The Boy and Girl In The Iceberg

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Author's Note:
It's been quite a while since I published a new story but here it is! I really had a whale of time writing this book and I hope you will experience the same enjoyment I had while reading this book.

The books of Water, Earth and Fire will all be merged into this one book. If you have any suggestions on what could be improved in this story or questions, please don't hesitate to leave them in the comments section. I will try my best to answer as many of them as I can as I'll be uploading this book daily. Thanks for reading and enjoy!

Katara's POV:

"No that's it! I'm done helping you! From now on, you're on your own!" I yelled indignantly at my brother, not cognisant of the huge waves that I made which split the iceberg behind me in half. I grip onto the thin sheet of floe that supported us as a huge wave leapt towards us and knocked us back.

"Okay, you've gone from weird to freakish, Katara," Sokka commented.

"You mean I did that?" I asked in astonishment.

"Yep," Sokka flashes me a sarcastic smile. "Congratulations."

The water beneath suddenly began glowing luminously and bubbles rose to the surface frantically and an iceberg more gigantic than the one I may or may not have accidentally destroyed appeared. If that wasn't shocking enough, I saw two human figures lying inside the iceberg, a boy and a girl. 'Impossible.'

Both of us stared in shared shocked silence until the boy's eyes started glowing radiantly and a few seconds later, the girl's eyes followed suit.

My natural instincts took control of me and before I knew it, I snatch Sokka's club, running and skipping on the minute chinks of ice that sundered us from the iceberg, all of that while ignoring my brother's warnings.

"Look Sokka, we've got to help them and if you aren't going to help, I will." I strike Sokka's staff against the iceberg repeatedly until spiderweb-like cracks formed, spreading all over the iceberg and causing it to burst. The mere impact knocked us off our feet and dual beams of light hit the sky, setting it ablaze.

I hold onto my brother as I see the two figures emerge from the iceberg, their eyes still glowing.

"Stop!" Sokka shouted, holding his staff out in defence. Then the dual beams of light vanished, the eyes of the girl ceasing to glow before the boy's as he fell over in exhaustion. My instincts take over me again as I ran as fast I could, catching him just in time before his head collided against the stone-cold ice floor.

I spared a quick glance at the light-toned girl, who like the boy, looked on the verge of collapse, her sky-blue eyes half open as she slid down the iceberg tenuously. 'That's weird, her eyes are so similar to ours.'

"Who are you?" Sokka demanded. "And who is he? And what are you guys? Are you even human?"

"Sokka!" I chide. "Let her be, she must be feeling very tired and you asking her a bunch of questions like that isn't going to help her or us."

"Oh," the girl rubs her short wavy hickory-brown hair exhaustedly, looking around and observing her environment inquisitively. "Uh, my name is Suzume and ummm, I don't actually know who that is, much less how I ended up in whatever that thing was," she gestures at the iceberg.

 "Uh, my name is Suzume and ummm, I don't actually know who that is, much less how I ended up in whatever that thing was," she gestures at the iceberg

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