Chapter 13 - Conversation

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The meeting ended not much later after the call since we didn't find anything. Zeke decided to take me back home but now Mattia and Giuseppe decided to join.

We were in a black Jeep Renegade SUV, so there were plenty of room. The same driver that drove us to the warehouse is driving us back to my place. Zeke was sitting next to me on my right, and the other two were sitting behind us.

I sat with my knees toward the left door and leaned my head on the window. My hand laid on top of my injuries as I slightly scrunched my brows in pain with my eyes closed. The painkillers were not working, and stronger painkillers are available at the pharmacy that's 5 blocks away from my place. I turned my hand into a fist to distract my mind from the pain. It was working until someone decided to ruin that for me.

"So what happened seven years ago?" I heard Mattia ask me with a little aggression.

"I'll tell you later" I said in a lower voice. The harder I talked, I felt like it put more pressure on the wound for some reason.

"...then can you at least tell us why you came here all of a sudden?"

"Didn't I already tell you? I have a job and, from what I remember, so do you. And like I said, I'll tell you later" I said more annoyed.

"Watch your tone" Mattia replied.

"Shut the f*ck up" Zeke said to Mattia, noticing that I wasn't in the mood nor condition to talk.

I shifted in my seat in a more comfortable position because the pain was annoying me. I felt my heart beating in the wounds and I slightly rubbed the one on my stomach with my right hand to massage it.

I took a deep breathe in and out to gather my thoughts as I opened my eyes. I looked to my right and saw that Zeke was looking at me. He lifted his left hand and put it on my forehead.

"You're burning up" He said as he put his hand back.

"I know. How much longer till we get back?" I said looking at him. Zeke looked at his watch.

"20 minutes"

"*sigh* I don't think my patience can last 20 minutes"

"...Accelera" Zeke said to the driver and the driver started to drive faster.

As I was taking deep breaths, I grabbed my phone and looked through some files. I watch several videos over and over again, but to no avail I've found nothing. I was starting to get annoyed because these people appeared nonexistent but still seems to be everywhere.

Since Carlos was not here at the moment, I decided to call an old acquaintance from Belo Horizonte, Brazil.


"Oi Nova! Muito tempo sem ver (Long time no see)"

"Ola, Vitor. Sim, e bom falar com você (yeah, it's nice to talk to you)" I replied to Vitor. I felt stares on me from all directions, but I ignored them.

"Então, o que posso fazer por você? Eu sei que tu não me chamou para uma conversa (So, what can I do for you? I know you didn't call me just to chit-chat)" Vitor said in a more serious tone.

"...Você já ouviu falar da nova organização que tem aparecido no mundo inteiro?
(Have you heard of the new organization that has been making its appearance around the world?)"

"Sim, os símbolos (Yeah, the symbols)" He replied.

"Quero que tu me envie tudo que tem sobre eles até hoje à noite. Tudo o que tem acontecido no Brasil ou a América do Sul também
(I want you to send me everything you have on them by tonight. Everything that's been happening in Brazil or South-America too)"

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