Monday, September 3, 2007

245 17 0


I really wonder what's going on with Melissa. With great effort she finally looked at me after ten minutes. I was so happy today that the holiday was over. So that I could finally see her again. I had hoped to see or speak to her during the holidays, but unfortunately that did not happen. She only texted me on my birthday to wish me a happy birthday. "Did I do something wrong? ". I ask as soon as we are in the hallway. I see her shaking her head. " What is it? ". She shrugs. "Lis please, what is it? At least look at me". Melissa takes my hand and takes me to the toilets. Once there, she takes a quick look around and then quickly walks back into the hallway. I'm guessing because someone was sitting on the toilet. "Fuck". She say very irritated. I follow her. Suddenly she stops and turns around. She finally looks at me, but can't quite read her gaze. " Is there a room where the two of us can be alone? ". I nod. "Right now or can we grab something from my car first? I have to make some copies after that, no one is there". Sighing, she nods. She turns back around and begins to walk out at a brisk pace.

"Are you going to tell me what's wrong with you? ". I ask as we walk outside and no one is around. "I just really want to give you a hug". My heart skips a beat when she says that very shyly. " Oh ". In fact, I would like nothing more. Meanwhile we arrived at my car. "I'm sorry I didn't say anything. Just forget about it". She starts muttering nervously and wants to turn around to walk back inside. "Lis, I still need your help". I say when I can just grab her arm. I can hear her sigh. "And I could also use a hug from you". After saying that I can detect a small smile on her face and see her blush a little.

We both walk back inside with a box in our hands. "Have you had a big cleaning or something? What have you got in here? ". She's on the right track. " Yes something like that. It's mainly music books and some stuff that I might use during class sometime". I see Melissa's face light up. "Can I snoop in it later? ". I smile. "You can do anything. You know that right ". I wink at her and see her blush again. Which on the one hand does me good. I've always been satisfied with our friendship, but since a few months I have the idea that something has changed in terms of feeling with her. Which makes it a bit more difficult to keep hiding my feelings for her. She is not only very young, but also my student.

Finally we arrived in the copy room. I put my box on a table. "Put that box aside and come here". I say when I've turned to her and spread my arms. Melissa doesn't know how fast she has to put the box down and come into my arms. She wrapped her arms around my waist and I wrapped mine around her neck. Her head rests on my neck. I lean my head against hers. " I've missed you ". I whisper to her. "I missed you too". Comes out softly and a bit broken at her.

"I really have to make some copies now and then we have to go back to class". I say with difficulty after a while. I feel her sigh. We let go and look at each other for a moment. I can see the tears in her eyes. "Do you stay for lunch after class? ". She gives me a small nod. "Shall I go to the classroom? ". I give her a kiss on her forehead. I can tell she doesn't want to be here anymore. " Yes that's OK. Just put the box on my desk. I'll be right there".

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