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Are You Sure? You Can't Choose Other Mechs In The Options if you Press Yes?

I Press Yes.

Thanks For Choosing Model 0 L!You Have 2 Ammo Points!

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Thanks For Choosing Model 0 L!
You Have 2 Ammo Points!

I selected Model 0 L, Because of its
Versatility. It's has large amounts of weapons for different situations, and it's has overall good specs.

The Area I was standing, begin to glow. And a Giant Mech Appears, looks like they invest in graphics designs for purchase items rather than helping the players.

As I admiring the Giant Mech in front of me, another message appears.

Loading Missions..... Please wait....

- Ammo Points is the amount of points for replenishing all of your weapons if you exhausted all of them! That means if you have no ammo points you can't use the weapons that need ammo. But you can still use melee type weapons until it wear down.

- CQC Weapons has Wear Down Feature! If you over use your Weapons it will break! Or Reduce it's damage Potential if it's wear down enough. Be careful and check your load outs to prevent any problems in the missions!

....... Mission is now available!

Training Mode! Missions.

Task: Main Objective:
*Protect The Main Base. Don't let the aliens even manage to cross to the red line! Even one alien, makes you failed the Mission!
(Don't Worry You Have AI Defender Units to protect the Line.)

Secondary Objective:
*Rescue the Group of astronauts that stranded in the outpost 69!
(Extra Rewards For Finishing this Objective! No Penalties if not do it.)

"Okay that's easy a mission. Just protect the line, like a defense mode. And If I can, I will rescue the astronauts." But why no instructions to do this? I just dump a mission and just let me learn the mechanics?

And How I suppose to use to operate this mech! It's saying that I can't use it without Proper Suit! Maybe this is why they let it test to see if there's a problem. Another message appears.

Sorry For Inconvenience, The suits in the inventory! It's free. You just click it and select equip! And you can use the mech!

Wait? What! How the hell it knows my problem... No! Maybe it's just a procedure if you don't know how to find it.

I open the menu again and see the inventory, I click it and see the Gear Icon. I select the equip button. And lights surround me.

 And lights surround me

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(Mech Pilot Suit)

Oh looks like, I have gift 3 weapons too!

Oh looks like, I have gift 3 weapons too!

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(Main Firearm)

(Secondary Firearm)

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(Secondary Firearm)

(Emergency Firearm)

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(Emergency Firearm)

"Wait? Why the Pistol is only for emergency? Well I doesn't matter, looks like this weapons is good for Mechs, maybe I will fight other players to."

As I prepare to sit to my Beautiful Mech, a message appear again.

Now That You Are Ready! The mission will start for 30 seconds! There's a time limit. You have 5 minutes to arrive. And 2 hours for the main mission and finished the second objective. After that you can finish the mission and claim the rewards in the lobby!

"Okay Let's see my load out, to check it Properly..." I Press the Menu and Select Character Icon. As I press it information about me appear.

Name: Cheezy
Age: Unknown
Rank: Newbie Tester

*Health: 100/100
*Stamina: 200/200
*Mental Health: Normal
*Strength: 05/10
*Agility: 03/10
*Mental Strength: 07/10
*Level: 01/10

Abilities: Pilot, Gun Expert, Gaming Addict

- Gives a Good Buff for Stats and Helps to Make the game Better.

*Gamers Mind
- Skills makes the player more resistance to mental problems, and can't get fear and more calm than regular players. [RARE]

*Gamers Body
- All Players Have a Body That can't tear in to pieces, can't be burn, and can't get scars. Only gets damage in Health Bar and Respawn if die.
(Depends of how you die, you will get longer or shorter respawn time)

After Reading My Stats, I check My Load out. "Looks like I am Ready Now.
"Let's Go!"

Mission Start!

Thanks For Reading!
Next Chapter! First Engagement!

(Cancelled) Muv Luv Universe X GamersWhere stories live. Discover now