Operation Palaiologos Part 1

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In 1976, the construction of H05, the Minsk Hive, presented a major strategic threat to Soviet Byelorussia and all of Europe as a staging point for BETA advance. This development locked NATO command into two viable options, splitting the top brass into two distinct camps of thought; whether to launch an all-out nuclear attack on the burgeoning Minsk Hive before it could fully mature, or to conserve their battle strength for future defensive battles. The top brass in favor of nuclear attack presented the Athabasca Incident as a prime example of swift action against a BETA Hive, while those who preferred a defensive strategy opted to push forth with a offensive using conventional military forces, pointing to the ongoing situation in Asia where nuclear weapons proved to be an almost negligible counter against the BETA advance, while simultaneously depriving the human defenders of more living space.

In the end, in order to solidify their position, NATO advocates of the defensive strategy approached Soviet officials, who were vehemently opposed to the use of nuclear weapons in the regions surrounding Moscow. The Warsaw Pact, pressured by the Soviet Union regarding strategic defence matters, as well as the construction of the Minsk Hive, agreed to a joint operation with NATO forces for a conventional assault on the Minsk Hive.
(Yes a Copy Paste From Fandom. I am just lazy right now.)

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(For Better Understanding The Operation. I found a perfect YouTube channel for the story.)

July 12, 1978
Forward Operating Base
100km away from Minsk Hive

(Lieutenant general Pershing POV)

A Month After The Start of Operation. The Situation is starting to look good, and now near to our objective. The Soviets and European militaries start another two front attack. Thanks to artilleries and TSFs we slowly moving forward to the H05. But as we expected, disasters struck again.

A Battalion Size BETA Appear 15km near the Hive, and now trying to defend the hive. With such a large force appear out of nowhere. Some of the Vanguard Units fell to the Jaws of Tank class and squish to death by grapplers. We immediately command for another Artillery strike, but the Laser Class BETA just intercept it.

"Another Hurdle for us..." My Radio Operator said in sad tone. I understand him, multiple appearance of large BETA Hordes Prevent Us From Capturing The Hive. But that not what we are fear, but the messages we received three days ago.

The Picture Shows a large formation Of BETA readying for a counter offensive, to defend the Minsk Hive. If we didn't capture it in time. We will face by thousands of new enemies in the south, and left us with no other choice but to retreat. Thanks to this information. The High Command Issues new plans for the capturing. Such as Laser Jagd. Such a suicide missions but it's worth is tremendous if you can use your artilleries and bombers.

"General! You want to see this..." One of my aids rush to me with files in her hand.

"Unknown Forces spotted 100km south of the Hive." Her Aid Said in Rush as she trying to catch her breath from running.

"I see... From what nation?" He ask in professional tone, but he is curious by such a news.

"In the Pictures, there are large columns of tanks and artilleries.
The Resemblance of this forces from Soviets is clearly, but they insist that they didn't have such a large forces there." She said now with more calm voice.

"Even The Soviets didn't know this?" He ask

"Yes General, even the European Union didn't know such a force large as this is located in this area." She said as she didn't understand what is going on.

"Okay how big this unidentified Force?" He ask.

"Around 100 Thousand. But still trying to figure the right size of this unit

"Okay... Your saying that a forces so big and similar vehicles from Soviets are coming in the south, but even the Soviets didn't know about this?" He's confused as the situation unfolding. They are not dumb to place and use a large Force in the south nearby H04 Hive, it's a suicide to do it, and no strategic value what so ever.

"Yes General! That's why the High Command Issue an order about this unknown army and try to communicate to them." She Speak as professional as possible, but even her is curious as of what this Force is all about, and how such a big army didn't spotted more earlier.

"Okay... Thanks for the information, and make a break for now." He pat his shoulder and gesture the exit.

"Sir! Yes Sir!" She salute and exited immediately.

As she exited, he order his troops to stay high alert as the new forces will arrive to the south towards the Minsk Hive. With this new forces, he hope that they were Friendly and help them to capture the hive.

Thanks for Reading my Story. As For now, the life of Cheezy and others will be separated from the main storyline, but it's still needed, so you need to read it.

But first I will finish the Operation Palaiologos fist before the Extra.

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