningly. I hear her sigh. "But I would enjoy it." Now a smile appears on her face and then looks at Emma. "If Mrs. Morrison doesn't think it's a problem, then please." Emma shakes her head. "She is working, but you also know that you are always welcome". Valerie nods and then we both get out. "What is that anyway? Go to the drive thru and then take nothing for me?". I open my bag and take out a box of nuggets and hand it to Emma. " I am happy with you". She says and kisses me on the cheek. "I am happy with you too". Valerie turns around. "I'm going home anyway. I don't need to see you to so happy with each other." she says with a smile. Emma pulls her towards us by her arm for a group hug. "We are happy with you too, Val". After Emma has said that, Valerie looks at me. "I am happy with you too". she says softly. I'm getting all hot inside. The way she pronounces it tells me she knows what Emma and I mean. I can't pronounce or hear certain words, so we say it this way.

Emma is lying on her bed and Valerie and I are watching a movie together on the couch. "Why was I stupid enough to say that I did stay to watch a movie?". Emma and I burst out laughing. We're watching a horror movie and Valerie doesn't like it at all. I don't mind, because it has made her snuggle even closer to me than she normally does. "Because you just couldn't refuse to spend the evening like this". I feel Valerie nod when Emma says that. "You are right about that, but I really have to go. I have to prepare some things for tomorrow and I want to go to bed on time". Valerie looks at me with a small smile. I think she heard me sigh. I really hoped she wouldn't notice. "I'll see you tomorrow". she says softly. I give her a nod. She kisses my forehead and then hugs me tightly. " I'm going to take a shower. See you tomorrow Val". Emma says it when she already gets up from the bed. "See you tomorrow Emma". I hold Valerie a little tighter. "Do you really have to go already?". I feel her nod. " Unfortunately yes. I don't think it's wise to make late evenings of it the first week of school. Nor for you." Sighing, I let go of her. "I'm afraid I have to agree with you." She looks at me with a smile. "That doesn't happen often to me, that you agree with me". I give her a little nudge on the shoulder. "Don't get used to it". I say smiling.

"Can you come to my car?". she asks as she stands up. "Aaahh don't you dare alone?". She shakes her head with a sad face. "That's what you get for letting me watch movies like that." I get up too and put an arm over her shoulders. "Don't worry, I'll protect you." She looks at me with a sweet smile and then we make our way out. When we got to the car, we gave each other a big hug. "See you tomorrow Lis". says Valerie with a sigh. I look at her with a small smile. "See you tomorrow Val". She gives me a kiss on my forehead and we let go with difficulty. Valerie gets into her car and drives off. I go back inside, where I think about Valerie for a long time before finally falling asleep.

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