Sunday December 24, 2006

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It's Christmas Eve. I'm sitting on the couch in Valerie's living room. I was actually supposed to be here on Boxing Day. That day Valerie had nothing and she didn't want me to sit alone all Christmas. Since Emma isn't here for Christmas either. Yesterday she called Emma and asked if I could babysit Rose tonight. Of course I said yes. I sometimes babysit Rose. If Valerie wants to do some quick shopping alone on a Saturday, I always stay with Rose. But this is different. This is for longer and in the evening. Rose is already in bed now, so I'm guessing it won't be very difficult. Or she has to wake up in between. I find it a bit exciting. What is also not good for that tension is Sander who is nervously walking back and forth and has occasionally called out upstairs in irritation. Where Valerie is getting ready.

When Valerie enters the living room after a few minutes, I can't take my eyes off her for a moment. "It's about time. We have to go". Sander snaps at her. " Don't whine. We still have plenty of time". I can hear the irritation with Valerie. "Don't forget your ring". With that said, Sander walks out of the living room. I hear Valerie sigh. " You look beautiful". Valerie looks at me with a nice smile and I think I see her blushing a bit. " Thank you. At least someone who sees that I've done my best". I give her a smile. "You don't have to work hard for that. Either way, you're beautiful." It's only when I see Valerie blush even harder that I realize what I've said. "U-Um. I really have to go. Can you make it here?" I nod. "If there is anything, don't hesitate to call. As you know, the house phone is in the kitchen". Valerie turns to leave. "Val?". She turns her face towards me and looks at me questioningly. "Your ring". Sighing, she walks to the cupboard in the corner of the living room. There she takes her wedding ring and then really left. I actually never noticed that she never wears her wedding ring. It doesn't surprise me though. I actually wonder why they got married. They don't look so happy together.

I've been on the couch watching Netflix for three hours when I hear the front door. Not much later, Valerie enters the living room. "Back already?" She nods and plops down on the couch next to me. "Where did you leave Sander?". She looks at me for a moment. Judging by her eyes, she must have had a drink tonight. " On the plane to I know where. Didn't I say that?" I shake my head. "Oh. He and a number of colleagues had to get on with it immediately after the Christmas party". she says as she falls against me. "Did you have a nice evening?". She shakes her head. " I hate these things. Sander is mainly having fun with his colleagues. I mainly stood quietly in a corner somewhere, to avoid my father and wait until it was time to go". I put an arm around her. "With a glass of wine in your hand". She looks at me with a small smile. " Does it stand out?". I shrug. "It's not too bad, but I could already see it in your eyes". She lays her head against me again. "Maybe it was more then one drink, but I'm far from drunk. If that's what you think." I kiss her on the head. "You didn't hear me say that." Valerie snuggles even closer to me. "How did it go here?". " Fine. I only came off the couch to pee. Your princess hasn't been awake." Suddenly Valerie stands up. "I have something for you". Before I can say anything she has already left the room.

Not much later she comes back to sit with me on the couch with a present in her hands. "Val, that shouldn't have happened". She looks at me with a sweet smile. "Of course it is. You deserve a Christmas present. I also want you to take it from me without comment." When she says that, I already know it's not something cheap. As soon as I unpacked the package, I got tears in my eyes. She just gave me one of the latest phones. Valerie looks at me with a sweet smile. "It is also a bit of a gift to myself. It gives me a little more peace of mind that you can now reach someone in case of an emergency. And if I'm bored at night I can bother you now". I shake my head. "Val this is way too expensive". Valerie grabs my face with both hands. "When it comes to you, nothing is too expensive. There is also an unlimited subscription, so you don't have to worry about that either." I close my eyes. "Val, I can't take this from you." I feel her lips against my forehead. "You can and you will take it from me. It gives me a lot less stress". I can't help but give her a big hug. " Thank you. I don't know what else to say". I say softly. " You're most welcome".

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